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Academic Handbook AQF7: Academic Regulations

Qualitative Assessment Rubric

Level 4

Knowledge and Understanding

Generic Criteria Level 4
Knowledge And Understanding
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Exceptional breadth and depth for work at this level. Accurate and coherent in breadth, with depth in many areas. Accurate in breadth, with depth in several areas. Accurate, with depth in some aspects. Largely accurate across most areas, with limited depth. Inaccuracies / omissions in some areas, depth limited. Substantial inaccuracies, omissions, irrelevancies.
Excellent understanding of concepts / theories (some of them abstract) and / or current practice, and several of their applications and implications. Thorough understanding of concepts and theories (some of them abstract) and / or current practice, and some of their implications and applications. Clear understanding of concepts and theories (some of them abstract) and / or practice and some of their implications and applications. Satisfactory understanding of the relevant concepts, theories and / or practice; Shows some ability to deal with unfamiliar and abstract ideas. Adequate understanding of the main concepts, theories, and / or practice; Engagement with unfamiliar / abstract ideas or implications and applications is slight. Occasional errors in understanding of main concepts, theories and / or practice; Struggles to engage with unfamiliar / abstract ideas and complexities. Substantial errors in understanding of concepts, theories and / or practice, or none.

Subject Specific

Generic Criteria Level 4
Subject Specific
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Selects and applies appropriate methods to address / solve complex and often unfamiliar and unpredictable problems. Applies appropriate methods to address / solve complex issues / problems, some unfamiliar / unpredictable. Uses appropriate given methods to address complex issues / problems, some unfamiliar / unpredictable. Uses given methods to analyse issues / problems, some unfamiliar / unpredictable and complex. Analysis using given methods is adequate. Superficial analysis. Analysis absent or with significant errors / omissions.
Exceptional judgement in selection, analysis and evaluation of information and application of learning to different contexts. Exercises judgement in selection, analysis and evaluation of information and application of learning to a different context. Exercises judgement in selection and analysis of information, with some evaluation, and application of learning in a different context. Satisfactory selection and analysis of information, with little evaluation; Applies some aspect of learning in a different context. Limited ability to apply learning to complex, unfamiliar or unpredictable contexts or issues. Some failure to apply learning complex, unfamiliar or unpredictable issues / contexts. Fails to apply learning.
Excellent investigative skills generate well-founded and evidenced conclusions / practical solutions. Thorough investigation generates well-founded conclusions / practical solutions. Investigation generates well-founded conclusions / practical solutions. Investigation generates some conclusions / practical solutions. Tendency to description and reliance on familiar / given methods and approaches. Overly descriptive and reliant on familiar / given material or approaches. Descriptive and heavily reliant on very restricted range of given / familiar material and approaches, poorly understood.
Explores and evaluates information / ideas from a wide range of sources (may include primary sources). Explores and deploys information from a wide range of mostly secondary sources. Locates and organises a wide range of information / evidence. Locates and organises a satisfactory range of information / evidence, some of it beyond the given / familiar. Locates and organises an acceptable range of information / evidence mostly from given / familiar secondary sources. Range of information limited to the familiar / given with some errors in organisation. Range of information inadequate and disorganised.
Competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills. exceeds expectations for this level. Competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, exceeds expectations for this level in some aspects. Competently uses all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with indications of more developed ability in some areas. Competently uses all of the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with more developed capability in at least one area. Use of all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly, or work-related skills is adequate. Use of some of the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills is inadequate. Inadequate use of many / all of the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work related skills.

Transferable Skills

Generic Criteria Level 4
Transferable Skills
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Excellent presentation and organisation of work and lucid communication in all contexts. Excellent presentation and organisation of work and lucid communication in most contexts. Presentation and organisation of work appropriate to context and purpose, communication clear. Satisfactory organisation and presentation of work, communications mostly appropriate to the context / purpose. Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts; some mistakes / irrelevancies. Elements of disorganisation / poor presentation / poor or inappropriate communication or expression. Work is disorganised, poorly presented with poor inappropriate communication and expression.
Exemplary referencing / citation. Extensive, accurate referencing / citation. Referencing consistent and accurate. Referencing mostly consistent / accurate. Some errors in referencing. Errors / omissions in referencing, or none. Substantial errors in referencing, or none.
Work demonstrates independence and initiative beyond level expectations, setting objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates independence and some initiative in setting objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates independence in setting some objectives beyond those given and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates satisfactory independence in addressing objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates adequate independence in taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates insufficient independence in attempting to address given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work fails to address objectives and take responsibility for outcomes.
Evidences developed team-working and indications of leadership ability. Evidences developed team-working skills. Evidences a high level of team-working skills. Evidences team-working and basic leadership skills. Tendency to rely on support / direction from others. Over-reliance on support / direction from others. Fails to engage in / shows deficiencies in team working.
Critical reflection / self-evaluation exceptional for this level. Reflection and self-evaluation often critical and insightful. Reflection generates a number of critical insights. Satisfactory reflection with some insights. Limited reflection with few insights Minimal reflection lacks insight. Reflection inadequate / absent with no insight.

Level 5

Knowledge And Understanding

Generic Criteria Level 5
Knowledge And Understanding
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Exceptional breadth and depth. Accurate and coherent in breadth, with depth in most areas. Accurate in breadth, with depth in many areas. Accurate, with depth in several aspects. Largely accurate across most areas, with limited depth. Accuracy limited in breadth and depth; Some inaccuracies / omissions. Superficial / partial with substantial inaccuracies / omissions / irrelevancies.
Highly developed critical understanding of abstract concepts, theories and / or cutting-edge practice, their implications and applications. Developed understanding of abstract concepts, theories and / or current practice and several of their implications and applications. Thorough understanding of abstract concepts, theories and / or current practice and some of their implications and applications. Satisfactory understanding of the relevant concepts, theories and / or practice and their main implications and applications; Understanding of more abstract aspects sometimes less developed. Adequate understanding of the main concepts, theories and / or practice. Limited ability to deal with abstract or unfamiliar ideas and their implications and applications. Engagement with unfamiliar / abstract ideas or implications and applications is slight.

Understanding of main concepts, theories and / or practice not wholly accurate.

Substantial errors in understanding of concepts, theories and / or practice, or none; Fails to engage with / address complex / abstract / unfamiliar ideas or their implications.

Subject Specific

Generic Criteria Level 5
Subject Specific
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Applies and refines appropriate methods to address / solve complex, unfamiliar and unpredictable problems. Selects and applies appropriate methods to address / solve complex, unfamiliar and unpredictable issues / problems. Applies appropriate methods to address / solve complex issues / problems, some unfamiliar / unpredictable. Uses appropriate (largely given) methods to analyse unfamiliar / unpredictable and complex issues / problems, with some evaluation and reformatting of information. Uses appropriate given methods to analyse unfamiliar / unpredictable issues / problems, with limited evaluation. Superficial analysis of unfamiliar / unpredictable issues / problems, lacking in evaluation; Little attempt to apply prior learning to new contexts. Relies on description, no analysis or evaluation.
Exceptional critical judgment in analysis, evaluation and reformatting of information and application of prior learning in differing contexts. Critical judgement in analysis, evaluation and reformatting of information and application of prior learning in different contexts. Largely consistent and critical judgement in analysis, evaluation and reformatting of information and application of prior learning in different contexts. Applies some aspects of prior learning to different contexts. Limited application of prior learning to new contexts. Fails to apply learning to different contexts.
Excellent investigative skills, and research skills beyond expectations for this level. Systematic and thorough investigation generates well-founded conclusions / practical solutions showing some originality or creativity. Thorough investigation generates well-founded conclusions / practical solutions with some aspect of creativity or originality. Investigation generates satisfactory conclusions / practical solutions with limited creativity / originality. Tendency to description and reliance on familiar / given material or approaches. More descriptive than analytical and tends to rely on familiar / given material or approaches. Poor investigation with erroneous conclusions / practical solutions, or none, inadequately argued or evidenced.
Creative / original conclusions or practical solutions are convincingly justified / argued / evidenced. Explores and evaluates information from a wide range of sources, both primary and secondary (some may be at the forefront of knowledge / practice). Locates and explores a wide range of information / evidence with some use of primary sources. Locates and organises a satisfactory range of information / evidence, with limited use of primary sources. Basic investigation generates adequate, mainly derivative conclusions / practical solutions, adequately argued / evidenced. Basic investigation generates few or partial and often derivative conclusions / practical solutions, insufficiently argued / evidenced. Relies on an inadequate range of poor-quality information, inaccurately understood / organised.
Exemplary exploration and evaluation of information / ideas from an extensive range of sources, including primary sources (may be at the forefront of knowledge / practice). Competence, within broad parameters, in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, exceeds level expectations in some aspects and shows awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Competence, within broad parameters, in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with indications of more developed ability in some areas and an awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Achieves a basic level of competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with more developed capability in at least one area and an awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Locates and organises an acceptable range of information / evidence often from given / familiar secondary sources. Range of information / evidence limited, mostly from familiar / given secondary sources, sometimes poorly organised. Fails to achieve basic competence in the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills; no awareness of professional contexts / expectations.
Consistent competence, within broad parameters, in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with indications of exceptional ability in some and understanding of professional contexts and expectations. Achieves basic competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with little awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Marginally fails to achieve basic competence in (some of) the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with only slight awareness of professional contexts and expectations.

Transferable Skills

Generic Criteria Level 5
Transferable Skills
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Excellent presentation and organisation of work and lucid communication in all contexts. Excellent presentation and organisation of work and lucid communication in most contexts. Presentation and organisation of work appropriate to context and purpose, communication clear. Satisfactory organisation and presentation of work, communications mostly appropriate to the context / purpose. Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts, with some mistakes / irrelevancies. Elements of disorganisation / poor presentation / poor or inappropriate communication or expression. Work is disorganised, poorly presented with poor / inappropriate expression / communication.


Exemplary referencing / citation. Referencing / citation comprehensive. Referencing / citation consistent and accurate. Referencing / citation largely consistent / accurate. Some errors in referencing / citation. Errors / omissions in referencing / citation, or none. Substantial errors in referencing / citation, or none.
Work demonstrates autonomy and initiative in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes. Work demonstrates independence and some initiative in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes. Work demonstrates independence and occasional initiative in setting objectives beyond those given and taking accountability for outcomes. Work demonstrates satisfactory independence in addressing objectives (some beyond those given) and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates adequate independence in addressing given objectives and taking some responsibility for outcomes; Tendency to rely on support / direction from others. Work demonstrates insufficient independence in attempting to address given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes; Over-reliance on support / direction from others. Work lacks independence, does not address objectives and fails to take responsibility for outcomes.
Evidences sustained team-working and clear leadership skills. Evidences developed team-working and some leadership skills. Evidences a high level of team-working and some leadership skills. Evidences team-working and basic leadership skills. Limited team working skills. Underdeveloped team working skills. Fails to engage in / shows deficiencies in team-working.
Critical reflection and self-evaluation sustained and exceptionally insightful. Reflection and self-evaluation frequently critical and insightful. Sustained reflection and self-evaluation generates a number of critical insights. Satisfactory self-evaluation and reflection with some critical insights. Self-evaluation and reflection limited with few insights. Very limited self-evaluation / reflection lacks insight. Self-evaluation and reflection inadequate / absent with no insight.

Level 6

Knowledge And Understanding

Generic Criteria Level 6
Knowledge And Understanding
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Exceptional depth in breadth; Contributes new knowledge to the subject / field of practice. Accurate and coherent in breadth and depth and generates an element of new knowledge in some aspect(s) of the subject / field. Accurate and coherent in breadth, with depth in most areas.


Accurate, with depth in many aspects. Largely accurate across most areas, with limited depth. Accuracy limited in breadth and depth; Some inaccuracies / omissions. Superficial / partial, with significant inaccuracies / omissions / irrelevancies.


Advanced critical understanding of abstract concepts, theories and / or cutting-edge practice, their implications and applications, exceeds expectations for undergraduate work. Excellent understanding of abstract concepts, theories and / or cutting-edge practice; their implications and applications. Thorough understanding of abstract concepts, theories and / or cutting-edge practice and several of their implications and applications Satisfactory understanding of the relevant concepts, theories and / or practice and their main implications and applications; Understanding of more abstract aspects sometimes less developed. Adequate understanding of the main concepts, theories and / or practice; Limited ability to deal with abstract or unfamiliar ideas and their implications and applications. Largely but not wholly accurate understanding of the main concepts, theories and / or practice;

Engagement with abstract / unfamiliar ideas or implications and applications is slight.

Conceptual and theoretical understanding inadequate with significant errors; Fails to deal with complex / abstract / unfamiliar ideas or their implications / applications.

Subject Specific

Generic Criteria Level 6
Subject Specific
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Designs methods that convincingly address / solve complex, unfamiliar and unpredictable issues / problems. Applies and refines appropriate methods to address / solve complex, unfamiliar and unpredictable issues / problems. Selects and applies appropriate methods to address / solve complex, unfamiliar / unpredictable issues / problems. Uses appropriate (often given) methods to analyse complex / unfamiliar and / or unpredictable issues / problems, with some evaluation and synthesis of information. Uses appropriate methods to analyse complex issues / problems, with little evidence of evaluation or synthesis. Superficial analysis of complex issues / problems, lacking in evaluation or synthesis. Relies on description rather than analysis with no evidence of evaluation or synthesis.


Exceptional critical judgement in analysis, evaluation, synthesis and application

/ transformation of prior knowledge to differing contexts.

Sustained critical judgement in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information and application / transformation of prior learning in different contexts. Largely consistent and critical judgement in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information and application / transfer of prior learning in different contexts. Applies some aspects of prior learning to new contexts. Limited transfer / application of prior learning to new contexts; Tendency to description and reliance on familiar / given material or approaches. Little attempt to transfer and apply prior learning to new contexts; More descriptive than analytical and tends to rely on familiar / given material or approaches. Fails to transfer / apply prior learning to new contexts.
Systematic and extensive research which exceeds expectations for undergraduate work. Systematic and extensive research. Effective and wide-ranging research. Satisfactory research. Limited range of research. Limited research.


Lack of research.
Exemplary creative / original / compelling conclusions or practical solutions; convincingly justified / argued / evidenced; exploration and critique of information / ideas from a comprehensive range of sources (primary and secondary), many at the forefront of knowledge / practice. Insightful conclusions / practical solutions closely argued / evidenced showing originality and creativity in several aspects. Conclusions / practical solutions logically argued / evidenced, with some aspect of insight, creativity or originality. Mostly relevant argument / evidence supports logical conclusions / practical solutions showing some critical insight and limited creativity or originality. Few conclusions / practical solutions sparsely argued / evidenced, mainly derivative and with little critical insight. Sparse conclusions / practical solutions insufficiently argued / evidenced and mostly derivative, with marginally insufficient critical insight or creativity or originality. Conclusions / practical solutions absent / superficial / flawed, insufficiently argued / evidenced and lacks critical insight or creativity or originality.
Consistent high-level competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with mastery in many areas and developed understanding of professional contexts and expectations. Explores and critiques information from a wide range of sources (primary and secondary), some at the forefront of knowledge / practice. Explores and deploys information, including some aspects of new knowledge, from a wide range of secondary and several primary sources. Locates and explores a satisfactory range of information / evidence, with some use of primary sources. Locates and organises an acceptable range of information / evidence often from given / familiar secondary sources. Range of information / evidence limited, mostly from familiar / given secondary sources, occasionally poorly organised. Relies on restricted range of poor quality / given information / evidence, inaccurately understood / organised.


Consistent competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with indications of mastery in some areas and clear understanding of professional contexts and expectations. Competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with indications of more developed ability in some areas and awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Achieves a basic level of competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, with more developed capability in at least one area, and some awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Basic competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, and partial awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Marginally fails to achieve basic competence in (some of) the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, and little awareness of professional contexts and expectations. Fails to achieve basic competence in the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, and lacks awareness of professional contexts and expectations.

Transferable Skills

Generic Criteria Level 6
Transferable Skills
100/95/85/82/78 75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42 38/35/32 20/10/0
Excellent presentation and organisation of work and fluent communication in all contexts. Excellent presentation and organisation of work and fluent communication in most contexts. Presentation and organisation of work appropriate to context and purpose, communication clear. Satisfactory organisation and presentation of work, communications mostly appropriate to the context / purpose. Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts, with some mistakes / irrelevancies. Elements of disorganisation / poor presentation / poor communication or expression.


Communications too brief or rambling, inappropriate to context or purpose, with many errors / omissions, inadequately expressed / presented
Exemplary referencing / citation. Referencing / citation comprehensive. Referencing / citation consistent and accurate. Referencing / citation largely consistent / accurate. Some errors in referencing / citation. Errors / omissions in referencing / citation, or none. Substantial errors / omissions in referencing / citation, or none.
Work demonstrates considerable initiative and autonomy in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes. Work demonstrates initiative and autonomy in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes.


Work demonstrates some initiative and autonomy in setting objectives beyond those given and taking accountability for outcomes. Work demonstrates satisfactory independence in addressing objectives (some beyond those given) and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates adequate independence in addressing mainly given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates insufficient independence in attempting to address given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work lacks independence, does not address objectives and fails to take responsibility for outcomes.
Evidences advanced team-working and leadership skills. Evidences excellent team-working and leadership skills. Evidences a high level of team-working and leadership skills. Evidences team-working and some leadership skills. Limited evidence of team-working / leadership skills. Underdeveloped team-working / leadership skills. Ineffective / deficient team-working with no evidence of leadership skills.
Critical reflection and self-evaluation sustained and exceptionally insightful. Reflection and self-evaluation consistently critical and insightful. Sustained reflection and self-evaluation generates a number of critical insights. Satisfactory self-evaluation and reflection with some critical insights. Some evidence of self-evaluation and reflection but with few critical insights. Limited self-evaluation and reflection lacks critical insight. Self-evaluation and reflection minimal or absent, with no critical insights.

Level 7

Knowledge And Understanding

Generic Criteria Level 7
Knowledge And Understanding
100/95/85/82/78/75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42/38/35/32/20/10/0
Exceptional analysis of key issues / concepts / ethics with very clear originality and autonomy. Outstanding levels of accuracy, technical competence, organisation, and expression. Shows a reasonable understanding of the major factual and / or theoretical issues involved. Little development of factual or theoretical issues to demonstrate no knowledge or understanding related to the question set to failure to answer the question or develop a relevant argument.
Demonstrates independence of thought and a very high level of intellectual rigour and consistency. Very high levels of creativity, originality and independence of thought. Shows evidence of planning and selection from appropriate sources. Evidence of misunderstanding to scripts contain clear factual errors or misunderstandings.
Exceptional development of argument and the ability to make informed judgements to develop a sophisticated and intelligent argument.


Shows strong evidence of critical insight and critical thinking. Demonstrates some knowledge of the literature. Some evidence of planning is demonstrated, but irrelevant material or arguments are included to demonstrate short answers and incoherent arguments.
Shows clear evidence of wide and relevant reading and an engagement with the conceptual issues. Shows a detailed understanding of the major factual and / or theoretical issues and directly engages with the relevant literature on the topic. Shows, in places, examples of a clear train of thought or argument. Demonstrates no knowledge of the key issues in the relevant literature.
Shows a rigorous use and a sophisticated understanding of relevant source materials, balancing appropriately between factual detail and key theoretical issues and are evaluated directly, and their assumptions and arguments challenged and / or appraised. Develops a focused and clear argument and articulates clearly and convincingly a sustained train of logical thought. Introduced and concluded appropriately. Demonstrates little to no evidence of critical thought or analysis.
Shows original thinking and a willingness to take risks. Shows clear evidence of planning and appropriate choice of sources and methodology, and ability of synthesis under exam pressure.


Subject Specific

Generic Criteria Level 7
Subject Specific
100/95/85/82/78/75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42/38/35/32/20/10/0
Very significant ability to plan, organise and execute independently a research project or coursework assignment to significant ability to plan, organise and execute independently a research project or coursework assignment. Ability to plan, organise and execute independently a research project or coursework assignment. Ability to plan, organise and execute a research project or coursework assignment. Limited ability to plan, organise and execute a research project or coursework assignment to a very limited ability to plan, organise and execute a research project or coursework assignment to no demonstrable ability to plan, organise and execute a research project or coursework assignment.
Very significant ability to evaluate literature and theory critically and make informed judgements and very significant ability to analyse data critically. Strong evidence of critical insight and thinking. A reasonable understanding of the major factual and / or theoretical issues involved. Some awareness and understanding of the literature and of factual or theoretical issues, but with little development to clear conceptual or factual errors or misunderstandings to Little or no knowledge or understanding related to the assessment.
Very high levels of creativity, originality and independence of thought to significant ability to plan, organise and execute independently a research project or coursework assignment. A detailed understanding of the major factual and / or theoretical issues and directly engages with the relevant literature on the topic. Evidence of some knowledge of the literature with correct referencing. Limited ability to analyse data to fragmentary evidence of critical thought or data analysis to no evidence of critical thought or data analysis.
Very significant ability to critically evaluate existing methodologies and suggest new approaches to current research or professional practice. Clear evidence of planning and appropriate choice of sources and methodology with correct referencing. Shows examples of a clear train of thought or argument. Incomplete referencing to not engaging with the relevant literature or demonstrate a knowledge of the key issues to Little or no knowledge of the relevant literature to major errors in referencing.
Outstanding levels of accuracy, technical competence, organisation, expression with capacity to develop a sophisticated and intelligent argument. Ability to analyse data critically. Ability to analyse data. Limited ability to present a clear and coherent argument to a failure to develop a coherent argument that relates to the research project or assignment to Incoherent argument.
Clear evidence of wide and relevant reading, referencing and an engagement with the conceptual issues. Capacity to develop a focused and clear argument and articulate clearly and convincingly a sustained train of logical thought. Introduced and concluded appropriately.
Rigorous use and a sophisticated understanding of relevant source materials, balancing appropriately between factual detail and key theoretical issues. Materials are evaluated directly, and their assumptions and arguments challenged and / or appraised
Original thinking and a willingness to take risks.

Transferable Skills

Generic Criteria Level 7
Transferable Skills
100/95/85/82/78/75/72 68/65/62 58/55/52 48/45/42/38/35/32/20/10/0
Exceptional presentation and organisation of work and fluent communication in all contexts.


This work is of publishable quality, with only very minor amendments, and would be likely to receive that judgement if submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.


Work is of such a quality that the student is clearly highly capable of doctoral research in the discipline and, in principle, should be prioritised for a postgraduate research grant.


Presentation and organisation of work appropriate to context and purpose, communication clear to very high-level of communication skills in a range of complex contexts, and ability to write at publishable standard.


Demonstrates very effective communication in a range of complex and specialised contexts.

Satisfactory organisation and presentation of work, communications mostly appropriate to the context / purpose.


Demonstrates capabilities to support effective communication in a range of complex and specialised contexts.

Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts, with some mistakes / irrelevancies to elements of disorganisation / poor presentation / poor communication or expression to communications being too brief or rambling, inappropriate to context or purpose, with many errors / omissions, inadequately expressed / presented.
Exemplary referencing / citation to referencing / citation comprehensive.


Referencing / citation consistent and accurate. Referencing / citation largely consistent / accurate. Some errors in referencing / citation to errors / omissions in referencing / citation, or substantial errors / omissions in referencing / citation, or none.
Work demonstrates considerable initiative and autonomy in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes to work demonstrating initiative and autonomy in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes.


Work demonstrates some initiative and autonomy in setting objectives beyond those given and taking accountability for outcomes to

demonstrating the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.

Work demonstrates satisfactory independence in addressing objectives (some beyond those given) and taking responsibility for outcomes. Work demonstrates adequate independence in addressing mainly given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes to demonstration of insufficient independence in attempting to address given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes to lacking independence, does not address objectives and fails to take responsibility for outcomes.
Evidences advanced team-working and leadership skills to evidence of excellent team-working and leadership skills.


Evidences a high level of team-working and leadership skills. Evidences team-working and some leadership skills. Significant weaknesses evident in key areas such as communication, problem-solving and project management.

Inability to adapt and to work flexibly, independently and / or as part of a team.

Critical reflection and self-evaluation sustained and exceptionally insightful to Reflection and self-evaluation consistently critical and insightful.


Demonstrates a confidence with self-direction and originality in tackling and solving demanding problems.

Sustained reflection and self-evaluation generates a number of critical insights. Satisfactory self-evaluation and reflection with some critical insights.
Confidently acts autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.

Demonstrates the skills and attitudes needed to advance own knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills.





Shows a very high level to high level of employability skills, including team working / leadership, project management, IT / computer literacy, creativity and flexibility.

Demonstrates autonomy and notable originality in tackling and solving demanding problems and demonstrates the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.

Shows a consistently good level of employability skills, including team working, project management, IT / computer literacy, creativity and flexibility

Demonstrates ability to advance own knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills.

Demonstrates the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development

Demonstrates generally effective employability skills, including communication and problem-solving, but with some problematic areas of weakness to limited ability to adapt to inability to work flexibly, independently and / or as part of a team, but with areas of weakness.

Version History

Title: Qualitative Assessment Rubric

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/ Academic Quality Framework/ AQF7

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner Proposed Next Review Date
23.2.0 September 2023 October 2023 Head of Quality Assurance July 2025
Formerly the Generic Grade Criteria
23.1.0 July 2023 July 2023 Head of Quality Assurance July 2025
Referenced documents AQF7 Academic Regulations; Recognition for Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy; AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications; AQF12 Assessment Boards; Variance to Academic Regulations Form.
External Reference Point(s) Quality and Standards Condition B4: Assessment and awards; Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Annex D: Outcome classifications for FHEQ Level 6 and FHEQIS Level 10 degrees; Higher Education Credit Framework for England: Advice on Academic Credit Arrangements.