Academic Handbook Student Welfare Policies and Procedures
Change in Circumstances Policy and Guidance
- It is understood that students can experience a change in their personal circumstances that can make it difficult or impossible for them to continue on their programme of study as planned. Northeastern University London (the University) has policies in place to enable students to change their programme of study, take a break in study / break in learning (apprentices), or withdraw from the University.
- There may also be circumstances where a Progression and Award Board, Academic Misconduct Panel, Student Discipline Panel, Attendance Panel or Support to Study Panel considers that it is not appropriate or not in the student’s best interest to continue on their programme. The procedure for these actions is set out in the relevant AQF Chapter or University policy and is separate from this policy. In these circumstances, this form and process are not utilised.
- This document aims to clarify the three main types of changes in circumstances and offers guidance for students who may wish to transfer to another programme, change their mode of attendance, take a break in study/ break in learning, or withdraw from their programme.
Resources and Contact Information
- Student Support and Development
- Academic Advising
- Apprenticeships Team
- Visa Compliance Team
- Forms Library
- Change in Circumstances: Transfer of Programme Form
- Change in Circumstances: Transfer of Mode of Attendance Form
- Change in Circumstances: Break in Studies/ Break in Learning Form
- Change in Circumstances: Withdrawal Form
Transfer of Programme / Transfer of Mode of Attendance
- Students may request to transfer their programme of study at the University. Requests to transfer programme include postgraduate taught students who would wish to change their mode of attendance (excluding apprentices) (full-time to part-time or part-time to full-time). The University does not offer a part-time mode of attendance to undergraduate students. Students wishing to transfer programme or change mode of attendance must submit a fully completed Change in Circumstances: Transfer of Programme Form or a Change in Circumstances: Transfer of Mode of Attendance Form to their Academic Advisor (or to their Success Managers for Apprentices).
- International students on a Student Visa must comply with the requirements of their visa and any relevant regulations and guidance published by UK Visas & Immigration. Such students must obtain advice on whether a proposed transfer would be permitted by speaking to the University’s Visa Compliance Team.
- Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught degree students must begin the change in circumstances process by contacting their Academic Advisor. The Advisor will advise on the feasibility of the suggested change, and will direct students to contact faculty and the Visa, Student Support, and Finance teams as appropriate. Academic Advising will oversee the completion of the form before it is sent to Registry. Apprenticeship learners must contact their Success Manager in the first instance who will guide and support them through how to change Apprenticeship programmes.
- Students wishing to transfer programme within the current academic year, or postgraduate taught students wishing to change their mode of attendance must normally submit their respective change in circumstances form to Academic Advising by the Friday of the second week of the semester in which they start their programme of study. Requests to change after this deadline will only be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Academic Registrar. Apprentice learners who need to change their Apprenticeship Programme due to a change of job role, employer or career will have their applications assessed by the Academic Registrar, Success Manager and Employer who will determine if and when the requested change can be enabled. Students wishing to change programme for the next academic year should do so after completing their current year and before the start of the next year of their programme. Students transferring programme must undertake all courses as set out in the specification for the new programme or demonstrate all course learning through recognition of prior learning (see Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy).
- Students will not normally be permitted to transfer programme if, by doing so, they would be required to undertake an unusual pattern of study, such as taking a large number of courses within a semester or having a semester in which they did not take any courses.
- A transfer of programme can only be approved where the student meets the entry requirements for the new programme.
- Following receipt of a change in circumstances application signed by the relevant parties, Registry will confirm with the Advising, Admissions, Timetabling, Finance and Visa Compliance teams or the apprenticeship team that the change can be made within the University’s regulations and policies… Registry will o confirm the change of programme to the student in writing once it has been fully approved and actioned.
Break in Study (Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research) / Break in Learning (Apprentices)
- A break in study/learning permits a student who is experiencing serious short-term issues to halt their studies.
- In most cases for undergraduate taught and postgraduate taught students, the break will be for the remainder of an academic year, with the planned point of re-entry being the start of the following academic year.
- Apprentices may take a break in learning and rejoin at an agreed future point, in line with the requirements of their apprenticeship, which may not be longer than one year.
- Postgraduate research students may take a break in study and rejoin at an agreed future point, in agreement with their supervisor and the Director of Postgraduate Research as set out in AQF17 and the Terms and Conditions for Postgraduate Research Students.
- Students may apply for a break in study/learning by completing the Change in Circumstances: Break in Study/Break in Learning Form and submitting it to their Academic Advisor (or to the Success Managers for apprentices).
- Breaks in study/learning are counted as part of a students’ registration period as set out in AQF7 Part B. A break will not be approved where the break would result in the student being unable to complete their programme within the maximum registration period.
- Registry/ will confirm in writing the approval of the break in study. Apprenticeship Admin will confirm a break in learning. Students will be advised of the expected return date and a date by which the student must confirm to the University their intention to return.
- Students wishing to extend their break in study/learning beyond one calendar year must submit a new application no later than three months before the end of their first break in study/learning to request a further extension. Students will not be permitted a break of more than two consecutive years. Students requiring a break of more than two consecutive years will normally be required to withdraw from their programme and reapply for admission when they are able to return. Apprenticeship learners may have particular requirements within their apprenticeship and should seek advice from their Success Manager as soon as possible should they wish to extend their Break in Learning.
- Students who take a break in study/learning due to health, medical or mental health reasons will usually be required to provide the University with evidence that they are fit to return to study prior to their restarting. Students returning from a break due to health, medical or mental health reasons will be contacted by Student Support & Development prior to their return in order to discuss the requirement for proof of fitness to study and to make arrangements for any reasonable support or adjustments they may need. Students unable to evidence fitness to study may not be permitted to return to study and may be required to apply to extend their break in study/learning if they have sufficient period of enrolment, or to withdraw from the University.
- In line with the Terms and Conditions and Cancellation, Withdrawal, Refund and Compensation Policy, a break in study/learning may have a fee liability. Students should arrange a meeting with a Student Support Coordinator to discuss this.
- Students on a Student Visa must arrange a meeting with the Visa Compliance Team to discuss the visa implications of a break in study/learning.
- Students may withdraw from the University at any point should they wish to end their studies. Students seeking to withdraw from the University should make this request in writing, normally by sending the withdrawal form to their Academic Advisor (or to the Success Managers for apprentices who can provide advice and guidance). Registry will confirm the withdrawal in writing, providing the date on which the withdrawal was recorded.
- Students will be withdrawn from the University from the date of the receipt of the withdrawal request. It is not possible to back date withdrawals. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to submit their request as soon as it is practical for them to do so.
- At the point of withdrawal, no further academic credit can be awarded to the student for any courses in progress. Students will retain any credits awarded by previous Progression & Award Boards (PAB). Withdrawn students/learners may be considered for an exit award, and they are able to obtain an academic record by requesting a transcript from Registry.
- Once a withdrawal request has been made and confirmed by Registry, a student may only rejoin the University through a fresh application for admission.
- Students considering withdrawal are strongly advised to meet with their Programme Director prior to making any final decision. Student Support & Development, an Academic Advisor, or Success Manager (for Apprentices) will provide information, advice and guidance on the financial and other potential consequences of withdrawing.
- Students on a Student Visa must arrange a meeting with the Visa Compliance Team to discuss the visa implications of withdrawal.
Guidance and Implications to Consider
- For fees paid to Northeastern University London (the University), please consult the Terms and Conditions and Cancellation, Withdrawal, Refund and Compensation Policy under which you accepted an offer of a place to study at the University. A Student Support Coordinator can offer guidance and will be able to discuss the options with you. Please note that you may still be liable for fees to the University if you decide to take a break or withdraw from your studies.
- For students requesting a transfer to another programme at the University, please be aware that programme fees and award amounts may differ between programmes. For further information regarding fees and award amounts, consult the Admissions Team.
- If you are in receipt of financial support from Student Finance England (SFE), the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), or Student Finance Wales (SFW), a withdrawal from studies has a number of consequences for your entitlement to support.
- Should you withdraw and then return to Higher Education in the future, you will be treated as a new student and will be assessed for the student support package available in the year of re-entry into education; this will include the relevant new entrant fee.
- Furthermore, you will be assessed as already having utilised some of your student support entitlement, which could affect the level of support you receive in the future.
- You will not be eligible for student loans during a break in study and you may, in some circumstances, be required to repay funds. Changing your mode of attendance will also impact on your loan eligibility. Student Support Coordinators will be able to provide you with advice on how a break in study or withdrawal may impact your student finance.
- The University will inform the Students Loans Company when a withdrawal, transfer or break in study has been processed, but you can also contact SFE, SAAS or SFW to inform them of your change in circumstances.
- To speak with SFE directly, contact them on 0300 100 0607. To speak with the SAAS directly, contact them on 0300 555 0505. To speak with SFW directly, contact them on 0300 200 4050 (undergraduates) or 0300 100 0494 (postgraduates).
- For more information please click here for SLC or here for SAAS.
- Students who withdraw or take a break in study in receipt of University bursaries should refer to the Bursary Policy regarding changes to payment and/or requirements for repayment.
Student Visa Students
- The University is required to report to the United Kingdom Visa & Immigration (UKVI) if a Student Visa student interrupts or withdraws from their studies. The UKVI will curtail the visa to 60 days and students will be required to return home. To ensure the break in study/learning or withdrawal complies with the University and the UKVI regulations students are strongly advised to make an appointment with a member of the Visa Compliance Team before submitting a Change in Circumstances form.
- Student Visa students who started their programme before September 2020 are not eligible to transfer to another programme from within the UK. They will need to leave the UK and make a new visa application from their home country for the new programme. Please contact the Visa Compliance Team for further details.
- Student Visa students who started their programme from September 2020 and onwards may be able to transfer to another programme within the UK. They can only change their programme after receiving permission from the University to start their new programme if all of the following apply:
- Your new programme is at degree level or above.
- Your new programme is not at a lower level than the current programme.
- You will be able to complete your new programme within your current period of leave.
- Registry confirms either of the following:
- Your new programme is related to the previous programme for which you were granted leave as a Student Visa student, meaning that it is either connected to your previous programme, part of the same subject group, or involves deeper specialisation, OR
- Your previous programme and your new programme in combination support your genuine career aspirations.
- Please note that if you change your programme, you must complete your new programme within your existing period of the visa.
- If you live in student accommodation or private rented accommodation, please refer to the accommodation provider’s tenancy agreement and adhere to their procedures, as you may need to notify the provider immediately that you are withdrawing from the University or taking a break from your studies. You may need to move out of the accommodation, and you may be liable for the remaining rent due on your tenancy agreement. You may also need to supply the accommodation provider with a copy of the email from Registry confirming your change in circumstances.
- For the purposes of Council Tax, you must inform the local authority that you are no longer studying if you take a break in study/learning or withdraw.
- If you withdraw, your access to the University email account and IT platforms will be removed once we have processed your withdrawal. You should arrange to save any emails and documents that may be needed elsewhere before this happens.
- Your email account will remain active during a break in study/learning or transfer of programme.
Student Oyster Card
- Students with a discounted Oyster card who take a break in study/learning or withdraw from the University will no longer have access to the discounted rates. Transport for London (TFL) will be informed that you are no longer studying, and the card will be made invalid by TFL.
Version History
Title: Change in Circumstances Policy and Guidance
Approved by: Academic Board Location: Academic Handbook/ Policies and Procedures/ General/ Student Welfare |
Version Number | Date Approved | Date Published | Owner | Proposed Next Review Date |
24.7.0 | July 2024 | August 2024 | Academic Registrar | March 2025 |
23.6.0 | September 2023 | September 2023 | Academic Registrar | March 2025 |
Version numbering system revised March 2023 | ||||
5.1 | January 2023 | January 2023 | Head of Registry | March 2024 |
5.0 | July 2022 | July 2022 | Head of Registry | March 2024 |
4.0 | September 2020 | September 2020 | Registrar | January 2022 |
3.0 | January 2020 | January 2020 | LASO | January 2021 |
2.1 | April 2019 | April 2019 | LASO | January 2021 |
2.0 | January 2019 | January 2019 | SWC | January 2021 |
Referenced documents | Change in Circumstances: Break in Study / Break in Learning Form; Change in Circumstances: Transfer of Mode of Attendance Form; Change in Circumstances: Transfer of Programme Form; Change in Circumstances: Withdrawal Form. | |||
External Reference Point(s) | UK Quality Code Theme: Enabling Student Achievement |