Academic Handbook AQF11: External Examining and End Point Assessment
Academic Quality Framework Chapter 11
AQF11: External Examining and End-Point Assessment
- The procedures regarding external examining (EE) and degree apprenticeship End-Point Assessment (EPA) at Northeastern University London (the University) have been developed in line with the UK Quality Code External Expertise expectations, practice and guiding principles. The Higher Education Academy “A Handbook for External Examining” and QAA External Examining Principles was also used as an external reference point.
- External Examiners play a fundamental role in assuring the University’s academic standards, by providing an external perspective on student performance and on the conduct of the assessment process at the University.
- External Examining provides one of the principal means for maintaining nationally comparable standards within autonomous higher education institutions.
- EPA ensures that the apprentices demonstrate they have attained the knowledge, skills, and behaviours set out in the apprenticeship standards’ ‘Assessment Plan’, published by the Institute for Apprenticeship & Technical Education.
Principles of External Examining and EPA
- The principles of External Examining of the University’s awards include that:
- No taught degree shall be awarded without the participation in the examining process of at least one Award External Examiner, who shall be a full member of the Progression and Award Board;
- All External Examiners are responsible to the Dean of Northeastern University London;
- The correspondent between the University and an External Examiner on contractual matters will be the University’s Quality Team;
- The number of External Examiners shall be appropriate to cover the full range of Disciplines and programmes delivered at the University;
- The Award External Examiner should have sufficient quality assurance experience to attend the Progression and Award Board to endorse the outcome of the Board.
- The principles of the University’s Degree Apprenticeship EPA include that:
- No Degree Apprenticeship EPA shall be conducted without the participation in the examining process of at least one EPA Independent Assessor;
- All EPA Independent Assessors should have sufficient knowledge and experience specified in the apprenticeship standards’ ‘Assessment Plan’ published by the Institute for Apprenticeship & Technical Education;
- All EPA Independent Assessors are responsible to the Dean of Northeastern University London (the Dean);
- The correspondent between the University and an EPA Independent Assessor on contractual matters will be the University’s Quality Team;
- The number of EPA Independent Assessors shall be appropriate to cover the full range of Degree Apprenticeship standards delivered at the University.
Responsibilities and Types of External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors
- The role of External Examiners is to ensure that the University’s academic standards are maintained and meet sector expectations and requirements. They do this by providing impartial and independent advice, as well as informative comment about the University’s assessment processes, identifying areas of concern as well as highlighting areas of good practice.
- The role of the EPA Independent Assessor is to ensure that the assessment criteria set out in the apprenticeship standards’ ‘Assessment Plan’ published by the Institute for Apprenticeship & Technical Education are met.
Discipline External Examiner Responsibilities
- Discipline External Examiners are responsible for confirming academic standards for level 5, 6, and 7 courses. Discipline External Examiners are responsible for confirming academic standards for level 4 courses that are in their first year of delivery or have been flagged by the University.
- Discipline External Examiners are responsible for confirming academic standards at course level on the basis of a sample of student work, and should be confident that:
- The marking carried out by internal assessors/examiners is accurate, consistent, and fair to students;
- Assessment is conducted in accordance with the regulations of the University and any requirements of professional and statutory bodies;
- Assessment will enable students to demonstrate the achievement of the course learning outcomes;
- Assessments are set at an appropriate level;
- Board decisions are reached in accordance with University policy.
- The role of Discipline External Examiners at the University includes the following:
- Reviewing the form and content of proposed course assessment tasks;
- Judging students impartially on the basis of the work submitted for assessment without being influenced by previous association with the course, staff, or any of the students;
- Considering a sample of graded scripts from each course assessment, in order to confirm that the scripts have been graded in accordance with the criteria stated, to the proper standard, fairly and accurately;
- In the rarer cases, where the External Examiner feels that there is a substantial problem with the marking of the course, for example notably harsh or lenient marking, more immediate action can be requested. In consultation with the relevant internal marking team, the External Examiner can recommend the scaling up or down of marks. This usually applies to the entire cohort, though there may be a different component if the External Examiner feels, for instance, that the marking is unduly harsh at the lower end of the scale. The External Examiner and the internal team then put the recommendation to the Progression and Award Board for discussion and approval;
- Calibrating the performance of students with that of their peers on comparable programmes of higher education elsewhere;
- Attending the Progression and Award Board meetings;
- Providing advice and feedback on the form and content of all proposed assessments for their allocated courses before they are given to students, to help inform the University’s practice as it occurs and to ensure that assessment methods are appropriate and effective;
- Completing a Discipline External Examiner Annual Report to evaluate whether the University’s academic standards are comparable with those of other UK HE providers.
- In addition, the University will consult its Discipline External Examiners on:
- Changes to programmes and/or courses through appropriate programme and course modification processes;
- Programme or course development.
Award External Examiner Responsibilities
- Award External Examiners are responsible for confirming the standards of the University’s awards on the basis of attending Progression and Award Boards and should be confident that:
- Board decisions are reached in accordance with the University regulations and policies;
- Students are considered equitably and objectively.
Selection and Appointment of External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors
- External Examiner and EPA Independent Assessor appointments are approved by Academic Board.
- Academic Board is responsible for ensuring that:
- Criteria for the identification, nomination and appointment of candidates are understood and accessible to all staff initiating appointments;
- Nominations are assessed effectively and rigorously;
- Any potential intellectual properties difficulties, such as might arise from the need for commercial confidentiality, are resolved prior to appointment.
Criteria for Discipline External Examiner Appointment
- Discipline External Examiners must have relevant academic and/or professional qualifications and expertise appropriate to the courses being assessed, as evidenced by their:
- Having appropriate standing, credibility, expertise, and experience within the subject, to assess and advise the University regarding the maintenance and security of the high academic standards in the context of higher education as a whole;
- Having knowledge and understanding of UK sector-agreed reference points for the maintenance of academic standards and assurance and enhancement of quality;
- Being able to judge students impartially without being influenced by previous association with the course or award, the staff or any of the students;
- Being competent and having experience relating to the enhancement of the student learning experience and of, relevant higher education quality processes including assessment policies and assessment boards;
- Current or recent research or other scholarly activity in the field of study;
- Awareness of current developments in the design and delivery of relevant curricula.
Discipline External Examiner Appointment
- Discipline External Examiners must be appointed to:
- Any course at FHEQ level 4 and above that contributes towards the classification of an award;
- All courses at FHEQ level 4 for awards made at that level or where required by a Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB).
- It is the Quality Team’s responsibility to ensure that, where required, each course has in place an External Examiner before the course is taught. Exceptionally a course may have more than one External Examiner.
Criteria for Award External Examiner Appointment
- Award External Examiners are appointed with responsibility for all awards.
- It is the Academic Registrar’s responsibility to ensure that sufficient Award External Examiners have been appointed to guarantee appropriate representation at all University Progression and Award Boards.
- Award External Examiners must have academic or professional qualifications and expertise to effectively undertake the responsibility of the role, as evidenced by:
- The present post or place of work (or recent if retired from employment). The position held must be a senior role such as Academic Registrar, Dean of School/Faculty, Dean or Head of Quality, and other suitably senior posts which include a substantial level of higher education quality assurance management;
- Experience of quality assurance in higher education, specifically the application of assessment regulations and understanding of assessment board processes.
Criteria for EPA Independent Assessor Appointment
- EPA Independent Assessors must have relevant academic and/or professional qualifications and expertise appropriate to the degree apprenticeship standards being assessed, meeting the independent assessor requirements set in the assessment plan of the apprenticeship standard published by the Institute for Apprenticeship & Technical Education, as evidenced by their:
- Having appropriate standing, credibility, expertise and experience within the subject to assess and advise the University regarding the maintenance and security of the high academic standards in the context of higher education as a whole;
- Having knowledge and understanding of UK sector-agreed reference points for the maintenance of academic standards and assurance and enhancement of quality;
- Being able to judge students impartially without being influenced by previous association with the course or award, the staff or any of the students;
- Being competent and having experience relating to the enhancement of the student learning experience and relevant higher education quality processes, including assessment policies and assessment boards;
- Current or recent research or other scholarly activity in the field of study;
- Awareness of current developments in the design and delivery of relevant curricula;
- Having competence and experience in the fields covered by apprenticeships;
- Having familiarity with the EPA performance expected of apprentices to achieve the award being assessed.
EPA Independent Assessor Appointment
- EPA Independent Assessors must be appointed to:
- Any Degree Apprenticeship standard for which the University is approved as an EPA Organisation (EPAO).
Criteria for External Examiner and EPA Independent Assessor Appointment – Conflicts of Interest
- Both Discipline and Award External Examiners shall not normally be associated with the University for more than four academic years consecutively. In exceptional circumstances an appointment may be extended by up to 12 months to ensure continuity.
- External Examiners should not normally hold more than the equivalent of one appointment elsewhere.
- An External Examiner should not:
- Be personally associated with the sponsorship of students;
- Be required to assess colleagues recruited as students to the programme;
- Be in a position to significantly influence the future employment of students on the programme;
- Be likely to be involved with student placements or training in the Examiner’s organisation;
- Be a near relative of a student or member of staff at the University;
- Have been a member of staff, a governor or student of the University or of a collaborative partner in the last five years;
- Have been an External Examiner for the University in the last five years;
- Act concurrently as a member of any panel set up to review established or new programmes;
- Normally be from the same institution as another Discipline External Examiner or End-Point Assessor already appointed to that subject area, or that has been the source of Discipline External Examiners for that subject area in the previous five years.
- In order to ensure that EPA Independent Assessors are impartial in judgement and do not personally benefit from any student outcomes, nor have any connection to any student being assessed (UK Quality Code for HE, Advice and Guidance: External Expertise), the proposed Independent Assessor should have no direct interest or ties to the Degree Apprenticeship course or students. Therefore, EPA Independent Assessors should not:
- Be in a close professional, contractual or personal relationship with an apprentice or employer on the Degree Apprenticeship in question;
- Have a close personal relationship with a member of staff or employer involved with the Degree Apprenticeship in question;
- Be required to assess colleagues who are recruited as apprentices to the Degree Apprenticeship in question;
- Be anyone who is, or knows they will be, in a position to significantly influence the future of apprentices on the Degree Apprenticeship in question;
- Be involved in any way in teaching and/or assessing the apprentices on the Degree Apprenticeship they are assessing;
- Be anyone involved in a reciprocal arrangement involving cognate courses at another Higher Education provider;
- Normally be from the same institution as another Discipline External Examiner already appointed to that subject area or that has been the source of Discipline External Examiners for that subject area in the previous five years.
Process for External Examiner and EPA Independent Assessor Appointment
- For the appointment of Discipline External Examiners, the Associate Director for Teaching and Learning with responsibility for the subject requiring a new Discipline External Examiner will complete the ‘Discipline External Examiner Nomination Form’ in collaboration with their Faculty. The completed nomination form will be submitted to the Academic Registrar and be added to the Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee (TLEC) agenda.
- For the appointment of Discipline External Examiners for Degree Apprenticeship programmes, the Associate Director of Teaching and Learning with responsibility for the subject will complete the ‘Discipline External Examiner Nomination Form.’ The completed nomination form will be submitted to the Academic Registrar and be added to the Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee (TLEC) and Work Related Learning Management Board (WRLMB) agendas.
- For the appointment of an EPA Independent Assessor for Degree Apprenticeship standards, the Associate Director of Teaching and Learning will complete the ‘EPA Independent Assessor Nomination Form’ in collaboration with their Faculty. The completed nomination form will be submitted to the Academic Registrar, and be added to the Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee (TLEC) and Work Related Learning Management Board (WRLMB) agendas. TLEC/WRLMB will make recommendations to Academic Board. Academic Board has the final decision on the appointment of all EPAs.
- For the appointment of Award External Examiners, the Academic Registrar will complete the ‘Award External Examiner Nomination Form’, in collaboration with the Head of Quality Assurance (HQA), and add the nomination to the TLEC/WRLMB agenda. TLEC/WRLMB will make recommendations to Academic Board. Academic Board has the final decision on the appointment of all External Examiners.
- External Examiner and EPA Independent Assessor nominations will be reviewed at TLEC or WRLMB to ensure that the nominations meet the criteria as defined in Selection and Appointment of External Examiners. TLEC/WRLMB will make recommendations to Academic Board. Academic Board has the final decision on the appointment of all External Examiners.
- Once a nomination has been approved by Academic Board, the External Examiner is sent a letter of appointment which includes:
- The terms of the appointment and its start and end dates. External Examiner appointments will normally commence on or around 1 June and end 31 August of the academic year four years later
- An indicative list of the courses assigned to the Discipline External Examiner
- Details of the fees and expenses
- Once a nomination has been approved by Academic Board, the EPA Independent Assessor is sent a letter of appointment, which includes:
- The terms of the appointment and its start and end dates, if applicable
- A list of the Degree Apprenticeship EPAs assigned to the EPA Independent Assessor
- Details of the fees and expenses, if applicable
- In addition to the letter, the newly appointed External Examiner will receive a copy of this Academic Quality Framework chapter, which outlines the role and responsibilities expected.
- External Examiners must sign and return an agreement to the terms of the appointment and to the duties and responsibilities of the role as set out in this chapter of the University’s Academic Quality Framework.
Term of Office / Tenure of External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors
- External Examiners are normally appointed for a maximum of four consecutive years. However, in exceptional circumstances an appointment may be extended by up to 12 months.
- In the unlikely event that a Discipline External Examiner is not available to carry out their role, the University will, in the first instance, seek assistance from another Discipline External Examiner with subject expertise, who is affiliated with the University, to cover the courses.
- A written request, from the Faculty Director, for a contract extension of an existing External Examiner must be approved by Academic Board.
- There is no specific tenure restriction for EPA Independent Assessor appointments.
- External Examiners are engaged as independent contractors; the agreement signed by an External Examiner does not constitute a contract of employment.
- In line with the UK Visa and Immigration guidelines, all External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors are required to provide evidence of their right to work in the UK.
- External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors should keep the University informed of any changes to their details or circumstances.
- External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors must not undertake any other work for the University that will affect their ability to be independent and impartial. Where an External Examiner or an EPA Independent Assessor is offered additional work by the University, they must consult with the Academic Registrar to establish whether there are any conflicts of interest.
Termination of Contract
- The External Examiner or the University can terminate the appointment early by giving at least three months’ written notice, indicating reasons. The University will consider early termination for:
- Failing to meet the requirements of independence and impartiality as stipulated by the University (Criteria for External Examiner Appointment – Conflicts of Interest);
- Failing to provide, and maintain, valid documentation for the right to work at the University for the full duration of the appointment;
- A period of absence that results in External Examining duties and responsibilities not being fulfilled;
- Not engaging in the moderation and assessment board processes as directed by the University;
- Not attending an assessment board without due notice, at which attendance was expected;
- Not attending two consecutive assessment boards, at which they were expected, regardless of whether due notice was provided;
- Not submitting a report within six weeks after it was expected, without the University’s agreement.
- The EPA Independent Assessor or the University can terminate the appointment early by giving at least three months’ written notice, indicating reasons. The University will consider early termination for:
- Failing to meet the requirements of independence and impartiality as stipulated by the University (section titled ‘Criteria for EPA Independent Assessor Appointment’ in this AQF chapter);
- Failing to provide, and maintain, valid documentation for the right to work at the University for the full duration of the appointment;
- A period of absence that results in EPA duties and responsibilities not being fulfilled.
Briefing and Training of External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors
- Following an External Examiner’s appointment, in addition to the documents and information provided, they will be invited to the University’s annual briefing event. This is to ensure that External Examiners:
- Understand the duties and responsibilities of their role;
- Are fully informed about external examining, assessment, and award processes, and associated administrative procedures at the University;
- Have knowledge and understanding of the University’s assessment regulations;
- Meet key staff within the University to enable effective working relationships;
- Have general information about the University, including recent activities and new developments.
- External Examiners who do not have any previous External Examining experience will be contacted by the Academic Registrar to agree any additional support and be allocated a mentor from the team of External Examiners.
- The University also organises an External Examiners’ Induction session which newly appointed and existing External Examiners are invited to attend.
- The aim of the Induction Session is to provide all External Examiners with:
- An opportunity to visit the University and meet newly appointed External Examiners, relevant University staff and students
- An opportunity to meet Associate Directors of Teaching and Learning to discuss specific programmes and courses
- General information about the University, including recent activities and new developments
- Further information about the roles, responsibilities, and value of External Examiners at the University
- Information regarding assessment boards at the University, including the two-tier examination board process for all taught courses, how assessment boards operate at the University, and forthcoming dates of assessment boards
- An overview and location of relevant University policies and procedures
- An opportunity to ask any questions and request additional information as appropriate
- Following an EPA Independent Assessor’s appointment, in addition to the documents and information provided, they will be invited to the EPA Independent Assessor briefing event. This is to ensure that EPA Independent Assessors:
- Understand the duties and responsibilities of their role;
- Are fully informed about EPA assessment and grading processes, and associated administrative procedures at the University;
- Have knowledge and understanding of the University’s assessment regulations;
- Meet key staff within the University to enable effective working relationships;
- Have general information about the University, including recent activities and new developments.
Resolving Disagreements Regarding Marks Awarded
- Where the external moderation of assessment raises substantial queries concerning the standards or consistency of marking, the Discipline External Examiner has the right to recommend to the assessment board a change to element marks and, where appropriate, course marks.
- The Discipline External Examiner cannot recommend that any individual mark be changed in isolation, unless the work of every student for that assessment has been reviewed, to ensure that no student is unfairly advantaged/disadvantaged.
- All assessment submissions, examination scripts and written assignments go through the following procedure:
- All assessment submissions are marked by the internal marker;
- 10% of or five (whichever is the greater) submissions are internally moderated;
- The moderated sample is sent to the Discipline External Examiner for external moderation, along with evidence of the internal marking and internal moderation processes;
- The Discipline External Examiner will receive either electronically or in hard copy by request:
- Sample coursework or examination scripts
- Internal Moderation Record
- Marks sheet
- Coursework Assessment Brief or Examination Paper
- Course Descriptor
- Categorical marking scheme
- Discipline External Examiner Sample Feedback Form
Discipline External Examiner Reporting Process
Discipline External Examiner Annual Reports
- Annual monitoring and reporting forms a key part of the University’s cycle of assuring and enhancing the academic standards and quality of its programmes and courses. The main purpose of the Discipline External Examiner’s Annual Report is to enable the University to consider and determine whether the University’s programmes are meeting their stated objectives and to ensure that any necessary improvements are made, either immediately or at the next review of the programme, as appropriate.
- Discipline External Examiners are required to submit a Discipline External Examiner Report to the University annually. In addition, a Discipline External Examiner will be required, at the end of their appointment, to provide a summative report of the period of their appointment.
- The following is a guide that may be useful to consider when completing a report:
- Whether the academic standards set for the University’s awards are appropriate and have been met;
- The extent to which assessment processes are rigorous, ensure equity of treatment for students and have been fairly conducted within the University’s regulations and guidance;
- The standards of student performance for each course assigned to a Discipline External Examiner;
- The comparability of the standards and student achievements with those in other higher education institutions;
- Good practice that should be noted and disseminated more widely, as appropriate.
Responding to Discipline External Examiner Reports
- The Associate Director for Teaching and Learning, in collaboration with Course Leaders and faculty, will respond to the Discipline External Examiner in writing.
- The University will normally aim to respond to a Discipline External Examiner Report within six weeks of submission.
- The response to Discipline External Examiner Annual Reports will record actions planned to be taken in response to the recommendations as well as recording areas of good practice that have been identified. It is the responsibility of the Associate Director for Teaching and Learning to ensure that each action is monitored and completed, and to disseminate the areas of good practice for wider consideration and adoption as appropriate.
- The completed responses to Discipline External Examiner Annual Reports are submitted to the Head of Quality Assurance to ensure that points raised by the Discipline External Examiner have been responded to and any outcomes monitored. Key points raised by the Discipline External Examiner will be raised at Academic Board by the Associate Director for Teaching and Learning.
Monitoring Action Plans Generated in Response to Discipline External Examiner Reports
- Action plans generated from the Discipline External Examiner Report make up part of the Annual Faculty Review Action Plan for each Faculty. The Associate Director for Teaching and Learning is responsible for the writing of the Annual Faculty Review and Action Plan. The Associate Director for Teaching and Learning is responsible for ensuring that the Action Plan is completed within the time frame agreed at Academic Board when the Annual Faculty Review is approved.
- A mid-point review of the Action Plan is held at TLEC, where each action plan is discussed and updated. This is then reported to the following Academic Board.
Publication of Discipline External Examiner Reports and Responses
- Annual Reports are made available to students and staff through publication on the University’s virtual learning environment.
Award External Examiners Reports
- Award External Examiners are integral to the quality assurance procedure at the University, and annual monitoring plays a central part of that process. The Award External Examiner is required to complete an annual report.
- The AEE Annual report is made up of four sections:
- Support
- Progression and Award Board
- Good practice and enhancement
- Final Exit Report
- The annual report is submitted to the Academic Registrar, who is responsible for reviewing, disseminating across the University, responding (in collaboration with relevant colleagues) and monitoring any actions that have been noted. The report is tabled at Academic Board.
Procedure for Dealing With Complaints by External Examiners and EPA Independent Assessors
- If an External Examiner has cause to complain about any matter relating to the contract or payment, or the conduct of the University’s employees, the complaint should be addressed to the Academic Dean of Northeastern University London (Dean) in a letter separate from the Discipline External Examiner Report.
- If an EPA Independent Assessor has cause to complain about any matter relating to the contract or payment, or the conduct of the University’s employees, the complaint should be addressed to the Dean.
- As a general principle, an attempt should be made to resolve the complaint through dialogue before entering a formal phase, following the University’s Grievance Procedure. For a copy of the University’s Grievance Procedure, please contact the Quality Team.
- The Head of Quality Assurance will normally investigate any formal complaint raised by an External Examiner or an EPA Independent Assessor and report the outcome of the investigation to the Dean.
- If the complaint is about the Head of Quality Assurance, it will be investigated by the Academic Registrar and reported to the Dean.
- All complaints made by an External Examiner or an EPA Independent Assessor must be recorded at Academic Board.
External Examining and EPA Responsibilities
Responsibilities of the External Examiner
- The responsibilities of the Discipline External Examiner are listed in Discipline External Examiner Responsibilities.
- The responsibilities of the Award External Examiner are listed in the Award External Examiner Responsibilities.
Responsibilities of the EPA Independent Assessor
- The responsibilities of the EPA Independent Assessor are listed in EPA Independent Assessor Responsibilities.
Responsibilities of the Associate Director of Teaching and Learning
- The Associate Director of Teaching and Learning is responsible for:
- Sending assessment briefs and examination papers prior to the assessment to the Discipline External Examiner for review;
- Completing an Annual Monitoring Report using input from the annual Discipline External Examiners Annual Report;
- Responding to the Discipline External Examiner’s Annual Report and informing them of any actions that have been agreed by the Faculty;
- Providing the EPA Independent Assessor with up-to-date information about the relevant Degree Apprenticeship EPA.
Responsibilities of the Quality Team
- The Quality Team is the primary contact for External Examiners and is responsible for:
- Maintaining the record of all External Examiner and EPA Independent Assessor appointments;
- Liaising with the HR Team to ensure that the External Examiners’ and EPA Independent Assessor contracts of appointment are produced, signed, and returned;
- Sending out the induction pack;
- Sending a new Discipline External Examiner a copy of the report of the retiring External Examiner;
- Providing the External Examiner with up-to-date information about the course and associated academic regulations, together with a schedule of assessments and of the main dates when examiners are expected to consider students’ work, draft assessment tasks and copies of all examination papers together with details of assessment criteria.
Responsibilities of Registry
- Registry is responsible for:
- Sending samples of students’ work, marked and annotated by internal examiners, and the internal moderation form, together with full results sheets which demonstrate how the sample of scripts relates to the population from which they have been selected;
- Providing the assessment boards’ statistical material on the performance of the students under consideration in consultation with Course Leaders;
- Providing the Discipline External Examiner with the internal examiners agreed marks for each student on every course, and the Award External Examiner with the profile of results for each student under consideration.
Responsibilities of the Head of Quality Assurance
- Investigating any formal complaint raised by an External Examiner or End-Point Assessment (EPA) Independent Assessor and reporting the outcome of the investigation to the Dean.
Responsibilities of the Academic Registrar
- The Academic Registrar is responsible for supporting the Award External Examiner in their role at the University.
- The Academic Registrar is responsible for receiving the Award External Examiner Annual report, reviewing the contents and disseminating to relevant staff for noting or developing actions. The Academic Registrar is responsible for responding to the Award External Examiner’s annual report, monitoring actions and keeping the Award External Examiner informed of any developments made in light of their report.
Responsibilities of the Dean
- The Dean is responsible for managing complaints made by the External Examiners and End-Point Assessor.
Version History
Title: AQF11 External Examining
Approved by: Academic Board Location: Academic Handbook/ Academic Quality Framework |
Version Number | Date Approved | Date Published | Owner | Proposed Review Date |
24.7.0 | August 2024 | October 2024 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2026 |
23.6.0 | July 2023 | August 2023 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2024 |
23.5.1 | May 2023 | May 2023 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2024 |
23.5.0 | May 2023 | May 2023 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2024 |
Version numbering system revised March 2023 | ||||
4.0 | November 2022 | December 2022 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2023 |
3.5 | July 2022 | August 2022 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2023 |
3.4 | June 2021 | June 2021 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2021 |
3.3 | November 2020 | November 2020 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2021 |
3.2 | November 2020 | November 2020 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2021 |
3.1 | November 2020 | November 2020 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2021 |
3.0 | October 2020 | October 2020 | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2021 |
2.0 | May 2019 | – | Head of Quality Assurance | August 2021 |
Referenced documents | Discipline External Examiner Report Form | |||
External Reference Point(s) | Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education; UK Quality Code Theme: External Expertise: Higher Education Academy “A Handbook for External Examining”; Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. |
Annex A: Discipline External Examiner Approval of Appointment Checklist
In order to ensure that proposed Discipline External Examiners fulfil the stated appointment criteria, the following checklist may be used by individuals and committees involved in their nomination and appointment.
Person Specification
Appointment Criteria | Criteria Met | How |
Sufficient knowledge and understanding of UK-sector agreed reference points for the maintenance of academic standards and assurance and enhancement of quality, including their range and scope of experience and understanding of quality and standards in other higher education providers. | Y/N | |
Sufficient competence and experience in the subject covered by the programme of study, including their experience of teaching and examining students following programmes which lead to the level of award for which they are being considered as External Examiner. | Y/N | |
Relevant academic qualifications to at least the level of the qualification being externally examined. | Y/N | |
Sufficient competence and experience relating to designing and operating a variety of assessment tasks appropriate to the subject and operating assessment procedures. | Y/N | |
Sufficient standing, credibility and breadth of experience within the discipline to be able to command the respect of academic peers and where appropriate, professional peers, i.e., their recognition within the relevant discipline and/or profession as appropriate. | Y/N | |
Sufficient familiarity with the standard to be expected of students to achieve the learning outcomes that are to be assessed. | Y/N | |
Sufficiently fluent in English to assess the students’ work. | ||
Sufficient awareness of current developments in the design and delivery of relevant curricula. | Y/N | |
Sufficient competence and experience relating to the enhancement of the student learning experience. | Y/N | |
Current or recent research or other scholarly activity in the field of study is relevant to the courses for which they are being considered as External Examiner. | Y/N | |
Awareness of current developments in the design and delivery of relevant curricula. | Y/N |
Conflict of Interests
Appointment Criteria | Criteria Met | How |
Has the proposed External Examiner been, within the last five years, a member of staff, a director, or an External Examiner at the University? | Y/N | |
Has the proposed External Examiner been, within the last five years, closely associated with any member of the Faculty? | Y/N | |
Does the proposed External Examiner have a close professional, contractual or personal relationship with a member of staff or a student involved with the programme of study? | Y/N | |
Has the proposed External Examiner been significantly involved in recent or current collaborative research activities with a member of faculty closely involved in the delivery, management or assessment of the programmes or courses in question? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from the same department or higher education provider as an existing External Examiner? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from the same department or higher education provider as the retiring External Examiner? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from a department of a higher education provider where a member of the University is serving as an External Examiner? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from the same place of employment as an existing External Examiner who is already on the relevant assessment board? | Y/N | |
Does the proposed External Examiner hold two other external examiner appointments for taught programmes or courses (not including Northeastern University London appointment)? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner personally associated with the sponsorship of students on the programme? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner in a position to significantly influence the future employment of students on the programme? | Y/N |
Annex B: Award External Examiner Approval of Appointment Checklist
In order to ensure that proposed Awarding External Examiners fulfil the stated appointment criteria, the following checklist may be used by individuals and committees involved in their nomination and appointment.
Person Specification
Appointment Criteria | Criteria Met | How |
Sufficient knowledge and understanding of UK-sector agreed reference points for the maintenance of academic standards and assurance and enhancement of quality, including their range and scope of experience and understanding of quality and standards of other higher education providers. | Y/N | |
Their present post (or recent post if retired) was at a senior level, which includes (included) a substantial level of higher education quality assurance management. | Y/N | |
Sufficient experience of quality assurance in higher education, specifically the application of assessment regulations and understanding of assessment board procedures. | Y/N |
Conflict of Interests
Appointment Criteria | Criteria Met | How |
Has the proposed External Examiner been within the five years a member of staff, a director, or an External Examiner at the University? | Y/N | |
Has the proposed External Examiner been within the last five years closely associated with any member of the Faculty? | Y/N | |
Does the proposed External Examiner have a close professional, contractual or personal relationship with a member of staff or student involved with the programme of study? | Y/N | |
Has the proposed External Examiner been significantly involved in recent or current collaborative research activities with a member of faculty closely involved in the delivery, management or assessment of the programmes or courses in question? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from the same department or higher education provider as an existing External Examiner? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from the same department or higher education provider as the retiring External Examiner? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from a department in a higher education provider where a member of the University is serving as an External Examiner? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner from the same place of employment as an existing External Examiner who is already on the relevant assessment board? | Y/N | |
Does the proposed External Examiner hold two other external examiner appointment for taught programmes or courses? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner personally associated with the sponsorship of students on the programme? | Y/N | |
Is the proposed External Examiner in a position to significantly influence the future employment of students on the programme? | Y/N |
Annex C: External Examiner Annual Reporting Process Checklist
The following checking may be used to ensure that the Discipline External Examiner annual reporting process is undertaken by the appropriate staff and within the timeline outlined in this chapter of the AQF.
Item | Responsibility | Deadline | ||
Undergraduate | Degree Apprenticeships | Postgraduates | ||
Organisation of the Discipline External Examiner Induction Day | Quality Team | January | January | January |
Circulation of Discipline External Examiner Report Forms to External Examiners with submission deadlines | Quality Team | November | November | November |
Submission of Discipline External Examiner Reports to by the submission deadline | Discipline External Examiners | August | November | November |
RAG rating of the Discipline External Examiner Reports.
Circulation of the completed Discipline External Examiner Report to the Associate Director for Teaching and Learning with the Discipline External Examiner Response Form with submission deadlines |
Quality Team | August | November | November |
Completion of Discipline External Examiner Response Forms | Associate Director of Teaching and Learning (in collaboration with Course Leaders and faculty) | October | 4 weeks post SEE submission | January |
Noting of Discipline External Examiners Reports Forms and confirmation from that Quality Team that key points have been addressed. | Academic Board | November | The following AcB from point of submission | February |
Posting of Discipline External Examiner Responses to Discipline External Examiners | Quality Team | November | The following AcB from point of submission | February |