Academic Handbook AQF17: Research Programmes of Study

Academic Quality Framework Chapter 17, Part D

AQF17: Research Programmes of Study, Part D: Information to Students


  1. ­­­­­­­­­­The Doctoral School (‘DS’) should ensure that students receive or have ready access to detailed information about all aspects of their courses including at least the following:
    1. Information about the DS, including staff and their roles
    2. Programme specification
    3. Details of the provision made for research training
    4. Timetable information (where relevant)
    5. Attendance and private study requirements and expectations
    6. Examination requirements including deadlines (where relevant)
    7. Criteria for assessment
    8. Arrangements for personal academic support
    9. Arrangements for monitoring progress
    10. Arrangements by which student feedback is obtained and considered
    11. Academic Support services
    12. Student Support and Development
    13. Academic misconduct, including plagiarism and duplication of work
    14. Procedures for mitigation of extenuating circumstances and arrangements for submission of medical and other such evidence
    15. Complaints and appeals procedures
    16. The name, position and institution of their External Examiner(s), to include a clear statement that under no circumstances should students contact External Examiners directly

Liaison with Student Representatives

  1. The DS is responsible for ensuring appropriate and timely liaison and communication with student representatives and with the Student Union.

Version History

Title: AQF17: Research Programmes of Study, Part D: Information for Students

Approved by: PhD Programme Management Board

Location: Academic Handbook/ Academic Quality Framework

Version Number Date Approved Date Published Owner Proposed Review Date
23.1.0 April 2024 July 2024 Head of Quality Assurance April 2025
Referenced documents
External Reference Point(s)