Academic Handbook AQF4: Programme and Course Approval and Modification
Guidance for Student Panel Members Involved in University Approval and Periodic Programme Review Events
Last modified on August 22nd, 2024 at 4:36 pm
These guidance notes are intended to provide information for students who have been invited to act as a Student Panel Member for University Approval Events (UAE) (as detailed in AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modification) or Periodic Programme Review Events (PPR) (as detailed in AQF6 Periodic Review) at Northeastern University London (the University).
Student Panel Members are invited to take part in UAE/PPR events because the University is keen to capture student perspectives around teaching and learning. The opinion of students is highly valued, and the University is committed to ensuring that students are able to take an active role in developing and improving the learning opportunities available.
UAEs occur every time that faculty propose new programmes of study. Existing programmes normally undergo review once every five years as this enables greater reflection than single annual monitoring activity.
The purpose of the UAE/PPR is to ensure that:
- All stakeholders of the University and the public are assured of the quality and standards of the University’s taught provision.
- The University secures the highest academic standards and education experience for its students.
- Programmes are strategically and academically appropriate, and are developed in line with the University’s Mission, Strategic Plan and Academic Regulations.
- The University approves programmes that meet the appropriate quality and academic standards as defined by the University, the UK Quality Code, Degree Apprenticeship Standards, and expectations of relevant Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs).
- Learning and other resources are adequate and available to support programme delivery and students.
- The programme learning environment is fit for purpose.
- Programmes are coherent and provide students with a developmental educational experience.
- Quality and standards of teaching and assessment of programmes are in line with national practice and will be continuously enhanced.
Criteria for Student Panel Members
Student Panel Members must have current or recent experience as a student of the Faculty under approval/review (within the previous two academic years).
What Happens at a University Approval Event?
In the months leading up to a UAE, the Programme Proposer will undertake preparatory work and will prepare documentation that describes the proposed programme. This documentation will include information on the content of the programme, how it is delivered and how it is assessed.
A Panel is formed by the University to consider the programme undergoing approval. There are typically six to eight members on the Panel, including Northeastern University London faculty, professional staff and students, and external academic representatives.
At least one month before the UAE, Panel members are sent a pack which contains details on the event arrangements and the programme documentation. This gives Panel members a chance to find out more about the programme before the event and to identify any things that they would like to discuss on the day.
The Panel meet at the University for the UAE (see Annex A for the Indicative Agenda for UAE). During the UAE, Student Panel Members get a chance to discuss the programme undergoing approval with the Programme Proposer.
At the end of the UAE, the Panel reaches a decision about whether or not the proposed programme should be approved. The Panel may recommend:
- Approval with no conditions.
- Approval with conditions to be met.
- Suspension of the process with conditions or recommendations.
- Non-approval, with feedback given.
The Panel also has the opportunity to comment on positive aspects of the course and/or identify areas where there is room for improvement.
What Happens at a Periodic Programme Review Event?
In the months leading up to a PPR Event, the Programme Leader will undertake preparatory work and will prepare documentation that describes the existing programme. This documentation will include information on the content of the programme, how it is delivered and how it is assessed. In addition, the Programme Lead will produce Annual Programme Reports and a Self-Evaluation Document (SED). The SED offers a critical reflection on how well the course is operated and provides evidence that sufficient and effective attention is being given to the enhancement of quality and the maintenance of standards.
A Panel is formed by the University to consider the programme undergoing review. There are typically six to eight members on the Panel, including Northeastern University London faculty, professional staff and students, and external academic representatives.
At least one month before the PPR, Panel members are sent a pack which contains details on the event arrangements and the programme documentation. This gives Panel members a chance to find out more about the programme before the event and to identify any things that they would like to discuss on the day.
The Panel meet at the University for the PPR (see Annex B for the Indicative Agenda for PPR). During the PPR, student panel members get a chance to discuss the programme undergoing review with the Programme Lead.
At the end of PPR, the Panel will reach a unanimous judgement on the academic standards and the quality of provision relating to the programme undergoing review. They will also have the opportunity to comment on positive aspects of the programme and/or identify areas where there is room for improvement.
What is my role on the Panel?
As a member of the Panel, you will be expected to critically examine the programme documentation before the event and identify any things that you would like to discuss on the day.
During the event, there will be an initial private meeting of the Panel where you can discuss your views on the programme and collectively agree a series of questions to ask the faculty later in the day.
The Panel will be expected to undertake constructive discussions with faculty in order to make a collective judgement on the quality and academic standard of the programme, and its value and relevance in terms of professional and/or employer needs.
As a Student Panel Member, you are a full and equal member of the Panel and your views will be valued by other members of the Panel. You will contribute honestly and constructively to all elements of the UAE/PPR , but you will focus in particular on the student experience.
As a student panel member, you will gain the valuable experience of being an integral part of the programme approval/review process and ensure that students’ views are accounted for in the process of approving new and evaluating existing programmes at the University.
Practical Arrangements
As a Panel Member, reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed.
If Panel Members would prefer to be sent hard copies of documentation, the University is happy to provide this.
Further Advice
If you would like further information or advice on your role as a student panel member, please get in touch with the Head of Quality Assurance.
Appendix A
Indicative Agenda for University Approval Events
Time | Agenda Item and Areas of Discussion | Individuals Involved |
10.00 | Private meeting of the Panel to discuss the format for the day and lines of enquiry. | Panel |
10.30 | Meeting with senior staff to discuss how the programme fits with institutional and faculty strategic aims, staffing, resourcing and staff development. | Panel, Head of Faculty, and Senior Management Staff (e.g. Financial Controller and HR Manager) |
11.30 | Private meeting of Panel to consider comments made by senior staff in the light of the next meeting. | Panel |
12.00 | Meeting with the Faculty to discuss the structure, curriculum, delivery, assessment, pedagogic and operational issues of the proposed programme, and especially the relationship to the QAA Benchmarks and the University’s Academic Regulations.
This meeting should include all the staff who will deliver the programme together with Student and Academic Services representatives. |
Programme Proposer Head of Faculty Course Leaders and other faculty
13.30 | Lunch: private meeting of the Panel, or meeting with students on cognate programmes. | Panel
Students |
14.30 | Tour of the facilities, if required | Panel
Head of Faculty |
15.30 | Provisional feedback to the Faculty | Panel
Programme Proposer Head of Faculty Course Leaders and other faculty
Appendix B
Indicative Agenda for Periodic Programme Review Events
Time | Agenda Items and Areas of Discussion | Individuals Involved |
09.00 | Confirmation of Event Agenda and Identification of lines of questioning.
Confirmation of Event Agenda. Identification and prioritisation of key questions and matters to discuss with staff teams and students. |
PPR Event Panel |
10.00 | Introduction to the Event and Meeting with Programme Management staff.
10-minute introductory presentation and discussion covering: Strategic issues for the subject and programmes within the internal and external strategic context. Perceived strengths and weaknesses of the subjects and programmes. Management issues related to subject, programmes and staff. |
PPR Event Panel
Head of Faculty/Head of Apprenticeships/Director or Postgraduate Programme |
10.30 | Review of meeting with Programme Management staff.
Review of discussions. Review of lines of questioning. Review of event agenda as required. |
PPR Event Panel |
11.00 | Meeting of Programme Management staff, faculty and student support staff.
Review of Critical Self-Evaluation and exploration of issues arising from it. Issues arising from Programme Specifications. Student performance, retention and graduate outcomes. |
PPR Event Panel
Head of Faculty/Head of Apprenticeships/Director of Postgraduate Programme Course Leaders Academic Services representatives |
12.30 | Review of meeting with Programme Management staff, faculty and Student and Academic Services.
Review of discussions. Review of lines of questioning. Review of event agenda if required. |
PPR Event Panel |
13.00 | Lunch and meeting with students.
The applicant, student and graduate experience. |
PPR Event Panel
Students Graduate |
14.00 | Review of Meeting with Students.
Review of discussions. Review of lines of questioning. Review of event agenda if required. |
PPR Event Panel |
14.30 | Meeting with Programme Management staff, Faculty and Student and Academic Services
Curriculum. Teaching and learning. Resources for learners. Assurance and enhancement of provision and the student experience. Staff engagement with research and scholarly activity. External engagement in the provision and its development. Staff development and expertise. |
PPR Event Panel
Programme Management Staff (HoF, Course Leaders etc.) |
15.30 | Review of meeting with Programme Management staff, Faculty and student support staff.
Review of discussions. Review of lines of questioning. Review of event agenda if required. |
PPR Event Panel |
16.00 | Meeting with Programme Management staff and Faculty.
Final questions and queries Opportunity for faculty to put forward any additional information. |
PPR Event Panel
Programme Management staff Faculty |
16.45 | Conclusion of the Event.
Conclusion finalised |
PPR Event Panel |
17.00 | Provisional Feedback.
Provisional feedback regarding the Event provided. |
PPR Event Panel
Programme Management staff |
Title: Guidance for Student Panel Members Involved in University Approval and Periodic Programme Review Events
Approved by: The Quality Team |
Version number | Date approved | Date published | Owner | Proposed next review date |
2.1 | January 2023 | January 2023 | Quality Team | June 2025 |
2.0 | June 2022 | N/A | Quality Team | June 2025 |
1.0 | May 2020 | May 20230 | Quality Team | June 2025 |
Referenced documents | AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modification
AQF6 Periodic Review |
External Reference Point(s) | None |