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Academic Handbook AQF5: Annual Monitoring and Reporting

Academic Quality Framework Chapter 5

AQF5: Annual Monitoring and Reporting


  1. In addition to AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modification and AQF6 Periodic Review, Annual Monitoring and Reporting forms part of the University’s cycle of assuring and enhancing the academic standards and quality of all its approved programmes and courses.
  2. The University’s Annual Monitoring and Reporting processes are agreed by Academic Board. They align with the requirements of external approval bodies and the UK Quality Code Theme: Monitoring and Evaluation. The core practice for quality states:
  3. “The provider reviews its core practices for quality regularly and uses the outcomes to drive improvement and enhancement. The provider’s approach to managing quality takes account of external expertise. The provider engages students individually and collectively in the development, assurance and enhancement of the quality of their educational experience.”
  4. Academic Board reviews and approves the Annual University Quality Review.
  5. The Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee (TLEC) has the responsibility for monitoring the progression of the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes action plans for the suite of University programmes that are not work related learning and the National Students Survey (NSS) action plan.
  6. The Work Related Learning Management Board (WRLMB) has the responsibility for monitoring the action plans for work related learning programmes. 
  7. The Student Engagement Committee is a forum to provide a forum to enable and support student contributions to the Teaching Excellence Framework.
  8. A range of monitoring activity is undertaken both on an ongoing basis and at specific points during the academic year. This helps to ensure that programmes and courses are current and effective. 
  9. Ongoing monitoring includes:
    1. Faculty reflections on good practice and areas of development throughout the academic year, which are captured in Faculty Meeting minutes, and are shared at TLEC or Work Related Learning Programmes Committee (WRLPC) and/or Academic Board.
    2. TLEC/WRLPC meetings reviews and enhances the programmes delivered at the University.
    3. Student Engagement Committee (SEC) meetings monitor the student experience throughout the year and respond to student-led issues. 
    4. The completion of annual reviews and reports.

Principles and Objectives of Annual Monitoring and Reporting

Principles of Annual Monitoring and Reporting

  1. The annual monitoring and reporting procedures regarding provision approved by the University are confirmed at Programme Approval and Periodic Review as appropriate.
  2. The principles of annual monitoring and reporting are:
    1. To establish an effective and efficient procedure through which the University may monitor and review its provision in order to maintain quality and standards. 
    2. To ensure that stakeholders are involved in and contribute to the production of annual reports, to ensure that the University’s provision is monitored, reviewed and reported on as appropriate. 
    3. To produce a sound and evidence-based report upon which faculty, at both course and programme level, may base enhancements to the quality and operational effectiveness of the University’s provision and the student learning experience. 

Objectives of Annual Monitoring and Reporting

  1. The objectives of the annual monitoring and reporting are:
    1. To provide an evidence-base for faculty to improve and enhance the learning experience of students, through action at course, and programme level. 
    2. To confirm (in conjunction with External Examiner Reports) that the quality and academic standards of provision have been maintained in accordance with all external and internal benchmarks and requirements.
    3. To collect longitudinal data and information on which basic trends and changes relevant to the longer-term quality and sustainability of provision can be assessed (including through periodic review) and actioned appropriately. 

University Annual Academic Standards Report 

  1. The University Annual Academic Standards Report is the compilation of reports typically completed throughout the year, which is approved by Academic Board and actions monitored by TLEC.
  2. It consists of a summary of the academic performance of the University over an academic year.
  3. The Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, the Academic Registrar and the Head of Quality Assurance are responsible for its completeness and accuracy. 

Data Tables

  1. The University uses data sources e.g., attendance, course performance and progression and retention data to make effective judgments about its performance.

Annual Faculty Academic Standards Reports

  1. There is one Annual Faculty Academic Standards Report written per Faculty per academic year. It uses the information from the annual programme reviews to reflect on the Faculty’s performance and plan for the next academic year.
  2. The report typically reports on:
    1. Faculty Alignment to Northeastern University London Strategy
    2. Forward Planning
    3. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    4. Conditions of Registration
    5. Research
    6. Educational Gain
  3. Registry will populate the relevant data such as retention, success and progression where required.
  4. The reports are written by the Faculty Director in consultation with the Associate Director of Teaching and Learning, the Associate Director for Global Experience and other relevant members of staff and are approved by Academic Board and monitored by TLEC.
  5. Faculty Directors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the review.
  6. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Annual Programme Reviews

  1. There is typically one annual programme review written per undergraduate/postgraduate taught/ discipline and one annual review per Global Experience/PhD programmes per academic year. 
  2. The Annual Undergraduate/Global Experience/Postgraduate Taught Programme Review uses the information from the annual course reviews to reflect on its performance and plan for the next academic year.
    1. The review typically includes a reflection on:
      1. Student Recruitment
      2. Resources
      3. Student Feedback
      4. Course Performance
      5. External Comments
        • Subject External Examiners Reports are prepared by the External Examiners in line with AQF11 External Examining. 
        • These reports are critical for ensuring that the University maintains threshold academic standards, and for assuring and enhancing quality.
        • Heads of Discipline respond to their External Examiner’s report in consultation with the Course Leaders and faculty. 
        • The reports are approved by the Faculty Director and noted at a Faculty meeting.
      6. Retention and Progression
      7. University Teaching and Learning Strategy
  3. The Annual Mobility Programme review reflects on the portfolio of courses delivered to students on Northeastern University’s global experience programmes. This review is written by the Associate Dean for Global Impact and Sustainability. 
  4. The Annual PhD Programme Review reflects on the PhD programme and is written by the Director of the Doctoral School and approved by the Faculty Director and noted at a Faculty meeting.
  5. Academic Services will populate the relevant data for the respective reviews, such as retention, success and progression, where required.
  6. Heads of Discipline and the Director of Postgraduate Taught programmes are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the respective reviews, which should be developed collaboratively with professional staff.
  7. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Annual Course Reviews

  1. There is typically one Annual Course Review written per discipline or programme, per academic year.  The Annual Course Review reflects on:
    1. Attendance (where appropriate)
    2. Teaching and Learning
    3. Overall Performance
    4. Student Feedback
    5. Learning Resources
  2. Where a course is shared across programmes, the student will be able to identify their programme, enabling the Head of Discipline and Course Leader to review the experience across programmes. 
  3. Academic Services will populate the relevant data such as retention, success and progression where required.
  4. Course Leaders are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the course reviews and should work collaboratively with the Quality Team to support the writing of the review.
  5. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in in Appendix 1.
  1. The annual Self Assessment Report is normally written for Degree Apprenticeship programmes but can be completed for other programmes.
  2. Academic Services will populate the relevant data such as retention, success and progression where required.
  3. The Director of Business and Partnership Development and Apprenticeship responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the Self Assessment Review, in consultation with Course Leaders and faculty.
  4. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Operational Annual Reports

  1. As part of the University’s monitoring and evaluating activities, annual reports are provided to ensure that University’s policies and procedures are fit for purpose, and various operational activities are effective and efficient. 
  2. The Operational Reports are considered by Academic Board or Executive Committee, as relevant. Any significant areas raised, can be escalated to Northeastern London Board. Northeastern London Board can request interim reports during the academic year, at its discretion.

Academic Appeals Report

  1. The Academic Registrar is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Academic Misconduct Report

  1. The Academic Registrar is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Disciplinary Procedure for Students Report

  1. The Academic Registrar is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report

  1. The Director of DEI is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of a summary of the report.
  2. A summary report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Extenuating Circumstances Report

  1. The Academic Registrar is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outline in Appendix 1.

Graduate Outcomes Report

  1. The Director of Career Design, Employer and Alumni Engagement is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Observation of Teaching and Learning Report

  1. The Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Prevent/Safeguarding Report

  1. The Prevent Officer is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Research Excellence Framework Report

  1. The Associate Dean for Research and Knowledge Exchange and Head of Research Services are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Students Complaints Report

  1. The Academic Registrar is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Student Satisfaction Survey Report

  1. The Quality Team is responsible for the development, management and circulation of results for the internal student satisfaction surveys. The Quality Team is also responsible for the management of the NSS and dissemination of interim and published results. 
  2. The University draws together data from internal student satisfaction surveys and the National Student Survey (NSS), which is only for eligible final year undergraduate students, to report on student experience. 
  3. NSS results are published on the Office for Students (OfS) website and are currently part of the data published on the DiscoverUni website. DiscoverUni is the official website for comparing UK higher education programme and provider data, to support prospective students select programmes and providers. 
  4. The internal student satisfaction surveys will be analysed as described in AQF10 Student Voice.
  5. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Variation to Academic Standards Report

  1. The Head of Quality Assurance is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Widening Participation Report

  1. The Head of Widening Participation is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  2. A summary report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Partner Annual Reports

  1. Partner Annual Reports are produced by the lead member of staff for the partner relationship. 
  2. The Partner Annual Report draws on the student and staff feedback, to evaluate the delivery of programmes, collaboration and communications between institutions, flowing strengths, weakness, opportunities and threat format. 
  3. This report is tabled at Academic Board (for academic component) and Executive Committee (for operational components).
  4. For any significant areas raised, the report can be escalated to Northeastern London Board for further review. 
  5. The report should be completed in the agreed timeline, as outlined in Appendix 1.





September Annual Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programme Review templates circulated to Heads of Discipline with a timeline for completion.

Part 1 (Student Recruitment) – September/ January/ April

Part 2 (Resources) – November/ February/ April

Part 3 (Student Feedback) – July

Part 4 Course Performance – July PAB (UG) or October PAB (PG) WRL

Part 5 External Comments – July/August/October

Part 6 Retention and Progression – July/August/October

October Circulation of the Annual Course Review Trackers to Apprenticeship Degree and Mobility Course Leaders with timeline for completion. Quality Manager







Annual Report Development and Approval Process

  1. The development and approval procedure for the annual monitoring at the University, for all taught degrees, is provided in Appendix 1.
  2. Guidance for developing the reports is provided within the report template to generate a consistent approach to report production. 
  3. Authors of reviews/reports are recommended to liaise with other staff members when developing the reviews/reports, to avoid duplication but also to improve accuracy. Any actions should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.
  4. The Quality Team manages the annual review procedure and is responsible for the monitoring of the completion of the procedure, through continuous communication and collaboration with faculty and External Examiners. 

Annual Report Monitoring Procedure

  1. To review and update the progress of annual reviews/reports, the University undertakes formal monitoring activities. These include mid-point (usually March – May) and end-point (normally September of the next academic year) review on action plans of all annual reviews/reports at relevant committees, including Academic Board, TLEC and AMB as appropriate. 
  2. The purpose of the annual monitoring procedure is:
    1. To enable annual review/reporting owners to consider and include data that may not have been available at the time of review/report production. 
    2. To inform relevant staff and students of the progress of action plans. 
    3. To assure Academic Board that actions are being completed and enhancements implemented. 
  3. Where significant concerns have been raised, for example regarding student performance or satisfaction of a particular course, the annual review/report owner will normally be required to provide additional updates for enhanced monitoring, enabling the University to assure that such concerns are being monitored and addressed fully.

Dissemination of Annual Reports

  1. The University disseminates approved annual reports and the outcomes of monitoring and mid-point reviews to staff and External Examiners. This takes place through committees, annual Staff Training Days and electronic circulation. 
  2. The responsibility of disseminating annual reviews/reports and action plan rest with the Head of Quality Assurance. 

Annual Review of Programme Documentation and Information

  1. Included in the University’s monitoring and reporting activities is the regular review of approved programme documentation (i.e., Course Descriptors and Programme Specifications) and published programme information (i.e., website and virtual learning environment content), to ensure that these reflect up to date and accurate data. 
  2. The review of programme documentation and information is normally undertaken annually as identified in Appendix 2.
  3. The procedure that should be followed for amending approved programme documentation and information is detailed in AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modification.

Appendix 1: Overview of Annual Reporting Timelines and Responsibilities

Annual Reporting Task  Completion Date Responsibility Approved by Actions Monitored by
Annual Course Review Trackers (WRL/Mobility/PGT) June (Mobility)

October (WRL)

Course Leader in collaboration with faculty where relevant Head of Discipline Head of Discipline
Annual Course Review (Autumn/Spring/
February (Autumn)

June (Spring)

Course Leader Head of Discipline Head of Discipline
Subject External Examiner Report June (UG)

October (WRL)

November (PGT)

Head of Discipline Faculty Director Quality Team
Subject External Examiner Response September (UG)

November (PGT/WRL)

Head of Discipline Faculty Director Quality Team
Annual UG/PGT Programme Review Part 1 (recruitment) January/April/
Head of Discipline/
Associate Director of Marketing and Admissions
Faculty Director TLEC
Annual UG/PGT Programme Review Part 2 (resources) January/June/
Head of Discipline Faculty Director TLEC
Annual UG/PGT Programme Review Part 3 (feedback) February (autumn semester)

July (spring/NSS)

Head of Discipline Faculty Director TLEC
Annual UG/PGT Programme Review Part 4 (performance) July (UG)

October (PGT/WRL)

Head of Discipline Faculty Director TLEC
Annual UG/PGT Programme Review Part 5 (performance) July (UG)

October (PGT/WRL)

Head of Discipline Faculty Director TLEC
Annual UG/PGT Programme Review Part 6 (retention/progression/
graduate outcomes)
July (UG)

October (PGT/WRL)

Head of Discipline Faculty Director TLEC
Completion of Annual UG/PGT Programme Review (and Partner Review) August (UG)

October (PGT)

Head of Discipline Faculty Director TLEC
Annual Global Experience Programmes Review November Associate Dean of Global Impact and Sustainability Academic Board TLEC
Annual PhD Programme Review      November Director of the Doctoral School      Faculty Director TLEC
Self Assessment Report (WRL) November Director of Business and Partnership Development and Apprenticeship in consultation with Course Leaders and faculty      Academic Board  TLEC
Faculty Annual Academic Standards Report November  Faculty Director Academic Board  TLEC
Annual University Quality Review December Associate Dean of     Teaching and Learning

Academic Registrar

Head of Quality Assurance

Academic Board TLEC
Data Tables November Academic Services Academic Board TLEC
Academic Appeals Report September Academic Registrar Academic Board TLEC
Academic Misconduct Report September Academic Registrar Academic Board TLEC
Disciplinary Procedure Report September Academic Registrar Academic Board TLEC
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report September Assistant Dean and Director of DEI Executive Committee TLEC
Extenuating Circumstances Report September Academic Registrar Academic Board TLEC
Graduate Outcomes Report (cohort and cohort D) September Director of Career Design, Employer and Alumni Engagement      Academic Board  TLEC
Observations of Teaching and Learning Report September Associate      Dean of Teaching and Learning Academic Board/
Executive Committee
Prevent Report/Safeguarding Report September Prevent Officer Executive Committee TLEC
Research Excellence Framework Report September Associate Dean of      Research and Knowledge Exchange Academic Board TLEC
Student Complaints Report (summary) September Academic Registrar Academic Board TLEC
Student Satisfaction Survey Report September Quality Academic Board TLEC
Variation to Academic Standards Report (summary) September Quality Academic Board TLEC
Widening Participation Report (summary) September Head of Widening Participation       Academic Board TLEC


Appendix 2: Annual Review of Approved Programme Documentation

Documentation/Information to be Reviewed Responsibility for Review
Course Descriptor Course Leader
Programme Specification Head of Discipline
Programme Handbooks Quality Team
Course Syllabus Course Leader
Student Handbook Quality Team
Programme Information published on University website Quality Team
Marketing material Director of Marketing

Version History

Title: AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/Academic Framework

Version number Date Approved Date published  Owner Proposed next review date
24.4.0 July 2024 August 2024 Head of Quality Assurance August 2025
23.3.0 July 2023 August 2023 Head of Quality Assurance August 2024
Version numbering system revised March 2023
2.2 November 2022 December 2022 Head of Quality Assurance August 2023
2.1 November 2022 November 2022 Head of Quality Assurance August 2022
2.0 September 2020 September 2020 Head of Quality Assurance August 2021
1.0 June 2019 Head of Quality Assurance August 2021
Referenced documents AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications; AQF6 Periodic Review; AQF10 Student Voice; and AQF11 External Examining.
External Reference Point(s) UK Quality Code Theme: Monitoring and Evaluation.