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Academic Handbook AQF7: Academic Regulations

Academic Quality Framework Chapter 7

AQF7: Academic Regulations, Part D: Conferment

Conferment of an Award

  1. These regulations apply to UK awards only.
  2. Northeastern University London’s (the University’s) Academic Board establishes an authorised committee to make recommendations for the conferment of approved awards on students who, having been registered as a student at the University, have successfully completed an approved programme of study and satisfied the respective Progression and Award Board (PAB) that they have met all requirements.
  3. An award of the University is deemed to be conferred on a student at the time of the respective PAB decision. This conferment is through authority delegated by the Chair of Academic Board to the designated Chair of the respective PAB. Such conferment includes action taken by the Chair of the respective PAB subsequently on its behalf.
  4. The University will normally arrange a graduation ceremony to enable students and their guests to celebrate the conferment of an award (see Graduation Ceremony). The graduation ceremony does not constitute part of the conferment. 
  5. Students are considered to have exited their programme of study and completed their registration with the University once the appropriate PAB has conferred them with an award.
  6. Conferment of the University award is evidenced by the University through:
    1. A formal degree award document which is provided to the student as certification that the academic award has been achieved (i.e. Award Certificate).
    2. A transcript or similar record document setting out in greater detail the programme of study followed, the course taken, the credits awarded, and the marks received from the University.

Conferment of Undergraduate Double Degree Pathways

  1. Students who take the equivalent of at least THREE courses across at least TWO levels in a defined area outside of their main degree discipline requirements, are eligible to receive recognition for this (e.g., in addition to BA (Hons) Psychology on their degree certificate, they will receive an official university document confirming Sustainability as a pathway). Courses may not be double counted across pathways (e.g. Technology & Human Values can’t count both for the Philosophy pathway and for the Technology & Ethics pathway).

Conferment of an Honorary Award

  1. From time to time the University may choose to confer an honorary award to an individual to mark their significant contribution to the University, local or national community, for exceptional scholarship or other action(s) of note . The Registrar will be responsible for making nominations for an honorary award. Nominations will be considered by the Academic Board at a scheduled or extraordinary meeting and a majority of members must approve the nomination for an honorary award to be made.
  2. An honorary award of the University is typically conferred on an individual at the University graduation ceremony in person by the chair of Academic Board or designated senior member of Academic Board acting in that capacity.

Rescinding an Award

  1. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. as a consequence of the investigation of an academic offence or an academic appeal), Academic Board may rescind an award that has been conferred on a student.
  2. Where an honorary award is to be rescinded, the decision cannot be delegated but must be formally considered by Academic Board with the agreement of a majority of members.
  3. When granting honorary awards including the decision to bring the award holder into the scholarly community of the University, behaviour, action or the support of actions that run counter to the University’s mission or damage to its work will be considered in such cases.
  4. Where an award which was not honorary is to be rescinded as a consequence of the investigation of an academic offence or an academic appeal, the decision to rescind may be taken on behalf of Academic Board for University awards via Chair’s action.

Conditions for Receipt of an Academic Award

  1. An award of the University will be conferred when the following conditions are satisfied:
    1. The individual was a registered student of the University at the time of their assessment for an award and was in good financial standing with the University.
      1. The details of that individual’s legal full name, date of birth, programme of study followed, and award to be conferred have been registered by the University.
      2. The award to be conferred is one approved by Academic Board under its taught degree awarding powers.
      3. It has been confirmed that the individual as a student of the University has completed a programme of study approved by Academic Board as leading to the award being recommended.
      4. The conferment of the award has been recommended by PAB, convened, constituted and acting under regulations approved by Academic Board under its taught degree awarding powers.
      5. The recommendation of the award has been signed by the Chair of the PAB confirming that the assessments have been carried out in accordance with the University’s regulations and that the recommendations have received the consent of the External Examiners.
  2. Once an academic outcome has been achieved, and award conferred, that qualification is not withdrawn if a higher qualification is subsequently achieved.
  3. In cases where students do not complete the programme of study for which they are registered through lack of academic progress, withdrawal, or premature termination of their studies and cancellation of their registration, the appropriate Assessment Board may propose conferment of a lower Level qualification (exit award) to recognise the Level and extent of achievement, provided the condition indicated above are met.

Conferment of an Aegrotat Award

  1. An award may be conferred as an aegrotat award where the following conditions are satisfied in addition to those in section11-14: Conditions for Receipt of an Academic Award:
    1. The individual was a registered student of the University, who was close to achieving an award but due to severe illness or other serious valid reason, as verified by the University’s Registrar, is unable to complete their studies within the maximum registration period. The relevant PAB will consider each case on an individual basis.
    2. Where a student is receiving an aegrotat undergraduate or postgraduate degree no classification shall be awarded.
  2. The term ‘aegrotat’ will be recorded on the Award Certificate or transcript

Conferment of an Award Posthumously

  1. An award may be conferred posthumously and accepted on the deceased student’s behalf by a parent, spouse or other appropriate individual.
  2. The following conditions must be satisfied in addition to those in section Conditions for Receipt of an Academic Award:
    1. The individual was a registered student of the University but had been unable to complete all the requirements for the award they sought, at the time of their death.
    2. The relevant PAB has sufficient evidence to judge that the student would have reached the required threshold standard for the qualification and, where feasible, has secured additional evidence to make a judgment on the award of a distinction or similar.
  3. At the discretion of the Chair of Academic Board, financial good standing conditions may be waived in the case of a posthumous award.

Award Documentation and Certification

  1. The University issues documents as formal award certificates to provide formal and legal evidence of the fact that an academic award has been made to an individual under the University’s taught degree awarding powers.
  2. The name of the individual appearing on award certificates is the name held on the student’s registration record at the time the award is conferred.
  3. The printed format for the name normally follows the UK convention, but if the student’s identity document presents the names in a different order from the norm in the UK or evidence of an alternative international naming convention (as approved by the Registrar) is presented, names may appear in a different order.
  4. Once issued, there is normally no change permitted to the wording of an award certificate, unless specific inaccuracy is proved (e.g. a misspelling). However, a replacement certificate may be issued in the case of gender reassignment or legal name change, on production of documentary evidence of the change.
  5. The document provided as a certificate of an award conferred by the University shall record:
    1. The name of the University together with, if appropriate, the name of any other institution collaborating in the provision of the programme leading to the award.
    2. The student’s full and legal name as recorded on the University’s registration record.
    3. The name and designation of the award as appropriate.
    4. The title of the award as agreed through the programme approval process for the programme of study by Academic Board, for the purpose of certification.
    5. The award of distinction, classification or similar achieved by the student within the award, where appropriate.
    6. An endorsement or clarification, where appropriate and approved by Academic Board (e.g. that the programme was delivered through the medium of English, was by distance learning, etc.).
  6. The formal academic award document shall bear the signature of the Dean and Registrar and have suitable security marking.

Statement of Credit – Transcript

  1. The University currently issues a statement of credit or transcript to a student who has successfully completed approved courses of study or a stage of a taught programme leading to an approved award.
  2. The transcript shall record:
    1. The student’s full and legal name as recorded on the University’s registration record.
    2. The courses and elements of study successfully completed, with details of their length and Level, mark achieved (where appropriate) and dates of registration and completion.
    3. The details of any periods of supervised work experience or placement in the UK or abroad with marks where appropriate and dates.
    4. The details of exposure to transferable skills if appropriate.

Graduation Ceremony

  1. All students who have been conferred an award from the University are entitled to attend a Graduation Ceremony.
  2. Those attending the graduation ceremony as participants are required to wear the appropriate academic dress for which they are eligible, to comply with the University’s regulations on professional behaviour and dress code, and to conform to graduation ceremonial procedures.

Academic Dress

  1. The University will appoint a gown provider. Participants in the graduation ceremony are required to wear the gowns from this provider to ensure they meet the specifications of the University’s academic dress.All graduates and academic staff attending the graduation ceremony are required to ensure that they wear the correct gown, hat and hood when in full academic dress.
  2. It is an academic offence to wear the gown associated with an award for which an individual is not eligible.
  3. Gowns, hats or hoods for awards of the University may not be replicated without the express authorisations of the Dean.

Version History

Title: Academic Quality Framework Chapter 7: Academic Regulations, Part D: Conferment

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/ Academic Quality Framework

Version number Date approved Date published Owner Proposed next review date
23.1.0 July 2023 July 2023 Head of Quality Assurance August 2024
Referenced documents AQF2 Teaching and Learning; AQF9 Student Guidance and Learner Support; AQF8 Student Recruitment and Admissions; AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications; AQF12 Assessment Boards.
External Reference Point(s) UK Quality Code; Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-awarding Bodies.