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Academic Handbook Summer School Policies and Procedures

Code of Behaviour for Summer School

Get Ahead: Year 11 Summer School (2024)


  1. This Code of Behaviour is for young people (“participants”) attending Northeastern University London (“the University”) for the Get Ahead – Year 11 Summer School 2024 (“Summer School”). The University wants everyone attending events and activities to feel welcome and enjoy their learning experience. All Summer School participants must follow this Code of Behaviour for Summer School. For the purposes of this document, ‘guardian’ also refers to ‘legal guardian’ as referenced throughout the Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement to Participate Form.


  1. Summer School participants are required to comply with the following:
    1. Arrive on time and attend all scheduled activities; tell University staff in advance if they are going to be late, cannot attend, or need to leave early. If they will be more than 30 minutes late or will be absent for an entire day they must ask their parent/guardian to verify this.
    2. Engage with the activities, listen, and contribute their thoughts and questions at the appropriate times.
    3. Follow instructions from University staff and student ambassadors.
    4. Show respect and kindness to classmates, staff and other participants at all times. 
    5. Not use offensive or discriminatory language nor discuss inappropriate subjects which are not related to the session topic. The University has zero tolerance of bullying or harassment, and incidents of these kinds will be classified as serious misbehaviour and may result in expulsion from Summer School (see section 3 below).
    6. Act responsibly, be aware of the surroundings and stay with their group at all times. Participants must stay within Devon House unless otherwise directed and are not allowed off the University premises without staff permission.
    7. Not bring alcohol or illegal drugs to Summer School nor attend under the influence of these; not consume alcohol at Summer School as it is prohibited by the University for under-18s; and not use cigarettes or e-cigarettes on University premises. For the duration of Summer School, participants are considered as  students of the University and are subject to the University Misuse of Substances Statement, which, if necessary, should be read for clarification.

Serious Misbehaviour

  1. Participants who do not abide by this Code of Behaviour will be given a verbal warning and may have some of their free time suspended. In serious incidents of misbehaviour, or two or more minor incidents, a participant may be excluded from the programme and their parent/guardian will be contacted.
  2. Participants are expected to respect the building and its facilities and to take reasonable care with furniture, kitchen and bathroom facilities, and classroom technology. Participants who deliberately damage University property will be expected to pay to repair the damage or replace items.


  1. The University hopes that everyone attending our events or activities enjoys themselves, but, if the participant experiences any problems or feels worried about anything while at the University they are encouraged to talk to a Student Ambassador, a University staff member or a trusted adult. This can be done while at the event or activity by speaking directly to a Student Ambassador or University staff member, or alternatively the Widening Participation team can be contacted afterwards via Widening Participation Team.
  2. The use of personal emails and personal social media for University business is strictly prohibited. University staff and Student Ambassadors must use only University email addresses for any communication with Summer School participants. If a participant is contacted by a member of the University through a different platform or an email other than that University member’s NU London email address, they should tell their parent, carer or a different University staff member or Student Ambassador.
  3. If a participant feels uncomfortable about something at the University but does not feel able to tell a Student Ambassador or a University staff member about it, they should talk to a trusted adult (this might be their parent, carer, someone in their family or a teacher at school) and ask for their help.
  4. The University has robust safeguarding processes in place to keep Summer School participants safe during our events and programmes. More details about this can be found in our Safeguarding Policy for Under 18s or by speaking to University staff or Student Ambassadors.


  1. It is important that the parent/guardian and the Participant read this Code of Behaviour, which applies when the Participant attends Summer School at Northeastern University London. If there is any part of the Code of Behaviour that the parent/guardian or the Participant do not understand or where more information is required, it should be discussed with the Student Ambassador(s) or University staff, or by contacting Widening Participation Team. This Code of Behaviour is included with the documentation provided to the parent/guardian as part of the Participant’s welcome to Summer School before they arrive at Northeastern University London.

Version History

Title: Code of Behaviour Get Ahead: Year 11 Summer School

Approved by: Executive Committee

Location: Academic Handbook/ Admissions/ Summer School

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
23.2.1 June 2024 June 2024 Head of Widening Participation January 2025
22.1.0 July 2023 July 2023 Head of Student Recruitment January 2024
Referenced Documents Misuse of Substances Policy; Safeguarding Policy for Under 18s.
External Reference Point(s) None.