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Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams

Terms of Reference – Learner Voice Committee


The Associate Director of Experiential, Careers and Apprenticeships is responsible for maintaining and promoting excellence in their respective Faculty within Northeastern University London (the University). Each supports its Faculty Director in the development of plans to ensure that relevant knowledge and skills are state of the art, and in the creation and effective management of the undergraduate and postgraduate apprenticeship programmes and courses specific to their Faculty. Each Associate Director of Experiential, Careers and Apprenticeships inputs to Academic Board (AcB), via the Faculty Director, on matters of strategy, and is responsible to the Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee (TLEC) for overseeing the management of the day-to-day academic quality and standards of these apprenticeship programmes and courses. Each Associate Director of Experiential, Careers and Apprenticeships also ensures effective engagement with learners on both course and programme-related matters and with other Associate Directors of Experiential, Careers and Apprenticeships on matters of common interest in teaching and research.

Terms of Reference

  1. To ensure that programmes and courses within their remit are operating in accordance with the University’s academic policies and regulatory framework, modified following AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modification when required.
  2. To serve as a channel of communication between faculty and students relating to the operation of the programmes and courses within their remit.
  3. To ensure a robust academic quality, standards and student learning experience by considering the on-going development, curriculum, design and delivery of the programmes and courses, including research activities within their remit.
  4. To propose enhancement to the curriculum, teaching, delivery, assessment and feedback for the programmes and courses within their remit.
  5. Annual Discipline Reporting and Monitoring:
    1. To ensure Annual Course Reports are generated, in line with AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting.
    2. To generate the suite of annual monitoring reports, in line with AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting, for scrutiny and approval by Academic Board.
    3. To update the action plan as issues arise during the year, for scrutiny by TLEC and the Work Related Learning Programmes Committee and approval by Academic Board. To track progress of all action points as a standing item.
    4. To ensure effective communication on action outcomes with the student body.
  6. To consider all student feedback on the programmes and courses within their remit arising from the surveys, and focus groups, and to ensure that appropriate actions are recorded and enacted.


Associate Director of Experiential, Careers and Apprenticeships (Chair) [or nominee]

Heads of Discipline

Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning (Students)

Director of Business and Partnership Development and Apprenticeships 

Business Relations Manager

Learner Representatives

Student Union Representative

Learning Technologist (optional)

Senior Administrative Co-ordinator (Secretary)

Minute Taker (arranged via Secretary)


Meetings will be quorate when the Chair and 50% of the membership are present, including at least two learner representatives and one member of faculty.


Learner Voice Committee will meet quarterly.

Reports to

Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee

Work-Related Learning Programmes Committee

Reports from


Rolling Agenda Items

Action plan from the Annual Course Reports

Student feedback