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Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams

Terms of Reference – Remuneration Committee (Staff) (RemCo Staff)


The Remuneration Committee for Staff is an advisory committee to the Executive Committee (ExCo) and acts to review and agree the benchmarks and frameworks that inform the setting of remunerations, benefits and performance pay for the University.

Terms of Reference

  1. To determine the policy for total remuneration and benefits, including any bonus payments, for all staff within the University except for those covered by RemCo (ExCo).
  2. To agree on individual salary levels, increments or financial recognition in relation to new roles, job changes/extra responsibilities, or major projects.
  3. To ensure that payroll costs are managed within available resources.
  4. The Committee has authority to:
    1. Set the remuneration for the organisation as a whole, other than members of ExCo, within budgets set by the Northeastern London Board of Governors.
    2. Select internal and/or external benchmarks or systems to inform the correct setting of remuneration, benefits and performance pay, and to obtain relevant external advice if it considers this necessary.


All members of Executive Committee (the Chair of the Executive Committee will serve as the Chair of this committee)

Human Resources representative (Secretary)

Director of Finance


The quoracy requirements shall be at least half of the current members to include the Chair or alternate Chair. In the case of an equal vote, the Chair shall have a casting vote. If the meeting is not quorate, any decisions shall be ratified at the next meeting or through email communication.


There are two meetings each year in April/July. Further meetings may be arranged as required.

Communicates with

Senior Management Team, Faculty Directors

Reports to

Executive Committee

Version History

Title: Terms of Reference – Remuneration Committee (Staff)

Approved by: Executive Committee

Location: Academic Handbook/ Governance

Version Number Date Approved Date Published Owner Proposed Next Review Date
24.7.0 May 2024 May 2024 Chair of Committee
Version numbering system revised March 2023
6.0 June 2022 July 2022 Chair of Committee
5.1 March 2022 March 2022 Chair of Committee
5.0 March 2022 Chair of Committee
4.1 April 2021 May 2021 Chair of Committee
4.0 December 2020 December 2020 Chair of Committee
Referenced documents None.
External Reference Point(s) None.
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