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Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams

Terms of Reference – Work Related Learning Management Board (WRLMB)


The Work Related Learning Management Board (WRLMB) is responsible for the performance and the risk management of work related learning programmes, and reports to Academic Board.

WRLMB is responsible for the monitoring of KPIs; it makes decisions about quality improvements and manages the implementation of enhancement activities. The WRLMB’s core objectives are:

  • To know the provision and understand the strength of the work related learning programmes and identify areas for development.
  • To support and strengthen the leadership, shaping the University’s strategic direction.
  • To work collectively with the senior managers in the Business and Partnership Development and Apprenticeships Team to improve the learner/student experience.
  • To ensure the financial sustainability of all work related learning programmes.

Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the University’s policies and procedures for managing work related learning programmes against internal and external regulatory stakeholders:
    1. Education and Skills Funding Agency Requirements
    2. Ofsted Common Inspection Framework
    3. The University’s Academic Quality Framework
    4. Office for Students (OfS)
  2. To evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the University’s policies and procedures for managing work related learning programmes and report on this to Academic Board.
  3. To consider the range of apprenticeships and work related learning programmes, review reports from the Work Related Learning Programmes Committee (WRLPC), and monitor the quality improvement plans to ensure security of standards and employer/learner/student satisfaction.


Director of Business and Partnership Development & Apprenticeships (Chair)

Dean of Northeastern University London (Optional)

Associate Director of Experiential, Careers & Apprenticeships (CoMENS)

Associate Director of Experiential, Careers & Apprenticeships (Humanities)

Associate Director of Experiential, Careers & Apprenticeships (Social Sciences)

Deputy Dean/Associate Dean of Innovation & Enterprise

Head of Operations and Quality Assurance (Apprenticeships) (Secretary)

Financial Planning and Resources Manager

Director of Finance

Head of Quality Assurance

Head of Student Support and Development

Head of Admissions

Registrar (or nominee)

Business Development Professional

Learner and Student Representatives

Employer Representative

Minute Taker (arranged via Secretary)


The WRLMB meets quarterly. Additional meetings may be arranged as required.


Meetings are quorate when the Chair (or nominee) and 50% of the membership are present. In each case, a Learner Representative and an Employer Representative must be present at 50% of meetings.

Reports to

Academic Board

Reports from

Work Related Learning Programmes Committee

Prevent Duty Review Group

Version History

Title: Terms of Reference – Work Related Learning Management Board

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/ Governance

Version Number Date Approved Date Published Owner Proposed Review Date
23.4.2 May 2024 June 2024 Chair of Committee
23.4.1 February 2024 February 2024 Chair of Committee
23.4.0 November 2023 September 2023 Chair of Committee
Version numbering system revised March 2023
3.0 December 2022 January 2023 Chair of Committee
2.0 March 2021 April 2021 Chair of Committee
Formerly Apprenticeship Management Board
1.1 March 2021 February 2021 Chair of Committee
1.0 November 2020 November 2020 Chair of Committee
Referenced documents None.
External Reference Point(s) None.