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Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams

Terms of Reference – Academic Board (AcB)


Academic Board is the academic authority of Northeastern University London (the University). The Board’s aim is to best promote the academic and professional work of the University, by safeguarding standards and academic freedom; and by ensuring a high-quality academic provision to students at the University. This academic authority is exercised within a budgetary and strategic framework set by Northeastern London Board.

Therefore, Academic Board is responsible for regulating and directing the academic work of the University, including the curriculum, teaching, assessment, and research. It has oversight of the University’s academic activities and all aspects of academic quality and standards associated with the University, including academic related policies and procedures. It has the authority to make regulations and policies that affect academic practice.

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider the strategic planning and development of the academic activities of the University and the resources needed to support them, and accordingly advise Northeastern London Board.
  2. To set the criteria for the admission of students and to monitor the Access and Participation activities (Head of Admissions to be co-opted for such discussions).
  3. To approve the appointment and removal of external examiners.
  4. To approve all academic policies and procedures, and in so doing ensure that academic freedom is central to the values of the University.
  5. To provide the framework to support and guide students to succeed and progress in their chosen discipline and to reach their full potential.
  6. To consider changes to the curriculum and assessment as proposed by faculty that have been through the approval or modification procedure as outlined in Academic Quality Framework: Chapter 4.
  7. To ratify new programmes or programme/course modifications subject to their being consistent with the strategic and budget objectives of the University as set by Northeastern London Board.
  8. To monitor student complaints, academic and non-academic discipline procedures, and outcomes, and make recommendations to the relevant committee.
  9. To consider honorary awards and conferment of title on individuals meeting criteria determined by Academic Board.
  10. To note the outcome of Academic Promotion applications.
  11. To consider and monitor policies and procedures for collaborative partnerships with other educational institutions.
  12. To oversee the procedure for granting internally validated qualifications and titles.
  13. To review annually the function of the academic governance structure and agree proposals for enhancement.
  14. To consider other similar matters concerned essentially with teaching, research, and scholarship.
  15. To advise on such matters as the Chair may refer to Academic Board.

Academic Board may establish such committees as it considers necessary to carry out its responsibilities. The number of members of any such committee and the terms on which they hold and vacate office is determined by Academic Board. Reports (at least annually) from these committees are received and considered by Academic Board.


Dean of Northeastern University London (Chair)

Academic Registrar (Secretary)

Executive Assistant (Academic) [Minute Secretary]

Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs

Associate Dean of Global Impact and Sustainability

Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning (Faculty)

Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning (Students)

Associate Dean of Research and Knowledge Exchange

Deputy Dean/Associate Dean, Innovation and Enterprise

Faculty Director – Computing, Maths, Engineering and Natural Science

Faculty Director – Humanities

Faculty Director – Social Sciences


Student Union Representative

External Representative

Any other members to be co-opted as required


A meeting is quorate with the Chair (or alternate Chair), 50% of the membership and a student representative present.

A student representative is not required for quoracy at meetings that occur outside semester times.


Academic Board shall meet at least three times a year.

Communicates with

Executive Committee

Reports to

Northeastern London Board

Receives Reports from



Work Related Learning Management Board

Fair Access and Participation Strategy Group

Policy and Compliance Committee

Progression and Award Board

Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee

Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Committee