Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams
Terms of Reference – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC)
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) is the Committee tasked with the management of DEI across Northeastern University London (the University). Informed by the Equality Act (2010), it is responsible for advancing and supporting the DEI agenda across the University, overseeing its implementation, monitoring progress on a regular basis and reporting on that to the Executive Committee (ExCo). The Committee will ensure that DEI objectives are embedded across teaching, research, services and all aspects of University life, and that their delivery drives forward our innovation and performance as a truly global university.
Terms of Reference
- Identify key DEI challenges faced by the University and recommend data-driven, university-wide DEI objectives to ExCo.
- Lead the creation and monitor the implementation of the University’s DEI Strategic Plan across teaching, research and knowledge exchange, professional departments and student life.
- Develop and, on a regular basis, review the University’s DEI Policy and make suggestions for revisions to ExCo.
- Ensure the provision of a high standard of advice and support across the University on DEI matters, particularly in relation to changes in relevant legislation, operational risk and local and national initiatives and work with relevant teams on the delivery of objectives.
- Work with relevant stakeholders across the organisation to increase the diversity of our student body and staff at all levels of the organisation.
- Work with the Quality Team to ensure that all policies, procedures and practices are reviewed and approved as being inclusive by design.
- Provide support and advice to the academic leadership to develop diverse and inclusive curricula, pedagogies and research.
- Work with the Human Resources team to plan and deliver relevant DEI training for all staff and students.
- Work with the relevant University teams and Student Union to support, plan and deliver DEI events, working groups and networks to increase inclusivity across the University.
- Liaise with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Northeastern University in Boston to connect to resources and best practice in DEI across the NU global network.
- Promote the fostering of community and industry partnerships that fulfil DEI objectives.
- Consult with the Director of DEI on the management of the University’s dedicated DEI budget.
Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Chair)
Dean of Northeastern University London
Deputy Dean and Associate Dean of Innovation & Enterprise (Deputy Chair)
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs
Associate Vice President of Academic Services and Student Engagement (or nominee)
Director of Research Services
Head of Student Support and Development
Head of Student Life
Human Resources Director
Widening Participation Manager (or nominee)
Events Manager
Student Union Diversity Officer
2 x faculty representatives, selected to ensure representation across apprenticeship, mobility, and other degree programmes
1 x postgraduate student representative
Committee Secretary
Meetings are quorate when the Chair (or Deputy Chair) and 50% of the members are present, to include a student representative during semester meetings.
Frequency of Meetings
Minimum of once per semester.
The minutes of the DEI Committee meetings will be recorded and shared with ExCo.
Reports to
The Committee reports to ExCo.
Reports from
This Committee does not receive any direct reports from sub-committees but may request that working parties be set up to address certain issues as appropriate.