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Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams

Terms of Reference – Joint Management Board for Collaborative Partnerships (JMB)


All programmes of study that lead to a joint or dual award are allocated to a Joint Management Board, whose purpose is to assure and enhance the quality of the University’s taught provision and the students’ learning experiences for all taught programmes within its remit. A Joint Management Board may consider more than one cognate programme.

Terms of Reference

A Joint Management Board is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the programme and in particular for:

  1. Receiving and considering regular reports from the Joint Programme Directors on all matters relevant to programme administration and delivery.
  2. Reviewing the progress of students on the programme(s).
  3. Receiving and considering student feedback on the programme(s), to include consideration of all completed course evaluation forms or their equivalent, agreeing action to be taken as a result of feedback received and ensuring this is reported back to students.
  4. Preparing an annual report on the programme(s) for consideration within the quality assurance procedures of each of the Parties.
  5. Keeping the quality of the programme under review and making recommendations for its enhancement.
  6. Facilitating the sampling of work from all courses by University-appointed External Examiners with a view to monitoring and affirming academic and quality standards.
  7. Facilitating and conducting as necessary, any and all preparations for internal and external review as may be required by the parties and/or external agencies.
  8. Considering and responding to any deficiencies notified by a party with regard to the conduct or standards of the programme, and to implement a plan of action to rectify any deficiencies so notified.
  9. Preparing an annual review for the programme, which will be considered in accordance with the University’s AQF and with the appropriate procedures of the partner institution.


Programme Directors (Chair, normally the programme director with responsibility for oversight of the programme of study)

A member of the Quality Team


Student Representative(s)


A Joint Management Board meets at least annually.


A meeting is quorate with the Chair (or alternate Chair), 50% of the membership and a student representative present.

A student representative is not required for quoracy at meetings that occur outside semester times.

Reports to

Academic Board

Version History

Title: Terms of Reference – Joint Management Board for Collaborative Partnerships (JMB)

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/ Governance Structure

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
23.1.0 December 2023 December 2023 Dean of Northeastern University London
Referenced documents Academic Quality Framework Chapter 15: Collaborative Provision.
External Reference Point(s) None