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Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams

Terms of Reference – Progression and Award Board (PAB)


The Progression and Award Board (PAB) is the University Board that ratifies registered students’ academic achievements when academic credit is being awarded, in line with University academic regulations (AQF7). The PAB confirms registered student course marks and progression status and considers any issues regarding assessment results and the assessment process that have been identified and reported.

Terms of Reference

  1. To confirm individual student course marks.
  2. To confirm the award of credit, Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees, and classification where relevant.
  3. To confirm progression, referral, deferral and withdrawal of registration of students.
  4. To confirm the award of credit for individual courses taken by students registered on individual courses approved by the University.
  5. To confirm the awarding of a Pathway (undergraduate double degree students ONLY).
  6. To confirm that core attributes have been passed in accordance with the undergraduate double degree programme specifications (undergraduate double degree students ONLY).
  7. To review and consider any reports submitted to the PAB where irregularities in the assessment process have occurred.
  8. To identify flagged courses and advise on any follow up actions.
  9. Work related learning programmes only: To confirm the successful completion of the individual integrated end-point-assessment and confirm the award of credit.
  10. Diploma only: to confirm conferment of the award of the Diploma and its classification.


Full Members*

*Full Members are called to attend all Progression and Award Board meetings.

Dean of Northeastern University London [Chair] (or nominee)

Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning (Faculty)

Academic Registrar

Deputy Head of Registry (Assessment) [Secretary]

Award External Examiner

Associate Members**

**Associate Members are called to attend only the Progression and Award Board meetings that consider their respective programmes and/or discipline areas.

Faculty Directors (or nominee)

Heads of Discipline

Director of Postgraduate Programmes

Discipline External Examiners

Associate Director of Business Development and Apprenticeships (or nominee)

Diploma Coordinator

End-Point Assessor (EPA) External Examiner

University Liaison Officer

Programme Director(s) from partner institution(s)


PAB is called when progression and/or award decisions are needed. This is dependent on the programme and includes students on courses for Northeastern University (Boston).


Meetings are quorate when the Chair (or nominee), Award External Examiner, and 50% of the membership are present.

Reports to

Academic Board