Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams

Terms of Reference – University Research Ethics and Integrity Committee (UREIC)


The University Research Ethics & Integrity Committee (UREIC) is responsible for overseeing the development, implementation, and continuous review of the university’s policies, processes, and frameworks relating to research ethics and integrity. The committee ensures that the university meets national and international standards in ethical research governance and promotes a culture of integrity across all research activities.

Terms of Reference

  1. To oversee the University’s framework for managing the ethical and governance aspects of research and knowledge exchange activities.
  2. Develop, review, and maintain the university’s policies on research ethics and integrity, ensuring alignment with legal and regulatory frameworks.
  3. Review and assess the effectiveness of the university’s ethics-related processes, including those related to ethics applications, misconduct investigations, and conflicts of interest.
  4. To receive quarterly reports from Ethics Review Panel (ERP) on their handling of research ethics applications. 
  5. Offer guidance and advice to the ERP on complex ethical issues that may arise in research projects.
  6. Promote awareness and training on research ethics and integrity across the university community, providing guidance and recommendations to faculties regarding best practices in ethical research.
  7. Ensure the university meets all external reporting and audit requirements related to research ethics and integrity.
  8. Provide regular reports to Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee through minutes and the Annual Research Integrity Statement on the status and performance of research ethics and integrity frameworks within the institution.


Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange Services (Chair) 

Associate Dean of Research and Knowledge Exchange 

Director of Doctoral School 

Faculty Associate Directors of Research and Knowledge Exchange x 3 

Deputy Dean/Director of Innovation 

At least 1 external member

Meeting Frequency


Reports To

Reports to the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee.

Reports From

UREIC will receive quarterly reports from the Ethics Review Panel. 


Meetings are quorate when the Chair (or Designated Vice-Chair) and 50% of the members are present.

Version History

Title: Terms of Reference – University Research Ethics and Integrity Committee (UREIC)

Approved by:  Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee (RKEC)

Location: Academic Handbook/ Governance/ Terms of Reference

Version Number Date Approved Date Published Owner Proposed Next Review Date
24.1.0 December 2024 December 2024 Committee Chair
Referenced documents None
External Reference Point(s) None