- Northeastern University London (the University) is committed to protecting your personal data and informing you of your rights concerning that data.
- The University needs to keep some personal data about its employees, prospective employees, students, prospective students and other people. The University processes information so that, for example, it can obey the law, admit students, teach and support students, and recruit and pay staff.
- To comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 (the “Act”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the University must collect and use personal data fairly, store it safely and not unlawfully disclose it to any other person.
- To do this, the University must comply with the Data Protection Principles, which are set out in the Act. In summary, personal data must:
- Be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully and not processed unless certain conditions are met.
- Be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and not processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose.
- Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for that purpose.
- Be accurate and kept up to date.
- Not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose.
- Be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights.
- Be kept safe from unauthorised access, accidental loss or destruction.
- Not be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area, unless that country has equivalent levels of protection for personal data.
- One of the University’s responsibilities as a Data Controller is to be transparent in our processing of your personal data and to tell you about the different ways in which we collect and use your personal data. The University will process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA), and this privacy notice is issued in accordance with GDPR Articles 13 and 14.
- The University may update its Privacy Notices at any time. You can find the current versions of the University’s Privacy Notices below; please check back here regularly to review any changes.
- The University is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under the DPA (registration number Z3136922).
Status of this Policy
- Employees and students are required, as a condition of employment or study, to abide by the University’s regulations and policies. Failure to comply with this Policy may lead to disciplinary proceedings
Code of Practice
- In implementing this Policy, the University will be guided by the Jisc Data Protection Code of Practice for the HE and FE sectors published at Jisc (the “Jisc Code”). The Jisc Code is not mandatory, and if there is any conflict between this Policy and the Jisc Code, this Policy shall prevail.
The Data Controller and the Designated Data Controllers
- The University itself is the Data Controller under DPA, and the Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for implementation. The Designated Data Controllers will deal with day-to-day matters.
- The University’s Designated Data Controller for students and applicants is the Registrar, and for all others is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The Data Protection Officer
- The University has appointed a Data Protection Officer. Their contact information is as follows:
Northeastern University London
Devon House
58 St Katharine’s Way
London E1W 1LP
Your Personal Data & its Processing
- The University defines “personal data” as information relating to a living and identifiable individual. Personal data can include “special categories of data”, such as information about your racial or ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs, physical or mental health, criminal convictions and offences, the processing of which is subject to strict requirements.
- “Processing” means any operation which we carry out using your personal data, for example obtaining, storing, transferring or deleting.
- The University only process data for specified purposes and when data protection law permits its processing. The details of each processing purpose and its legal basis are provided in each of the privacy notices listed below – please consult the one most relevant to your relationship to the University.
Your rights as a Data Subject
- You have the following rights in relation to your personal data processed by us:
The Right to Be Informed
- The University will ensure you have sufficient information to ensure that you understand how and why the University processes your personal data and that you know how to enforce your rights.
- The University provides information in the form of privacy notices, which you can read online.
The Right of Access and The Right to Data Portability
- You have a right to see all the information the University holds about you. Where data is stored electronically in a structured form, such as in a database, you have a right to receive that data in a standard electronic format that allows you to supply that data to a third party – this is called “data portability”.
The Right of Rectification
- If the University holds data about you that is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected.
The Right to Erasure
- You can ask the University to delete your data and, where this is appropriate, the University will take reasonable steps to do so.
The Right to Restrict Processing
- If you think there’s a problem with the accuracy of the data the University holds about you, or the University is using data about you unlawfully, you can request that any current processing is suspended until a resolution is agreed.
The Right to Object
- You have a right to opt out of direct marketing. You have a right to object to how the University uses your data if the University does so on the basis of “legitimate interests” or “in the performance of a task in the public interest” or “exercise of official authority” (a privacy notice will clearly state to you if this is the case). Unless the University can show a compelling case why its use of data is justified, the University must stop using your data in the way to which you have objected.
Rights related to Automated Decision-Making Including Profiling
- The University may use a computer programme, system or neural network to make decisions about you (for example, everyone that is on a particular course gets sent a specific letter) or to profile you. You have the right to ask for a human being to intervene on your behalf or to check a decision
The Right to Withdraw Consent
- If the University is relying on your consent to process your data, you may withdraw your consent at any time.
Exercising Your Rights
- To request your information, please send a written request to the appropriate Designated Data Controller.
- The request must include:
- The full name and address of the person making the request.
- If the Data Subject is a different person, that person’s full name and address.
- Sufficient details to enable the University to identify the Data Subject’s records, for example, the dates when a former student or employee was at the University.
- A description of the information requested, with as much detail as possible.
- The request should either be handed personally to the Designated Data Controller or sent by recorded delivery or email. The University will need to see original proof of identity of the Data Subject and (if the person making the request is not the Data Subject) that person and evidence of the Data Subject having authorised the request.
- The University will handle requests in accordance with the guidance provided by the Information Commissioner, aims to comply with requests promptly and will ensure that responses are provided within one month, as required by the GDPR.
Queries and Complaints
- For more information on your rights, if you wish to exercise any right, for any queries, you may have, or if you wish to make a complaint, please contact the Data Protection Officer.
Complaint to the Information Commissioner
- You have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) about the way in which the University processes your personal data. You can make a complaint via the ICO’s website.
Privacy Notices
- Please consult the privacy notice that best fits your relationship with the University.
Data Security
- All members of staff are responsible for ensuring that any personal data that they hold is kept securely and not disclosed by any means, accidentally or otherwise, to any unauthorised third party. Unauthorised disclosure, including avoidable accidental disclosure, may constitute a disciplinary matter and may be gross misconduct in some cases.
- Hard copies of personal data must be kept in a locked filing cabinet, drawer, or similar secure storage, on University premises. It is not sufficient to lock the room in which the data is kept.
- Hard copies of assignments, including exam scripts, may be removed from the University for marking purposes.
- Computerised personal data may only be held on the University’s official designated data repositories. These are:
- Highrise
- Quercus
- TurnItIn
- PeopleHR
- CELCAT and all products
- Eaglepoint CRM
- Hubspot
- Mailchimp
- Eventbrite
- Zapier
- Logiforms
- Canvas
- Google ecosystem (Google drive, Gmail and Google Calendar)
- PaperCut
- Active Directory and all associate programmes
- Personal data may not be stored on a laptop, local hard drive, a network drive, a USB stick, CD or any other storage media unless the device is encrypted.
Data Protection Breaches
- A Data Subject is any person whose personal data is held or processed by the University, including employees, students and applicants. All Data Subjects must:
- Check that information provided to the University is accurate and up to date.
- Update the University immediately when information changes, such as changes of address. Unless the Data Subject does so, the University is not responsible for errors.
Data Protection Notice
- If personal data is obtained directly from the Data Subjects themselves, a data protection notice must accompany any request for personal data, including the following information:
- The information that the University is the data controller.
- The purposes for which the data will be processed.
- Any further information necessary to make the processing fair, for example details of any third parties to whom the data might be disclosed.
- An opt-in or opt-out to marketing, if appropriate.
- A statement that the Data Subject is giving their consent for the processing of the data for the stated purposes to take place.
Sensitive Information
- The University has to process some information about health, criminal convictions, race, and trade union membership, for specific purposes such as safety or equal opportunities. Data subjects must be asked to give express consent for this. Offers of employment or student places may be withdrawn if an individual unreasonably refuses consent.
Other Processing of Personal Data
- If faculty or students need to hold or process personal data as part of their studies or research, they must notify the Registrar in advance and comply with guidelines that will be provided.
- Staff and students may themselves hold or process personal data as part of their coursework, for personal or domestic purposes or otherwise. The University is not the Data Controller in such cases, and the individual concerned is entirely responsible for such disclosures. Such data is not covered by this Policy.
Transfer of Data
- Personal data may need to be transferred to third parties in some cases, and in that case, the University will be guided by the Jisc Code.
- Data may also be disclosed to third parties without the consent of the Data Subject when required by law and in certain other limited circumstances. If the need for this arises, the University will be guided by the Jisc Code.
Assessment Results
- Students will typically receive information about their results for both coursework and examinations routinely. Examination and coursework scripts themselves are exempt from the subject access rules. The Act provides for extended response times for other assessment-related requests.
University Information
- The names and other personal data relating to staff and directors of the University will be published on the University website if required by law. Work-related information about University staff may be published on the University website.
Data Retention and Destruction
- The University must retain some student and staff personal data after they leave the University either because the law requires it or for other reasons, e.g., to provide transcripts and references or to keep tax records. Each type of data will be kept for a set period, which is defined in the University’s Data Retention Schedule.
- When it is time to destroy records, hard copies will be mechanically destroyed by incineration, shredding or a similar permanent method (which may be subcontracted) and electronic records will be permanently wiped by an appropriate irreversible method.
Data Retention Schedule
- The University will only keep your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected.
- To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, the University considers the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which the University processes your personal data and whether it can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.
- This data retention schedule describes the time periods for which records should be retained by the University. The retention periods given in this document are taken mainly from the JISC Record Retention Schedule which can be viewed here.
- At the end of the retention period records should be destroyed securely or deleted. Where the retention period is “permanent”, the record will never be destroyed.
- Only one copy of each record needs to be kept for the full duration of the retention period. Duplicate and additional copies of records should be destroyed as soon as they are no longer of operational use.
- The Records Management British Standard BS ISO 15489 defines a record as “Information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organisation or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or the transaction of business”. All records created and stored by the University, both in paper and electronic form and including data held in databases are subject to retention policies. Where a record contains personal identifying information the retention periods stated in this schedule are mandatory requirements and must be followed unless the Information Governance Office has approved a specific exception. Entries marked with an * indicate a record that is likely to contain personally identifying information, this may not be exhaustive.
Unstructured Information Systems
- Email should not be used for storing any University records. Emails that constitute a record which needs to be retained, including those containing personally identifying information, must be stored in a filing system appropriate to their level of confidentiality or criticality.
- Shared drives or other unstructured information storage solutions (including cloud-based storage) used to store any University records should be managed in accordance with this schedule, however where those records contain personally identifying information the retention periods must be followed.
Structured Systems Storing Personally Identifying Information
- All structured information management systems that store records containing personal identifying information must be managed in accordance with this schedule. These information management systems must have a deletion or archival capability and, where appropriate, be able to identify a subset of the original information for continued retention.
Important Notes
- University policy and strategy documents should be retained for 10 years or 5 years, depending on importance, and then referred to the University archives.
- Audits and reviews of performance against plans and strategies should be retained for 10 years after the current academic year and then be offered to the University archives.
- Contracts and customer service agreements should be retained for 6 years after the termination of the contract or agreement, and then be offered to the University archives.
- Original financial records should be retained for 6 years after the current financial year to ensure compliance with the Limitation Act 1980 and HM Customs & Excise Notice 700/21: Keeping [VAT] records and accounts.
- Publications and promotional materials should be kept while current, and then a copy offered to the University archives for review.
- Individual student files should be kept for 6 years after the student’s relationship with the University has ended. This is to ensure compliance with the Limitation Act 1980 and is in line with the principles set out in data protection law. Only essential records of students should be kept for more extended periods: Name, dates of relationship with the University and final award classification. Also, a full record of courses taken and the marks for these should be kept for at least 40 years for each student to construct student transcripts.
Details of Records
Description of Record | Retention Period | Legal Citation |
Teaching | ||
Teaching and Learning Strategy | Superseded + 10 years | |
Academic Quality Framework | Retain while current
Superseded + 3 years |
Outcomes of internal and external Quality reviews, surveys and reports | Current academic year + 5 years | |
Curriculum development | Superseded + 10 years | |
Curriculum reviews | Superseded + 10 years | |
Statistics (student numbers etc.) | Current academic year + 5 years | |
Taught programme development | Life of programme + 10 years | |
Reviews, reports and feedback on taught programmes | Current academic year + 5 years | |
Taught course development and teaching materials | Life of course | |
Taught course assessments, development and final versions | Life of course | |
Assessment marks, including appeals and mitigating circumstances data* | Current academic year + 6 years (N.B. See section on individual student records
below) |
Limitation Act 1980 |
Student Administration | ||
Student administration strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 10 years | |
Student administration strategy audits and reviews | Superseded + 10 years | |
Student recruitment campaigns | Current academic year + 5 years | |
Admission criteria | Superseded + 10 years | |
Clearing process administration | Current academic year + 1 year | |
Student registration summaries and analyses | Current academic year + 6 years | |
Student induction programme design | Superseded + 5 years | |
Records documenting the handling of applications for admission: unsuccessful applications | End of contact with applicant + 1 year. | |
Student photographs (Individual or groups)* | Current academic year + 10 years, or retained and disposed of in accordance with terms of collection. | |
Examinations and Assessments | ||
Examination rules and procedures | Superseded + 10 years | |
Selection and appointment of external examiners* | Termination of appointment + 10 years | |
Selection and appointment of examination invigilators* | Current academic year + 1 year | |
Examination administration (timetabling, collation, attendance etc.) | Current academic year + 3 years | |
Pass / award lists* | Permanent | |
Award ceremony administration | Completion + 1 year | |
Student Relations | ||
Staff / student liaison committees | Life of committee + 3 years | |
Student surveys | Completion + 5 years | |
Student Support Services | ||
Support services strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 10 years | |
Support services strategy reports and audit | Current academic year + 10 years | |
Student support services proposals and development | Life of service | |
Support services performance, audit and reviews | Current academic year + 5 years | |
Alumni Relations | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
Personal data on alumni* | Retain while current | |
Alumni surveys | Completion + 3 years | |
Individual survey responses (*if they identify individuals) | Completion of survey | |
Complaints* | Last action + 6 years | |
Fundraising | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
Fundraising campaigns | Last action + 5 years | |
Individual responses to campaigns (*if they identify individuals) | Completion of campaign + 5 years | |
Strategic Planning & Performance Management | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 10 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 10 years | |
Governance | ||
Records documenting the establishment and development of governance structure | Life of institution | |
Appointments to governing body* | Termination of appointment + 6 years | |
Governing body minutes, agendas and reports | Current year + 50 years | |
Establishment and terms of reference of executive committees | Life of committee | |
Executive Committee minutes, agendas and reports | Current year + 50 years | |
Appointment and designation of institution’s senior officers* | Termination of appointment + 5 years | |
Faculty committee minutes, agendas and reports | Current year + 10 years | |
Records recording the handling of individual requests under the Freedom of Information Act, GDPR and DPA | Current year + 6 years | |
Documents provided to individuals under GDPR data subject rights requests | Current year + 3 years | |
Risk Management | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
Records documenting identified risks and risk assessments | Superseded + 3 years | |
Disaster response and recovery plans | Superseded + 1 year | |
Quality Management | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
Quality audits and resultant actions | Completion + 3 years | |
Attainment and maintenance of accreditations | Termination of accreditation + 1 year | |
Audit | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
Audits and resultant actions | Completion + 5 years | |
Legal Affairs | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
Agreements and contracts under seal and related documents | Termination of contract+ 12 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Agreements and contracts and related documents | Termination of contract+ 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Legal support and representation related to claims against the University which do not proceed to litigation or agreement* | Settlement or withdrawal of claim + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Litigation leading to legal precedent* | Life of the University | Limitation Act
1980 |
Litigation not setting precedent* | Settlement + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Legal advice to University re: legal framework, operations, governance responsibilities, relationship with government and | Life of the University | |
HE regulators, industrial relations and H & S and environment | Superseded + 6 years | |
Other Legal advice to the University | Superseded + 6 years | |
HE Regulator Relations | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
Requests for information from HE regulators and responses | Last action + 1 year | |
Formal HE surveys and responses | Last action + 1 year | |
HE regulator reviews of University and responses | Last action + 5 years | |
Health & Safety Management | ||
Strategy and policy documents, implementation plans, documents relating to development of strategy and policy, monitoring, auditing and review processes | Superseded + 50 years | |
Formation and terms of reference of health and safety committees, proceedings and decisions of committees | Life of committee + 50 years | Safety Representatives & Safety Committee Regulations 1997 |
Consultations and communications with employee safety representatives | Superseded + 50 years | Safety Representatives & Safety Committee Regulations 1997 |
Health and Safety training | End of employment + 5 years (unless training relates to exposure to hazardous substances) | Management of Health & Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2006 |
Risk assessments (including control measures and action) | Period of relevance + 5 years (unless related to exposure to hazardous substances) | Management of Health & Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2006 |
Health and safety inspections | Current year + 5 years | |
Occupational health records including pre-employment screening* | Termination of employment + 40 years | |
Records of notification of accidents to enforcing authorities (under RIDDOR)*
For further specific health and safety record retention periods see relevant legislation, including that relating to exposure to specific substances, fire wardens and first aiders |
Date of known injury + 4 years | |
Emergency Planning | ||
Arrangements with external emergency services. | Review of arrangements + 5 years | Fire Precautions; (Workplace) Regulations 1997 The Management of Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2006 |
Security Management | ||
Security inspections | Whilst current | |
Property access controls (e.g., DoorFlow & key registers) | Creation + 2 years | |
Security pass lists* | Expiry of pass + 1 year | |
Routine security surveillance | Creation + 1 month | |
Security breaches | Last action + 1 year | |
Finance | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 10 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 10 years | |
Financial audits | Last action + 6 years | |
Issue and processing of invoices | Current financial year + 6 years | |
Expenses* | Current financial year + 6 years | |
Petty cash | Current financial year + 6 years | |
Preparation of annual accounts | Current financial year + 6 years | Taxes Management Act 1970 |
Financial records relating to research grants and contracts.*
*Examples include financial transaction and budget reports, financial reconciliations, claims to funders, PI or other approvals relating to financial reports, budget changes or claims. |
Closure of project account + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
ERDF project funding documents and project papers | Current financial year + 15 years | |
Scholarship & bursary funds | Current financial year + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Tax returns | Current tax year + 6 years | |
Bank account administration | Closure of account + 6 years | |
Standing orders, direct debits | Life of instruction + 6 years | |
Capital assets value | Current financial year + 6 years | |
Payroll | ||
Non statutory deductions authorisation* | Current tax year + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Payroll payments to employees* | Current tax year + 6 years | Taxes Management Act 1970. Limitation Act 1980.
Income Tax (Employment) Regulations 2018. National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Regulations 2020 |
Sick pay* | Current tax year + 3 years | Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations 1982 |
Maternity pay* | Current tax year + 3 years | Statutory Maternity Pay Regulations 2005 |
Pension contributions * | Termination of employment + 75 years | |
Redundancy payment calculations, refunds & notification to Secretary
of State |
Redundancy + 6 years | |
Personnel | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 10 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 10 years | |
Management succession plans | Superseded + 5 years | |
Job specification development | Superseded + 5 years | |
Recruitment authorisation | Current year + 1 year | |
Vacancies advertising | Completion of appointment + 6 months | Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995 |
Unsuccessful employment applications* | Completion of appointment + 6 months | Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 2005 |
Successful applications* | Termination of employment + 6 years | Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 2005 |
Successful applications supporting (references etc.)* | Termination of employment | |
Statistical analyses of applications | Current year + 5 years | |
Unsolicited applications* | Last action + 1 year | |
Induction programmes | Current year + 5 years | |
Workforce training* | Current year / completion of programme+ 5 years | |
Performance assessment (such as probation reviews, PDR records etc.)* | Current year + 6 years | |
Contracts of employment* | Termination of employment + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Terms and conditions changes* | Termination of employment + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Disciplinary proceedings* | Closure of case + 6 years | |
Sickness absence* | Termination of employment + 40 years | Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992, Statutory Sick Pay for Employers CA30 |
Statutory leave* | Termination of employment + 6 years | Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations 1999 |
Pre employment health screening* | Termination of employment + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Major injuries / accidents* | Termination of employment + 40 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
Termination of employment* | Termination of employment + 6 years | Limitation Act 1980 |
References provided* | Provision of reference + 1 year | |
Remuneration structure | Current year + 10 years | |
Pay reviews | Current year + 5 years | |
Hours monitoring* | Date of record + 2 years | Working Time Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/1833) |
Workforce surveys design | Completion + 5 years | |
Individual responses (*if they identify individuals) | Completion of analysis | |
Summary results of surveys | Completion + 5 years | |
Information Technology | ||
Strategy and policy documents | Superseded + 5 years | |
Strategy and policy review and audit | Current year + 5 years | |
IT systems management | Decommissioning + 5 years | |
Software licences management | Whilst current | |
ICT security arrangements | Decommissioning of system + 5 years | |
User accounts* | Indefinitely suspended at termination of employment + 6 months | |
System monitoring | Current year + 1 year | |
Security breaches | Last action + 1 year | |
Admissions | ||
School contacts | Last contact + 10 years | |
School contacts opted out of marketing | Unsubscribe + 2 years | |
Prospective student records | Presumed date of entry +7 years | |
Unsuccessful applicant records | Presumed date of entry +7 years | |
Student & Academic Services | ||
Student | Graduation + 10 years | |
Formative essays | Graduation + 6 months | |
Summative essays | Indefinite | References |
Collections reports | Indefinite | References |
Examination scripts | Release of marks + 12 months | Time limitations on appeals |
Plagiarism & academic malpractice | Last action on case + 6 years | |
Health records including medical evidence of disability, disclosure form, and educational psychologists’ reports. | Graduation + 12 month | Time limitations on appeals. May be required by Student & Academic Services during the student’s time at Northeastern University London, time limitations on appeals |
Transcripts (marks) | Indefinite | References |
Student Complaints | Last action on case + six years | JISC recommendation: 1980 c. 58 s 5 |
Student Appeals | Last action on case + six years | JISC recommendation: 1980 c. 58 s 5 |
Timetabling | Graduation + three years | |
Attendance data | Graduation + three years | |
Student Route (including Tier 4) | ||
Copy of each sponsored migrant’s current passport pages showing all personal identity details including biometric details, leave stamps, or immigration status document including their period of leave to remain (permission to stay) in the UK. This must show the migrant’s entitlement to study with a licensed sponsor in the UK. In the absence of an entry stamp, other evidence such as the travel ticket to the UK or boarding card should be kept. | All documents must be kept for whichever is the shorter period of either:
1 year from the date the University ends its sponsorship of the migrant If the migrant is no longer sponsored by the University, the point at which a compliance officer has examined and approved them. |
Sponsor guidance appendix A |
Copy of the migrant’s biometric residence permit (BRP). | All documents must be kept for whichever is the shorter period of either:
1 year from the date the University ends its sponsorship of the migrant. If the migrant is no longer sponsored by the University, the point at which a compliance officer has examined and approved them. |
Sponsor guidance appendix D |
Record of the migrant’s absence/attendance, this may be kept either electronically or manually | All documents must be kept for whichever is the shorter period of either:
1 year from the date the University ends its sponsorship of the migrant. If the migrant is no longer sponsored by the University, the point at which a compliance officer has examined and approved them. |
Sponsor guidance appendix D |
A history of the migrant’s contact details to include UK residential address, telephone number and mobile telephone number. This must be updated regularly. | All documents must be kept for whichever is the shorter period of either:
1 year from the date the University ends its sponsorship of the migrant. If the migrant is no longer sponsored by the University, the point at which a compliance officer has examined and approved them. |
Sponsor guidance appendix D |
Copies or originals where possible of any evidence assessed by the University as part of the process of making an offer to the migrant, this could be copies of references, examination certificates. | All documents must be kept for whichever is the shorter period of either:
1 year from the date you end your sponsorship of the migrant. If the migrant is no longer sponsored by the University, the point at which a compliance officer has examined and approved them. |
Sponsor guidance appendix D |
All documents provided as part of the University’s application to become a licensed sponsor | The duration of the period covered by the University’s license | Sponsor guidance appendix D |
COVID-19 related Information collated with regards to reportable symptoms. | Public Health England’s published advice |
Version History
Title: Data Protection Policy
Approved by: Executive Committee Location: Academic Handbook/ Policies and Procedures/ Data Protection |
Version Number | Date Approved | Date Published | Owner | Proposed Next Review Date |
3.2 | December 2022 | December 2022 | Data Protection Officer | September 2023 |
3.1 | June 2021 | June 2021 | Data Protection Officer | September 2023 |
3.0 | March 2021 | April 2021 | Data Protection Officer | September 2023 |
2.8 | September 2019 | October 2019 | Director of Marketing | September 2020 |
2.7 | May 2018 | May 2018 | Director of Marketing | May 2019 |
Referenced documents | Staff Handbook; Privacy Notices | |||
External Reference Point(s) | General Data Protection Regulation 2018; Information Commissioner’s Office; Jisc Data Protection Code of Practice; Records Management British Standard BS ISO 15489; Information Governance Office; Limitation Act 1980; HM Customs & Excise Notice 700/21: Keeping (VAT) records and accounts; UK Quality Code: Monitoring and Evaluation; Limitation Act 1980; Safety Representatives & Safety Committee Regulations 1997; Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 2006; Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997; The Management of Health and Safety at Work (amended) Regulations 2006; Taxes Management Act 1970; Income Tax (Employment) Regulations 1993; National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Regulations 2020; Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations 1982; Statutory Maternity Pay Regulations 2005; Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976; Disability Discrimination Act 2005; Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992; Statutory Sick Pay for Employers CA30; Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations 1999; Working Time Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/1833) |