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Academic Handbook Operations

Events Policy and Booking Procedure



  1. This Policy defines expectations, responsibilities, and procedures for booking and managing Events at Northeastern University London (the University).


  1. This Policy applies to all Campus Events involving Attendees, but not limited to, movement of furniture, external catering, AV equipment or any additional support from Timetabling, Facilities and/or the Events Team).


  1. Event: is an activity or gathering organised by Staff or Students of Northeastern University London and/or Northeastern University which may include public, open and social events, and which may host external speakers and Attendees, but excludes curricular and co-curricular activities.
  2. Principal Organiser (PrO): Defined as the person(s) responsible for booking the Event and overseeing its planning and realisation.
  3. Event Risk Assessment: Defined as the specific Event Risk Assessment Form provided by the Events Team, for evaluating potential risks in the undertaking of an Event. This is done in conjunction with the Facilities Team.
  4. Visitor: Defined as any external person requesting access to the University who does not have a valid and current University issued ID card.
    1. The different types of visitors are classified as follows:
      1. Friends and/or family of staff or students.
      2. Individuals attending University-related business or Events.
      3. Northeastern University Colleagues.
      4. Alumni.
      5. Contractors.
  5. Attendee: Defined as any person (both internal and external) attending an Event at the University.
  6. Temporary Events Notice (TEN): A TEN will need to be completed if any licensable activity will be taking place during the Event. See TEN guidance for additional information.
  7. Attendee List: Defined as the list of Attendees who are expected at an Event on Campus or a defined venue . Attendee Lists are submitted to the Events Team at least 24 hours prior to the start of the Event.
  8. Incident: An occurrence taking place that was not expected or planned in the Event schedule.
  9. Nominated Principal Organiser (Nominated PrO): Defined as the person responsible for overseeing the Event on the day of the Event if the PrO is unavailable, or for a period of time before the Event is set to start. Any points relating to PrO are also relevant to the Nominated PrO.
  10. Event Walkthrough: Defined as a run-through of the Event to take place on Campus with the PrO, Event Coordinator, a member of the IT team and a member of the Facilities Team in attendance. The Event Walkthrough covers all areas in which the Event is taking place, as well as registration, AV requirements and any Event aspects that either the Event Coordinator or Facilities Team deem relevant. The Event Walkthrough takes place at least 10 days prior to the Event.
  11. Campus: all premises that are occupied by the University.
  12. Teaching Hours are 09:00 – 18:30, Monday to Friday.
  13. Business Hours are 08:00 – 18:00, Monday to Friday.
  1. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Managing External Speakers Policy. Where contradictions exist between these two Policies, the Managing External Speakers Policy will supersede.
  2. Event Booking Form to be submitted to the Events Team, as an Event booking request, one month in advance.
  3. This Policy must be read in conjunction with the following:
    1. Prevent Policy
    2. Campus Security Policy
    3. Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
    4. Visitor Policy
    5. Health and Safety Policy
    6. Managing External Speakers Policy
    7. Temporary Events Notice (TEN) guidance. For PrOs wishing to use a TEN, please contact the Events Team.

Terms and Conditions

  1. An Event request will be declined where it contravenes University policies, where conditions are not able to be agreed, or where the risk level is high.
  2. The use of premises is granted only to the user or organisation named in the booking, and for the exact purpose indicated on the Event Booking Form.
  3. The Events Team will liaise with the PrO for any pricing negotiations, building tours and health and safety guidance required ahead of the Event.
  4. All external Attendees will need to sign in upon entry to Campus.
  5. Day time Events on Campus will be prohibited during exam periods.

Access and Security

  1. All internal Attendees need to follow normal access procedures. All external Attendees need to be booked in, in accordance with the Visitors Policy.
  2. The University is able to facilitate Events throughout business hours providing the Event does not clash with teaching. University teaching hours are 09:00 – 18:30, Monday to Friday.
  3. The PrO needs to liaise with the Events team to ensure that sufficient time has been planned for setup and breakdown of the Event, and that neither activity conflicts with teaching. If adequate time for set up and breakdown has not been prepared this will impact the start and finish times of the Event.
  4. Events are required to finish by 21:00 Monday to Thursday, unless approved by the Events team and the last Attendee must leave the building by 21:30. All Events that finish after 21:30 will have a security charge of 2 hours to ensure Security have adequate time to carry out their duties. Events can finish by 23:00 on Fridays at no extra charge.
  5. Where an Event is held outside of normal business hours (18:00 onward, Monday to Friday) the following terms apply:
    1. The University requires ‘staff on duty’ and security guards for these Events, the number of which to be determined by the Event Risk Assessment, PrO and Events Team on a case-by-case basis. When Events are outside of normal business hours security should be prioritised.
    2. Once an Event has concluded, the PrO is responsible for making sure all Attendees leave the premises in an orderly fashion and do not disrupt the local residents. The PrO is responsible for ensuring furniture is back in place for morning classes.
    3. Security guard bookings will be made by the Facilities Team, on behalf of the PrO. The PrO must liaise with the Events Team for all security bookings. Costs for security or ‘staff on duty’ are split between the PrO and the University on the below terms:
      1. First security guard chargeable to PrO.
      2. Second security guard chargeable to the University.
      3. Third security guard chargeable to PrO.
      4. Security Guard costs are split 50% between the PrO and the University for any additional requirements.
      5. Security guard costs are estimated at £20 per hour.
    4. The ‘staff on duty’ or security guards are responsible for access to the building and ensuring the building is secure following the Event.
  6. The PrO is to ensure a full Attendee List is given to the Events Team 24 hours before the start of the Event with entry to the Event to be managed accordingly. A member of the PrO’s Team or Security Team must be located on the front door for the full duration of the Event. This person may be the ‘staff on duty’ or security guard.
  7. Any Attendees who are not on the Attendee List may be denied access to the Event and Campus.
  8. Refer to the Visitor Policy for visitor identifications.
  9. The Event itself and Attendees of the Event are only permitted access to the areas that have been booked for the Event. Access to any other rooms within the Campus is prohibited.
  10. Facilities, IT and the Events Team can access the booked rooms at any time.
  11. Attendees are able to ask security to call a cab for them if required to get them home safely, chargeable to the Attendee who requires the service.
  12. Directly after the end of the Event, if an incident has taken place, a Post Event Report is required to be completed by Security, and submitted to the Events Team the next day (also see point 60).
  13. By attending an Event, Attendees consent to having their photographs taken which may be published on University platforms. If photos are to be taken for this purpose, it will be stated on Event communication materials.
  14. Events in Devon House, Ground Floor East after 18:30, will be discouraged unless it is previously agreed with the Events Team . If agreed, Security officers are to be assigned at the Devon House west exit door and Devon House ground floor east entrance door to ensure no more than 20 people are in the communal landlord area at once. The security costs are to be charged to the Event PrO.
  15. For all MARV Events, predicted attendance numbers must be communicated to the Events Team at least 48 hours before the Event to plan for contingencies.


  1. All forms of entertainment must be disclosed in full on the Event Booking Form.
  2. The premises are located in a mixed commercial and residential area, and the PrO must be considerate of the other tenants in the building and our neighbours.
  3. The PrO must be mindful of the open spaces within the campus as students and staff could be working and studying in the surrounding rooms and spaces.
  4. The PrO must ensure the noise level arising from music, live bands and participants is lowered to an acceptable level. Music and live bands should be prioritised earlier in the Event schedule or at a time which is less disruptive to internal persons, other tenants and local residents.

Cleanliness/Breakages/Usage Rules

  1. Any decorations for Events are subject to approval by the Events Team and Facilities. The PrO is responsible for disclosing any decorations which will be used in the Event to a member of the Events Team in advance of the Event taking place and making sure any decorations are included in their Event Risk Assessment in case the decorations may cause a fire hazard or risk to Attendees. The Facilities team reserves the right to decline any decorations which are hazardous or may damage the building.
  2. All Events are subject to a mandatory 3-hour cleaner booking to facilitate a clean after an Event has concluded. Cleaners are to be booked via the University and charged to the PrO.
  3. The PrO must leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the Event. Should the premises not be returned to the University in a satisfactory state of cleanliness, cleaning charges incurred as a consequence will be recharged to the PrO.
  4. The PrO is responsible for ensuring that any rooms used for an Event have been reset to the original format prior to the booking. For example: returning our classrooms back to normal after an Event has taken place. This needs to be done at the conclusion of the Event as the University may have classes the next morning and our cleaners will need to access this space beforehand.
  5. Carpet cleaning charges may be incurred as a result of spillages and or staining.
  6. All refuse from the Event must be placed in the correct waste receptacles provided by the University in line with our waste management policy.
  7. Any loss, theft, damages, breakages or spillages must be reported to the facilities department within 24 hours of the Event.
  8. The PrO will ensure that nothing is fixed to the floors, walls, ceilings or other internal/external areas of the University premises with adhesives, screws, nails, drawing pins or other forms of fixings without prior consent of the Events Team.

Health and Safety

  1. The PrO is required to be in attendance for the duration of the Event, or will appoint a responsible person in their absence known as the nominated PrO. The PrO must let the Events Team know who is responsible for the Event at least 2 weeks before the Event if they are not able to attend.
  2. The PrO or nominated PrO must familiarise themselves with the location of the fire exits and ensure the fire evacuation procedure is visible to participants and located at the entrance of the space being used.
  3. All fire exits must be left clear and unobstructed at all times.
  4. The PrO or nominated PrO is responsible for evacuating Attendees in the event of a fire or emergency.
  5. The Facilities Team is required to complete an Event Risk Assessment during the Walkthrough with the PrO. Once this is completed, Facilities must share the completed Event Risk Assessment with the Events Team who will review and sign off on it.
  6. Events strictly cannot proceed unless the Event Risk Assessment has been approved at least one week in advance of the Event.
  7. Participants are not permitted to take alcoholic beverages and drinking glasses outside of the premises or the Event area.
  8. No form of smoking (including e-cigarettes/vapour) is permitted in or on the premises. Premises include out of windows and the external terrace. All Attendees must comply with the University Smoking Policy.
  9. Only professional caterers are permitted to prepare hot foods on the premises, and only where disclosed in the Event Booking Form. The supplier’s name must be confirmed with the University at the time of booking.
  10. Security guards are first aid, security and safety trained. All incidents are to be immediately reported to on duty security and records will be retained in accordance with University policies.
  11. All accidents or incidents relating to first aid, fire and authorities must be immediately reported to the facilities department following the matter being in hand.
  12. The PrO must notify the Events Team in advance of the Event of any items of equipment to be brought into the building for the purpose of the Event and must disclose this at the Event Walkthrough. All electrical equipment must have an up-to-date PAT certificate. All equipment must be removed from the premises by the end of the Event, unless agreed otherwise with the facilities department. Electrical items remaining in the premises overnight must be left unplugged, this includes any University electrical equipment used for the purpose of the Event. The University is not responsible for any equipment left overnight.
  13. Any equipment which can reasonably cause a fire hazard such as fairy lights, candles and fog/smoke machines are strictly prohibited in the premises. The PrO must disclose any equipment which they wish to use in the room on the Event Risk Assessment
  14. Attendees under the age of 18 must be mentioned in the Event Booking Form and details recorded in the Event Risk Assessment.
  15. Additional staff or student ambassadors need to be employed in order to ensure anyone under 18 is supervised around campus.


  1. The ‘staff on duty’ or security guards may take the decision to call an end to an Event ahead of the scheduled end time, or at the very least the participants violating the below should be immediately removed from the premises, if:
    1. The PrO will ensure that the Event is conducted in an orderly fashion without causing a nuisance to other tenants or local residents and is fully compliant with directives or requirements from the University and all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.
    2. The behaviour of any of the PrO personnel or participants is considered to be intentionally offensive, abusive, constituting a risk to health and safety, or otherwise unacceptable, including the use of illegal substances on the premises.

Licence Regulation

  1. The University and PrO have a legal obligation to comply with licensing restrictions, planning and statutory regulations. Anything which may appear to the University to be in violation of these must be immediately rectified.
  2. The nature of certain Events may require a TEN. Where a TEN is required, the University as the tenant must apply for it via Tower Hamlets Council. The PrO must have received the TEN prior to the Event. A copy of the TEN must be located at the entrance and a copy retained by the University to accompany the room booking form. The cost of the TEN will be passed onto the Event hire.
  3. The PrO must not apply for any licensing without prior consent from the University.

University Property

  1. The PrO may have use of the University’s furniture and equipment already located in the specified Event space.
  2. The PrO must make sufficient arrangements for the furniture to be returned back to normal at the end of the Event.
  3. The PrO may not use any other of the University’s furniture and equipment unless this has been previously arranged with the facilities department.
  4. All borrowed items to be returned to their original location by the end of the Event.
  5. The PrO shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that no damage occurs to members or the property of the University, our landlords at Devon house, or the property of any local residents. In the event of any damage occurring the University reserves the right to render the PrO liable for any or all property damaged.
  6. In the event that any members of staff are injured as a result of the Event or by the PrO or any Attendees, the University reserves the right to render the PrO liable for any claims therein.
  7. In the event of damage to any of the University’s equipment the PrO may be billed at the University’s discretion.

Event Booking Procedure

  1. The PrO is to submit an Event Booking Form at least one month in advance of the Event date. The more notice the Events Team has, the higher the chance of the Event being approved.
  2. The Event is not confirmed until:
    1. The Event Booking Form is completed
    2. The PrO receives a confirmation email from the Events Team regarding their Event
  3. All Events must use the Event Booking Form. The PrO should not go directly to timetabling or other departments to book the space.
  4. Licensable Events require three weeks’ notice due to licensing approval with Tower Hamlets Council. All licensable Events need to be booked directly with the Events Team.
  5. The Events Team will be in contact with the PrO to discuss the logistics, including equipment requirements, number and list of Attendees/audiences, appropriate room/space, layout, licensing, event clashes etc. All logistics relating to Events must go through the Events Team.
  6. If at any point there are any changes in the Event (attendance numbers, registration, room booking, event program, schedule etc.) from the Event Booking Form, need to be communicated to the Events team no later than two weeks before the Event.
  7. The Events Team will consult with relevant departments and are responsible for providing the PrO with an outcome of their request.
  8. Subject to approval by the Events Team, the PrO may only advertise their Event after approval has been received.
  9. An Event request will be declined where it contravenes University policies, does not follow the Event Booking Procedure, or where terms and conditions are not able to be agreed.
  10. The Events Team will coordinate an Event Risk Assessment at the latest one week in advance of the approved Event date. Events are not able to proceed without a duly approved Event Risk Assessment.
  11. The Events Team must arrange an Event Walkthrough with the Event Coordinator and a member of the Facilities and IT team, at the latest 10 days before the Event.
  12. The PrO is able to challenge any declined Event requests, any challenged requests will be sent to a member of the senior management team for a final decision.
  13. By agreeing and completing the Event Booking Form, the PrO accepts these Terms and Conditions of the University.
  14. Failure to agree to the Events Policy in the Event Booking Form will result in cancellation of booking.
  15. Any IT trials in rooms needed for an Event must be completed before 16:00 on the day of the Event. In case of any changes in wall setups for Events, these must also be communicated before 16:00 to the Facilities team. After this time, no changes would be possible as the on campus teams will not be available.

Responsibility and Accountability

  1. Event set up needs to be owned by the PrO and the Events team. The PrO must account for student ambassador support while budgeting for the Event and it’s set up. The Facilities team will only be involved for larger University wide Events that require a full team effort or when there is a staff shortage.
  2. Only the Facilities team is allowed to assemble or disassemble walls for Events in rooms at Devon House (for example, those in Rooms 121/123, 122/124, 224/226). Student Ambassadors may not be used for this purpose.
  3. The PrO, unless otherwise stated, will be the primary Event owner. The owner will be the first of contact for the Event and be responsible for the smooth operation of all aspects of the Event.
  4. It is the PrO’s responsibility to alert the Events team in case the Event has any Attendees under 18 years of age on campus. This must be clearly stated in the Event Booking Form, Event Risk Assessment and communicated in the Event Walkthrough to the Events and Facilities team.
  5. The PrO and all other working staff must be sober at all times of the Event. Alcohol consumption is strictly not permitted while the PrO is working.

Version History

Title: Events Policy and Booking Procedure

Approved by: Executive Committee

Location: Academic Handbook/ Policies and Procedures/ General/ Operations

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
2.0 September 2023 November 2023 Director of Resourcing and Operations August 2025
1.1 January 2023 January 2023 Director of Resourcing and Operations August 2023
1.0 November 2021 November 2021 Director of Resourcing and Operations August 2022
Referenced documents Managing External Speaker Policy; Prevent Policy; Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech; Health and Safety Policy.
External Reference Point(s) UK Quality Code: Learning and Teaching; Tower Hamlets Council