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Academic Handbook Operations

Locker Policy



  1. This Policy outlines how student lockers at Northeastern University London (the University) may be used to store personal belongings on campus on a short-term basis and defines the terms and conditions for use.


  1. This Policy applies to the lockers at Devon House for student use.
  2. This Policy does not apply to staff lockers. For information on lockers for University staff, please contact Facilities.

General Principles


  1. Students registered on a programme with Northeastern University London or Northeastern University may use the lockers provided on the first and second floor of Devon House, according to the specifications set out within this Policy.

Locker Allocation

  1. Lockers are allocated on a first come first serve basis. Students may not request a locker in advance of their arrival on campus. The University cannot guarantee locker availability at any given time.
  2. All lockers are the property of Northeastern University London and remain the property of Northeastern University London at all times. At no point will ownership transfer from Northeastern University London to the User.

Criminal Conduct

  1. If the University suspects that a locker is being used to store illegal materials, the University will search the locker without any prior notice to the User. The University will notify the police of any illegal materials discovered, and assist the police with any ensuing investigation.
  2. Please see the Disciplinary Procedure for Students for additional information regarding misconduct that is also a criminal offence.


  1. All items stored in University lockers are subject to the Acceptable Use Policy for Students (IT).
  2. The University is not responsible for any damage, liability or theft that may occur as a result of students using the lockers provided. Users should inspect all lockers for faults before use to make sure their items are stored securely.
  3. Users should not share locker combinations with other students or persons.

Locker Booking Procedure

  1. Users may request a locker through the Locker Booking Form, which can be accessed here or by scanning the QR code printed on the side of University lockers. The Locker Booking Form requires the following information:
    1. University email address
    2. User’s full name, as registered with the University
    3. Desired locker number (selected from list of available locker numbers)
  2. After a locker number has been selected on the Locker Booking Form, that locker number is removed from the list of available locker numbers to prevent double booking. If an unforeseen circumstance occurs and a locker becomes double booked, Facilities will endeavor to provide the User with an alternative.
  3. Once a locker has been booked, the User will receive an email from Facilities confirming the booking. The email will contain instructions on accessing the locker and setting a new combination.
  4. All lockers are fitted with a combination locking system, which allows Users to set their own combination to securely store belongings.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Access to student lockers is available during normal business hours of 08:00 to 21:30, Monday to Friday.
  2. Support for lockers is available from 08:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday. The University may be unable to provide access to lockers out of business hours and is not liable for any damages to the User as a result of inaccessibility to lockers.
  3. The University is not liable for any damages to the User as a result of inaccessibility to lockers in the event of an emergency evacuation, threat, or other unforeseen circumstances that may prevent building access.
  4. All lockers are cleaned out at the end of each term to ensure fair use for Users across the following term. Users are notified via email two weeks prior to the end of term to prompt collection of items.
  5. The lockers are to be used for storage by the User only. Users are not permitted to store any items for others in University lockers.
  6. The locker shall not be used for the storage of any materials deemed to be inappropriate by the University including without limitation illegal or offensive materials, perishable items, valuable items or articles belonging to anyone other than the User.
  7. The University does not assume responsibility for items stored in University lockers.
  8. The User must keep the locker in good and clean condition and the User must not do, or omit to do, anything that may result in damage to the locker. If the User identifies that a locker is damaged, they must immediately notify a member of Facilities. The University reserves the right to charge the User for the cost to repair any damage to the locker caused by the acts or omissions of the User.
  9. The University reserves the right to access all lockers contained within the University’s demise. Facilities may access University lockers without any prior notice to the User for the purposes of security, maintenance, ensuring compliance with these terms, or any other reasonable purpose as designated by the University.


  1. A User’s right to access and use University lockers ceases:
    1. If and when the User ceases to be a registered student.
    2. If the User violates the terms of usage as specified within this Policy.
  2. The University will provide written notice of termination or a reminder for locker expiry for clear down.
  3. If, upon termination or expiry of use of a locker or as a result of the termly clear down, the User does not remove all items from the locker, the University reserves the right to access the locker and remove any items. In such cases, any items removed from the locker are defined as lost property and are handled in accordance with the Lost Property Policy.

Reporting, Monitoring and Reviewing

  1. The Facilities Manager will maintain a record of University locker bookings and any relevant incidents related to locker use.
  2. The Facilities Manager will report to the Director of Resourcing and Operations regarding University locker use on a termly basis.
  3. Director of Resourcing and Operations will monitor the data and make recommendations as appropriate.
  4. Executive Committee and the Director of Resourcing and Operations will review this Policy for effectiveness.

Version History

Title: Locker Policy

Approved by: Executive Committee

Location: Academic Handbook/ Policies and Procedures/ General/ Operations

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
23.1.0 May 2023 May 2023 Head of Resourcing and Operations April 2025
Referenced documents Lost Property Policy; Acceptable Use Policy for Students (IT).
External Reference Point(s) None