Academic Handbook Cohort 2023-24
Undergraduate University Course List Year Two 2023-24
Last modified on September 10th, 2024 at 3:18 pm
Business and Project Management
LBUSI5201 Financial Management
LBUSI5202 Management Information Systems
LBUSI5203 People and Organisations
LBUSI5264 Intermediate Business Directed Study I
Computing and Information Systems
LCSCI5205 Object-Oriented Design
Data and Artificial Intelligence
LDSCI5206 Advanced Programming with Data
LDSCI5207 Experimental Data Science Project (subject to approval)
LDSCI5209 Information Presentation and Visualisation
LDSCI5247 Foundations of Data Science
LECON5211 Microeconomics and Behaviour
LECON5212 Advancing Global Progress
LECON5213 Econometrics and Programming
LECON5214 Macroeconomics and Economic Crises
English, Creative Writing and Academic Writing
LCWRI5250 Electric Frontiers: Digital Creative Writing
LCWRI5251 Exploring Short Fiction Style and Storycraft
LCWRI5269 Intermediate Creative Writing Directed Study I
LCWRI5270 Intermediate Creative Writing Directed Study II
LENGL5253 Literature and Decolonisation Course Descriptor
LENGL5254 Modernism/Postmodernism Course Descriptor
LENGL5255 Satire, Feeling, Innovation: 18th Century and Romantic Period Poetry and Prose
LENGL5256 Shakespeare: Seven Plays
History and Art History
LADES5261 Global Objects in Context
LADES5262 Intermediate Art and Design Directed Study I
LADES5263 Intermediate Art and Design Directed Study II
LADES5286 Intermediate Special Topics In Art and Design
LHIST5216 Women and Power in Tudor England and Beyond, 1500-1800
LHIST5218 Humanity Transformed: The Axial Age in Ancient Eurasia
LHIST5219 Key Texts in the History of Political Thought, Understanding, Interpretation and Analysis
LHIST5221 Public History and Heritage
LHIST5222 The Impact of Thatcherism Politics, Economics and Society
LIDIS5232 Sustainable Cities and Communities
LIDIS5246 Global Cyber Governance
LIDIS5257 Creativity and the Mind
LIDIS5258 Creating Impact Experiential Project
LIDIS5259 Intermediate In-the-Field Experiential Project
LSDIS5260 Intermediate Research Assistance Experiential Project
Law and Criminology
LLAW5224 Legal Research and Advocacy
LLAW5225 Legal Research Symposium
LLAW5227 Tort Law in Context: Extensions and Development
LPHIL5235 Philosophy of Science
LPHIL5248 Artificial Intelligence and Data Ethics
Politics & IR, Anthropology, Sociology
LPINT5236 British Government in Global Context
LPINT5237 Decolonising International Relations
LPINT5238 Foundations of Critical Thought
LPINT5239 Political Arguments in Action
LPINT5240 Political Ideologies
LPINT5241 The European Union in the World
LPINT5249 Societies in Transition
LPINT5281 Intermediate Politics and International Relations Directed Study I
LPINT5282 Intermediate Politics and International Relations Directed Study II
LPSYC52101 Research Methods in Psychology
LPSYC5242 Cognitive Psychology
LPSYC5244 Psychology of Individual Differences
LPSYC5283 Intermediate Psychology Directed Study I
LPSYC5284 Intermediate Psychology Directed Study II
LPSYC5296 Intermediate Special Topics In Psychology Course Descriptor