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Academic Handbook Course Descriptors and Programme Specifications

LISYS62113A Customer Lifecycle Management Course Descriptor

Course code LISYS62113A Discipline Information Systems
UK Credit 15 US Credit N/A
FHEQ level 6 Date approved  October 2023
Compulsory for IT Consultant Specialism
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None

Course Summary

In this course learners will explore customer relationship management (CRM) and the importance of customer value to an organisation. Each stage of the customer management life cycle will be examined, with real-world examples to demonstrate how theoretical principles may be deployed.  Ethical and regulatory issues will be discussed regarding customer data management and individual rights. The course will conclude with an evaluation of CRM software solutions and how they can be effectively used by the IT consultant, taking into account diversity and inclusion and ensuring that digital technology solutions are accessible both to customers and employees in an organisation.

This course is designed to equip learners with skills in CRM, encompassing both understanding and managing the customer life cycle. By enhancing learners’ grasp of customer relationships, the course aims to bolster the learner’s ability to achieve personal, team, and organisational goals. Learners will perform customer analysis, facilitating the identification and comprehension of system requirements, and develop client relationships.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, learners will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

K1c Critically evaluate the underlying principles and concepts of customer relationship management (CRM), the limits, benefits and added value to the customer and organisation.
K2c Systematically assess and have detailed knowledge of each stage of the customer management life cycle and how to implement this knowledge in real-world scenarios with an appreciation of the limits and uncertainty associated with the method.
K3c Appriasethe ethical and regulatory frameworks that an IT consultant must work in when managing customers and customer data and be able to apply this knowledge in project design.

Subject Specific Skills

S1c Apply the customer management life cycle to real-world examples.
S2c Identify organisational requirements and tailor a customer management solution accordingly.

Transferable and Professional Skills

T1c(i) Demonstrate enhanced analytical skills by linking theoretical perspectives to organisational situations.
T1c(ii) Display an advanced level of technical proficiency in written English and competence in applying scholarly terminology, so as to be able to apply skills in critical evaluation, analysis and judgement effectively in a diverse range of contexts.
T2c Work independently and professionally.
T3c Demonstrate a high-level of communication skills.

Teaching and Learning

This is an e-learning course, taught throughout the year.

This course can be offered as a standalone short course.

Teaching and learning strategies for this course will include: 

  • On-line learning
  • On-line discussion groups
  • On-line assessment

Course information and supplementary materials will be available on the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Learners are required to attend and participate in all the formal and timetabled sessions for this course. Learners are also expected to manage their self-directed learning and independent study in support of the course.

The course learning and teaching hours will be structured as follows:

  • Off-the-job learning and teaching (6 days x 7 hours) = 42 hours
  • On-the-job learning (12 days x 7 hours) = 84 hours (e.g. 2 days per week for 6 weeks)
  • Private study (4 hours per week) = 24 hours

Total = 150 hours

Workplace assignments (see below) will be completed as part of on-the-job learning.



Learners will be formatively assessed during the course by means of set assignments. These will not count towards the final degree but will provide learners with developmental feedback. 


AE   Assessment Type Weighting Online submission Duration Length
1 Written assignment 50% Yes 2,000 words +/- 10%,  excluding data tables
2 Report based on workplace case study 50% Yes 2,000 words +/- 10%,  excluding data tables


Learners will receive formal feedback in a variety of ways: written (via email or VLE correspondence) and indirectly through online discussion groups. Learners will also attend a formal meeting with their Academic Mentor (and for apprentices, including their Line Manager). These bi- or tri-partite reviews will monitor and evaluate the learner’s progress.

Feedback is provided on summatively assessed assignments and through generic internal examiners’ reports, both of which are posted on the VLE.

Indicative Reading

Note: Comprehensive and current reading lists for courses are produced annually in the Course Syllabus or other documentation provided to learners; the indicative reading list provided below is used as part of the approval/modification process only.


  • Linoff, G.S., (2011), Data mining techniques for marketing, sales, and customer relationship management, Hoboken: Wiley
  • Kostojohn, S., (2011), CRM fundamentals, Berkeley, CA: Apress
  • Buttle, F., and Maklan, S., (2019), Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies, Routledge


Learners are encouraged to consult relevant journals on customer lifecycle management. 

Electronic Resources

Learners are encouraged to consult relevant electronic resources on customer lifecycle management. 

Indicative Topics

  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Customer management lifecycle
  • Ethics and data protection
Title: LISYS62113A Customer Life Cycle Management

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/BSc (Hons) Digital & Technology Solutions 

Version number Date approved Date published Owner Proposed next review date Modification (As per AQF4) & category number
4.0 October 2023 October 2023 Dr. Alexandros Koliousis October 2028 Category 1: Corrections/clarifications to documents which do not change approved content or learning outcomes

Category 3: Changes to Learning Outcomes

3.0 October 2022 January 2023 Scott Wildman June 2025 Category 1: Corrections/clarifications to documents which do not change approved content or learning outcomes

Category 3: Changes to Learning Outcomes

2.1 May 2022 May 2022 Scott Wildman June 2025 Category 1: Corrections/clarifications to documents which do not change approved content.
2.0 January 2022 April 2022 Scott Wildman June 2025 Category 3: Changes to Learning Outcomes
1.0 June 2020 June 2020 Scott Wildman June 2025
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