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Award and programme title LLB (Hons) Law UCAS code L4AW
Programme level Level 6 HECoS code 100485
Relevant QAA benchmark statements Law Programme code LLLBLAW-F
Relevant professional body requirements Solicitors Regulation Authority  Language of instruction English
Awarding body Northeastern University – London Date approved November 2022
Mode of study Full-time Duration of study 3 years


This programme aims to combine rigorous study of law with an elective pathway that complements (deepens, broadens, contextualises) those studies in line with the student’s individual values, interests, or goals.

It does so by providing the core building blocks of a legal education, including all requirements for a qualifying law degree, while leaving open pathways for students to choose their own emphasis in their studies using electives both within and beyond law. This is reflected in:

  • The bifurcation of several qualifying subjects into a core “podium” course and an accompanying course, which allows a blend of breadth of study necessary to qualify while also providing for guided study at greater depth in relation to that particular topic.
  • The use of a Legal Research Symposium at which students can engage with, critique, and discuss the cutting edge of legal knowledge. For those seeking the broadest research component, this is available at both levels 5 and 6, and can be combined with a dissertation if taken at level 5.
  • There are ample opportunities to engage with practical legal issues, including a dedicated Legal Research and Advocacy course simulating appellate litigation, to assessment based on a mock client interaction in employment law.
  • The interrelationship of law and changes to life and the economy loom large, including a Law and Innovation course and an Antitrust and Competition course which encompasses debates surrounding “big tech” firms and the legal response to them, developed using faculty expertise from leading technology law cases.
  • There is significant focus on the increasingly cross-border nature of legal practice. Employment law includes a substantial component of international labour law. EU law addresses the future divergence and convergence issues likely to be faced over a future legal career following Brexit, and to investigate (rather than to ignore) the legal impact of these changes and wider lessons for trade law that might be drawn from them.
  • The Solicitors’ Qualifying Exam (SQE) is catered for by the addition of multiple-choice examinations (at Course Leader discretion) to some core subjects, enabling students to best prepare for the multiple choice elements of the SQE.
  • Jurisprudence draws on institutional strengths in philosophy, while balancing classic legal theory debates with contemporary developments.

The programme is also designed with the aim that in pursuing their studies each student gains core competencies (e.g. writing across audiences and genres; employing ethical reasoning; analysing and using data; integrating knowledge and skills through experience) that empower them for sustained impact, success, and self-actualisation.

Structure and Requirements

The degree regulations require that students take courses to the value of 360 credits across three years, with at most 120 credits at L4, and at least 90 credits at L6.

Options and Electives

By definition: an ‘option’ is a course that a student on the programme is not required to take but that they may take in order to fulfil a discipline-specific requirement; whereas ‘electives’ are any other (non-required) courses that the student may take to fulfil the wider, overall, programme requirements.

Choosing Options or Electives

Students will be asked to select options and/or electives in advance of each new academic year, and in this process will receive dedicated support and guidance from Academic Advisors, who will also connect them with faculty as appropriate.

*University Courses List Condition

The optional/elective courses that run in each academic year are subject to change in line with faculty availability and student demand and may be capped or be unavailable in the timetable, so there is no guarantee every optional / elective course will be available every year. Where a course is set to run, students for whom it is an option will typically be given priority over students for whom it is only an elective.

For the most up-to-date list of courses, please visit the University Courses webpage.

First Year 


  • LLAW4223 Contract Law (L4, 15 credits)
  • LLAW4224 Contract Law in Context: Extensions and Developments (L4, 15 credits)
  • LLAW4221 Constitutional Law (L4, 15 credits)
  • LLAW4222 Constitutional Law in Context: Extensions and Developments (L4,15 credits)
  • LLAW4225 Criminal Law (L4, 15 credits)
  • LLAW4226 Criminal Law in Context: Extensions and Developments (L4, 15 credits)

In addition, take available L4 courses from the University Courses list to add up to 120 credits, selected with an Academic Advisor so as to support progress towards meeting all (including Core) programme requirements by the end of the third year.

Second Year


  • LLAW5226 Tort Law (L5, 15 credits)
  • LLAW5227 Tort Law in Context: Extensions and Developments (L5, 15 credits)
  • LLAW5223 Equity and Trusts (L5, 15 credits)
  • LLAW5224 Legal Research and Advocacy (L5, 15 credits)


  •  LLAW5225 Legal Research Symposium (L5, 30 credits)

In addition, take available L5 courses from the University Courses list to add up to 120 credits, selected with an Academic Advisor so as to support progress towards meeting all (including Core) programme requirements by the end of the third year.

This programme is designed to enable eligible students the option to progress through their degree by studying abroad, at another global location, in the second semester of their second year. Advice and support on specific opportunities will be provided by the Academic Advisors.

Third Year 


  • LLAW6232 Property Law (L6, 15 credits)
  • LLAW6229 European Union Law Post-Brexit (L6, 15 credits)

ONE of:

  • LLAW6231 Final Project (Law): Legal Research Symposium (L6, 30 credits)


  • LLAW6227 Final Project (Law): Dissertation (L6, 30 credits)

Optional Course list:

At least TWO courses from this list:

  • LLAW6233 Law and Innovation: Digital, Online and Technology Law (L6, 15 credits)
  • LLAW6225 Antitrust and Competition Law in the Global Economy (L6, 15 credits)
  • LLAW6226 Criminology (L6, 15 credits)
  • LLAW6228 Employment Law in an International Context (L6, 15 credits)
  • LLAW6230 Jurisprudence and Contemporary Legal Theory (L6, 15 credits)

In addition, take available courses (typically all at L6) from the University Courses list to add up to 120 credits, selected with an Academic Advisor so as to support progress towards meeting all (including Core) programme requirements by the end of the year.

Core Requirements

By completion of their degree, each student is required to have passed courses with the following attributes (Please note: codes indicated on the course descriptors and in the University Courses list). These may be partially fulfilled using courses from other faculties, but it is possible to fulfil them all with law as follows:

All of the following:

  • Writing across Audiences and Genres
    • Writing Intensive (WI) x 2
    • Communicating in Public and Professional Contexts (CPPC)
  • Integrating Knowledge and Skills through Experience (EX)
  • Demonstrating Thought and Action in a Final Project (FP)

At least FOUR of the following EIGHT:

  • Engaging with the Natural and Designed World (ND)
  • Exploring Creative Expression and Innovation (EI)
  • Interpreting Culture (IC)
  • Conducting Formal and Quantitative Reasoning (FQ)
  • Understanding Societies and Institutions (SI)
  • Analysing and Using Data (AD)
  • Engaging Differences and Diversity (DD)
  • Employing Ethical Reasoning (ER)

Elective Pathways

Students who take the equivalent of at least THREE courses across at least TWO levels in a defined area outside of their main degree discipline requirements, may apply to receive recognition for this (e.g. in addition to LLB (Hons) Law on their degree certificate, a letter and transcript will include Sustainability as a pathway) courses may not be double counted across pathways.

Entrance Requirements


The University requires applicants to be at least 18 years old on 1 September in the year of entry.

General Entrance Requirements

The University’s typical offer for undergraduate study is AAB at A Level, 35 points or 6,6,5 in Higher Level (HL) subjects in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, or the equivalent.  A Level General Studies, Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills and Global Perspectives are not accepted by the University. Students studying the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) alongside three A Levels may be eligible for an alternative offer. For the IB, the overall score of 35 points includes Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay and students achieving the University’s alternative offer of 6,6,5 in HL subjects must also achieve an overall pass in the IB Diploma for entry to our programmes.

If English is not an applicant’s native language, they will need to demonstrate proficiency in English in order to study at the University. A minimum IELTS score of 6.5 overall with 6.0 in each sub-test, or equivalent is required. For a list of equivalencies, please see here.

Specific Entrance Requirements


Recognition of Prior Learning

Where a student wishes to apply for the recognition of prior learning on the basis of certificated or experiential learning, applicants should follow the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy.  

Learning Outcomes

By completion of the programme:

Knowledge and Understanding

A student will be able to: 

K1c Demonstrate a systematic knowledge and contextual understanding of legal doctrines, concepts and rules which underpin the law of England and Wales through in depth study, particularly of the Foundations of Legal Knowledge.
K2c Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of theories, principles and values of law and justice and justice systems.
K3c Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the English legal system and its processes in an academic, institutional, social, national and global context.

Subject Specific Skills

A student will be able to: 

S1c Independently render legal or legal related advice so as to explore approaches to complex legal problems.
S2c Critically assess the theoretical context within which the legal system operates.
S3c Critically evaluate and recognise ambiguity with and deal with uncertainty in the law.

Transferable and Employment Skills

A student will be able to:

T1c Communicate persuasively across audiences and genres, conveying academic materials to both specialist and non-specialist audiences using visual, written, or verbal techniques.
T2c Research and study creatively, independently, and reflectively, applying advanced knowledge and skills to unfamiliar or wider world challenges or contexts.
T3c Display an advanced level of technical proficiency in written English and competence in applying scholarly terminology, so as to be able to apply skills in critical evaluation, analysis and judgement effectively in a diverse range of contexts.

All of the above learning outcomes are mapped to the relevant QAA Subject Benchmark threshold statements, see Appendix A.

For a mapping of courses to learning outcomes, see Appendix B.

For the Exit Awards, see Appendix D.

Teaching and Learning


The University aims to provide a lively, open, active, and authentic teaching and learning environment, in which students have the opportunity to connect their studies with wider interests and applications, and in which research and teaching are complementary.

An inclusive and interactive approach enables focus on the individual student, prompts and encourages independent reading and research, and hones their ability to apply their knowledge and skills in new contexts. This provides students with opportunities to develop and demonstrate their discipline expertise in a variety of contexts, enabling them to enhance their subject specific and transferable skills. Teaching is flexible and adaptive to respond to student needs and classroom dynamics.

Approaches to increase inclusivity and experiential learning in the classroom might include:

  • Flipped classroom – study materials and formal lecture content is delivered to students outside of the contact hours. This enables the classroom time to focus on a discussion of key concepts and themes, for students to ask targeted questions to enhance their understanding, and for interactive group activities to share and widen knowledge and understanding. This might include small groups giving mini-presentations or proposing a solution to a problem.
  • Role play / simulations – students are given scenarios / briefs in advance of the session, and possibly a specific role to play in the activity. The tutor guides the process by establishing context, releasing new material to students in the course of the activity, and providing space for reflection on the outcomes of the activity, and on the theories and concepts discussed and tested during the activity.
  • Tutor – Student co-creation – this is similar to the flipped classroom model but relies on a stronger degree of student input at the design stage of the learning activity. The course leader still has control of overall content and direction of the course. However, weekly focus and case studies to apply and evaluate theories and concepts can be agreed collectively.

The portfolio of teaching, learning, and assessment elements is designed to embrace the University’s Teaching and Learning and Assessment Strategies and provide a diverse range of teaching and assessment methods, tasks, and tools.

Since the programme supports each student (in conversation with an Academic Advisor) to take a personal elective pathway through their studies, the range of teaching and learning activities and assessment types will vary student by student. A student who wants to go into postgraduate study in their main degree discipline, for example, may elect to take more Directed Study (1:1, 2:1, or small group) courses in their main discipline than a student with other interests or goals.

The teaching and learning for the programme is designed to progress steadily over three years and develop students’ conceptual sophistication and powers of application, through cumulative knowledge and experience.

The third-year culminating project or dissertation enables the student to refine their independent research and communication skills and to synthesise and develop their studies with a supervisor. 

Teaching and Learning Activities

The teaching and learning activities include:

  • Lectures / seminars / workshops
  • Directed study (1:1, 2:1, or small group teaching on specific topics)
  • Informal discussion (including on online discussion boards and in regular faculty ‘office hours’, which are opportunities for students to drop in or sign up to explore ideas, raise questions, or seek targeted guidance or feedback, individually or in small groups)
  • Formative and summative assessment tasks
  • Independent study and research


A dedicated Assessment Strategy supports authentic, inclusive, and experiential assessment. This includes offering students a broad range of assessment types, which support active learning. The assessment types available to students are listed in the University Assessment Strategy. Whilst it is not expected that all programmes should offer all of these different assessment types, and choice of assessment should be based on the most effective and appropriate way to test student learning, there will be a range available which empowers students to demonstrate their discipline knowledge via diverse means

Courses at the University are assessed formatively and summatively in a variety of ways, including:

  • Written Assignment (e.g. long-form coursework essay; study report; literature review; reflective essay; dissertation)
  • Examination (e.g. open book scheduled exam; closed book; 24-/48-hour exam)
  • Presentation (e.g. oral presentation with accompanying slides; Viva voce)
  • Role Play (e.g Moot; consultancy simulation)
  • Practical ( e.g. lab skills assessments)
  • Artefact (e.g. piece of code or poem with an accompanying report)
  • Portfolio (students only have one final, formal deadline, but what they submit includes a series of shorter pieces created and reflected upon and revised across the course)
  • Set Exercises (e.g a series of short set exercises distributed across the course)

Feedback on formative and summative assessment tasks is provided in verbal or written forms.

Appendix C contains the programme structure and assessment summary.

The University’s Assessment Strategy can be found here.

The University’s Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards can be found here.

Teaching and Learning Environment

Features of the teaching and learning environment:

  • The University’s campus has state-of-the-art teaching rooms and independent and group study spaces
  • A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for each course with a syllabus and range of additional resources (e.g. readings, question prompts, tasks, assessment briefs, slides or handouts, discussion boards, and sample examination papers and examiners’ reports) to orientate and engage students in their studies.
  • Northeastern University’s online library digital resources, and other online academic resources, such as JSTOR and the OED. Students are inducted on their use at the start of the programme, and wider digital literacy is reinforced and developed across their studies.
  • Students can also apply for a reader’s card to use the British Library membership and apply for membership of any of the City of London libraries. Students at the University can apply for Senate House Library membership. 
  • As part of the wider teaching and learning environment, the University hosts a range of academic and social events in which students, faculty, alumni and interlocuters from outside the academy are brought together.


The University is an active research and knowledge exchange community. Its programmes are designed by faculty with relevant research expertise and teaching is allocated to faculty as far as possible to align with their research expertise and interests.

All students have the opportunity to develop their research skills as they progress through the programme, culminating with the written assignment in their final year, when their supervisor will be on hand to provide bespoke support.

Students are invited to a range of faculty research events and, where possible and from time to time, research assistance opportunities may be made available.

Student Support and Development

Disabilities and/or Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs)

Students are strongly encouraged to inform the University of any medical conditions, disabilities, specific learning difficulties (SpLD) or neurological differences as soon as is practical. Students will be asked to submit supporting documentation from a doctor, clinical or educational psychologist detailing the nature of their disability and the impact it is likely to have on their studies in order to help us put in place appropriate support and accommodations. More information can be found in the Student Disability Policy. This data is managed and securely stored by Student Support and Development (SSD). At the start of the academic year, a number of talks and events are held which are designed to support and inform students with regard to mental health, disabilities, safety and learning support.

SSD meet with students as soon as possible, and preferably before the start of the academic year, to discuss their needs and draft a Learning Support Plan (LSP) which outlines the support to be provided both within the University (if appropriate) and externally. If requested by the student, the SDD will then arrange to inform relevant faculty of the student’s needs and any reasonable adjustments required. 

If a student is undiagnosed but believes they may have a SpLDS (e.g. Dyslexia) the SDD will help them to access diagnostic services. If the assessment confirms a SpLDS, the SDD will work the student in preparing a LSP and will provide advice about accessing additional funding and support through the Disabled Students Allowance, where a student may be eligible

For more information, please click here.

Employability and Careers Guidance

The core competencies embedded within this credit-bearing degree programme are designed to prepare students for public citizenship, professional success, and personal flourishing.

The University’s employability and careers opportunities have been designed in collaboration with a large number of experts from inside and outside academia, to develop the attitudes, behaviours and capabilities that will prepare students for the world of work. 

University Careers Advisors help students to identify their career goals and create individual career plans. Students are actively encouraged to seek internships, with guidance and support given throughout the application process.

Quality Assurance and Enhancement

Award Standards

Every programme of study is developed by the faculty, utilising their subject specialists and approved by the University’s Academic Board.

Review and Evaluation Mechanisms

The University has robust procedures, as described in AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications and AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting, in place to assure the quality of the programme development, delivery, and management, alongside systematic monitoring, ongoing review and enhancement of all University programmes. Enhancements are made as necessary to ensure that systems remain effective and rigorous.

The University utilises constructive feedback from a variety of sources, internal and external, to inform its decision-making process to enhance the programme and the student experience. These feedback sources are:

  • Annual Course Reviews, written by the Course Leader, are prepared to enable the Course Leader to reflect on the course, using a variety of data and student/faculty feedback to enhance the course and support the writing of the Annual Programme Review.
  • Annual Programme Reviews, written at the end of each academic year are prepared in order to enhance individual programmes and to plan ahead.
  • Annual External Examiner Reports are prepared by the External Examiners, as appointed by the University, to confirm that a programme has been assessed in accordance with the approved documentation and that the student performance meets the appropriate academic standards.
  • Formal student feedback mechanisms consist of course questionnaires and Student-Staff Liaison Committee meetings at least once each semester, as well as annual student satisfaction surveys, including external independent surveys, such the National Student Surveys.
  • Informal student feedback is also valued by the University and this can take the form of students talking or corresponding with faculty or professional staff.  

About this document

Title: LLB Law (Hons) Programme Specification

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/Programme Specifications/Undergraduate

Version number Date approved Date published Owner Proposed next review date Modification (As per AQF4 & category number)
1.0 November 2022 January 2022 Stephen Dnes November 2022 1.0
Referenced documents Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy; Assessment.
Regulations for Taught Awards; Student Disclosure Form; AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications; and AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting.
External Reference Point(s) Subject Benchmark Law

Professional accreditation standards (where applicable): Solicitors Regulations Authority


The University has checked the information provided in this Programme Specification and will aim to deliver this programme in keeping with this Programme Specification. However, changes to the programme may sometimes be required arising from annual monitoring, student feedback, and the review and update of courses and programmes. Where this activity leads to significant changes to courses and programmes there will be prior consultation with students and others, wherever possible, and the University will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to students. It is also possible that the University may not be able to offer a course or programme for reasons outside of its control, for example, due to the absence of a member of staff or low student registration numbers. Where this is the case, the University will aim to inform applicants and students as soon as possible, and where appropriate, will facilitate the transfer of affected students to another suitable programme.


The contents of this Programme Specification are the copyright of the University and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, such as electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, without the prior consent of the University.

Appendix A: Map Learning Outcomes to QAA Subject Benchmark Statement: LAW

  Recommendation Learning


The QAA benchmarking group for Law has recommended that a graduate of Law has demonstrated the following skills and qualities of mind. This list is expressed to be comprehensive but not intended to be exhaustive or definitive:
2.4 (i) intellectual independence including ability to ask and answer cogent questions about law and legal systems, identify gaps in their own knowledge and acquire new knowledge, and engage in critical analysis and evaluation. T2c
(ii) self-management, including an ability to reflect on their own learning, make effective use of feedback, a willingness to acknowledge and correct errors and an ability to work collaboratively. T2c
(iii) awareness of principles and values of law and justice, and of ethics. K1c, K2c
(iv) knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts, values, principles and rules of public and private laws within an institutional, social, national and global context. K1c, K2c, K3c
(v) study in depth and context of substantive areas of law. K1c
(vi) ability to conduct self-directed research including accurate identification of issue(s) which require researching, retrieval and evaluation of accurate, current and relevant information from a range of appropriate sources including primary legal sources. T3c
(vii) ability to work with a range of data, including textual, numerical and statistical. T1c, T3c
(viii) ability to recognise ambiguity and deal with uncertainty in law. S3c
(ix) ability to produce a synthesis of relevant doctrinal and policy issues, presentation of a reasoned choice between alternative solutions and critical judgement of the merits of particular arguments. S2c
(x) ability to apply knowledge and understanding to offer evidenced conclusions, addressing complex actual or hypothetical problems S1c
(xi) ability to communicate both orally and in writing, in relation to legal matters, including an ability to listen and respond to written and oral stimuli including questions and instructions. T1c
(xii) engagement with their own personal and professional development, and academic integrity. T2c

Appendix B – Map of Courses to Learning Outcomes

Programme Learning Outcome Mapping Spreadsheet_LAW

Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge and Understanding
Course Code Course Title K1a K1b K1c K2a K2b K2c K3a K3b K3C
FHEQ Level 4
LLAW4223 Contract Law X X X
LLAW4224 Contract Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW4221 Constitutional Law X X X
LLAW4222 Constitutional Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW4225 Criminal Law X X
LLAW4226 Criminal Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
FHEQ Level 5
LLAW5226 Tort Law X X X
LLAW5227 Tort Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW5223 Equity and Trusts X X X
LLAW5224 Legal Research and Advocacy X X X
LLAW5225  Legal Research Symposium X X X
FHEQ Level 6
LLAW6232 Property Law (L6, 15 credits) X X X
LLAW6229 European Union Law Post-Brexit X X X
LLAW6231 Final Project (Law): Legal Research Symposium X X X
LLAW6227 Final Project (Law): Dissertation X X X
LLAW6233 Law and Innovation: Digital, Online and Technology Law X X X
LLAW6225 Antitrust and Competition Law in the Global Economy X X X
LLAW6226 Criminology X X X
LLAW6228 Employment Law in an International Context X X X
LLAW6230 Jurisprudence and Contemporary Legal X X X

Subject Specific Skills

Subject Specific Skills
Course Code Course Title S1a S1b S1c S2a S2b S2c S3a S3b S3C
FHEQ Level 4
LLAW4223 Contract Law I X X X
LLAW4224 Contract Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW4221 Constitutional Law X X X
LLAW4222 Constitutional Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW4225 Criminal Law X X
LLAW4226 Criminal Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
FHEQ Level 5
LLAW5226 Tort Law X X X
LLAW5227 Tort Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW5223 Equity and Trusts X X X
LLAW5224 Legal Research and Advocacy X X X
LLAW5225  Legal Research Symposium X X X
FHEQ Level 6
LLAW6232 Property Law (L6, 15 credits) X X X
LLAW6229 European Union Law Post-Brexit X X X
LLAW6231 Final Project (Law): Legal Research Symposium X X X
LLAW6227 Final Project (Law): Dissertation X X X
LLAW6233 Law and Innovation: Digital, Online and Technology Law X X X
LLAW6225 Antitrust and Competition Law in the Global Economy X X X
LLAW6226 Criminology X X X
LLAW6228 Employment Law in an International Context X X X
LLAW6230 Jurisprudence and Contemporary Legal X X X
LLAW6232 Property Law (L6, 15 credits) X X X

Transferable and Professional Skills

Transferable Skills
Course Code Course Title T1a T1b T1c T2a T2b T2c T3a T3b T3C
FHEQ Level 4
LLAW4223 Contract Law I X X X
LLAW4224 Contract Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW4221 Constitutional Law X X X
LLAW4222 Constitutional Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW4225 Criminal Law X X X
LLAW4226 Criminal Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
FHEQ Level 5
LLAW5226 Tort Law X X X
LLAW5227 Tort Law in Context: Extensions and Developments X X
LLAW5223 Equity and Trusts X X X
LLAW5224 Legal Research and Advocacy X X X
LLAW5225  Legal Research Symposium X X X
FHEQ Level 6
LLAW6232 Property Law (L6, 15 credits) X X X
LLAW6229 European Union Law Post-Brexit X X X
LLAW6231 Final Project (Law): Legal Research Symposium X X X
LLAW6227 Final Project (Law): Dissertation X X X
LLAW6233 Law and Innovation: Digital, Online and Technology Law X X X
LLAW6225 Antitrust and Competition Law in the Global Economy X X X
LLAW6226 Criminology X X X
LLAW6228 Employment Law in an International Context X X
LLAW6230 Jurisprudence and Contemporary Legal X X
LLAW6232 Property Law (L6, 15 credits) X X X

NB: Electives are typically mapped to the programme learning outcomes through the Transferable Skills.

Appendix C – Summative Assessment Summary

Code Course Title Credit Type Assessment Weighting % & Activity Type
AE1 Activity
AE2 Activity
AE3 Activity
FHEQ Level 4
LLAW4223 Contract Law 15 R 20% WA 80% Exam
LLAW4224 Contract Law in Context: Extensions and Developments 15 R 20% Pres 80% WA
LLAW4221 Constitutional Law 15 R 20% WA 80% Exam
LLAW4222 Constitutional Law in Context: Extensions and Developments 15 R 20% Pres 80% WA
LLAW4225 Criminal Law 15 R 20% WA 80% Exam
LLAW4226 Criminal Law in Context: Extensions and Developments 15 R 20% Pres 80% WA
FHEQ Level 5
LLAW5226 Tort Law 15 R 20% WA 80% Exam
LLAW5227 Tort Law in Context: Extensions and Developments 15 R 20% Pres 80% WA
LLAW5223 Equity and Trusts 15 R 20% WA 80% Exam
LLAW5224 Legal Research and Advocacy 15 R 40% WA 60% RP
LLAW5225 Legal Research Symposium 30 O 60% P 20% Pres 15% WA
FHEQ Level 6
LLAW6232 Property Law 15 R 30% WA 70% Exam
LLAW6227 Final Project: Dissertation 30 R 25% Pres 75% WA
LLAW6225 Antitrust and Competition Law in the Global Economy 15 O 30% Pres 70% WA
LLAW6226 Criminology 15 O 30% Pres 70% WA
LLAW6227 Final Project (Law) 30 R 25% Pres 75% WA
LLAW6229 EU Law Post-Brexit 15 R 30% WA 70% Exam
LLAW6228 Employment Law in an International Context 15 O 70% WA 30% RP
LLAW6230 Jurisprudence and Contemporary Legal Theory 15 O 30% Pres 70% P
LLAW6231 Final Project (Law) Legal Research Symposium 30 O 60% P 20% Pres 20% WA
Property Law 15 O 30% WA 70% Exam
LLAW6233 Law and Innovation: Digital, Online and Technology Law 15 O 30% Pres 70% P

Course Type:  

R = Required or O = Optional

Assessment Weighting:

AE1 = Assessment Element 1; AE2 = Assessment Element 2; AE3 = Assessment Element 3

Written assignment WA
Examination Exam
Presentation Pres
Role play RP
Portfolio P
Set exercise Set
Practical Prac
Artefact Arte

Appendix D – Exit Awards

Certificate in Higher Education:

In order for a student to be awarded a Certificate in Higher Education (Cert HE), they are required to have achieved 120 Level 4 Credits, in accordance with the University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Awards.

Knowledge and Understanding

A student will be able to:

K1a Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal doctrines, concepts and rules which underpin the law of England and Wales, through study of several of the foundations of legal knowledge.
K2a Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theories, principles and values of law and justice and justice systems.
K3a Demonstrate an understanding of the English legal system and its processes.

Subject Specific Skills

A student will be able to: 

S1a Apply knowledge and understanding to evaluate approaches to solving legal problems.
S2a Evaluate factual information, selecting and evaluating from possible alternatives using reasoned judgement and basic recognised legal theories and concepts.
S3a Recognise ambiguity in the law.

Transferable and Employability Skills

A student will be able to: 

T1a Communicate clearly and appropriately to specific audiences.
T2a  Study independently and effectively in a guided and structured environment.
T3a Display a developing technical proficiency in written English and an ability to communicate clearly and accurately in structured and coherent pieces of writing.

Diploma in Higher Education:

Diploma in Higher Education:

In order for a student to be awarded a Diploma in Higher Education (Dip HE), they are required to have achieved 120 Level 4 Credits and 120 Level 5 Credits, in accordance with the University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Awards.

Knowledge and Understanding

A student will be able to:

K1b Demonstrate wide knowledge and critical understanding, in some contexts, of legal doctrines, concepts, and rules which underpin the law of England and Wales, through study of the majority of the foundations of legal knowledge.
K2b Demonstrate wide knowledge and a critical understanding of theories, principles and values of law and justice and justice systems.
K3b Demonstrate a wide and critical understanding of the English legal system and its processes in some contexts outside those in which they were first studied.

Subject Specific Skills

A student will be able to: 

S1b Apply knowledge and critical understanding to determine solutions to legal problems.
S2b Select and prioritise from possible alternatives, using critical judgement and recognised legal arguments.
S3b Recognise ambiguity with and understand limits of knowledge when dealing with the law.

Transferable and Employability Skills

A student will be able to: 

T1b Communicate clearly and persuasively to specific audiences, using a range of techniques.
T2b Research and study independently and effectively, applying knowledge and skills to unfamiliar or wider-world challenges or contexts.
T3b Demonstrate a sound technical proficiency in written English and skill in selecting vocabulary so as to communicate effectively to specialist and non-specialist audiences
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