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Academic Handbook Course Descriptors and Programme Specifications

LSOCI4106 Current Issues in Cities and Suburbs Course Descriptor

Course Title LSOCI4106 Discipline Sociology
UK Credit 15 US Credit 4
FHEQ Level Level 4 Date Approved December 2021
Core attributes Engaging Differences and Diversity (DD)

Understanding Societies and Institutions (SI)

Pre-requisites N/A
Co-requisites N/A

Course Summary

This course introduces students to pressing urban issues worldwide – such as housing crises and urban sprawl; gentrification, residential segregation and urban poverty; economic development and financialization; austerity and pressures on local government and public services, such as education and transportation; urban social movements and community organising in response to sources of unrest; environmental degradation and the impacts of climate change; and visions for sustainable urban futures – through an intensive analysis of a metropolitan area, such as London.

Course Aims

The course aims to:

  • Provide an introduction to urban sociology and urban politics.
  • Introduce key issues facing metropolitan areas and the ways that different actors seek to respond to them.
  • Develop capacity to analyse issues facing cities and suburbs today, and to identify and evaluate policies and political interventions that might address them.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

K1a Evaluate and compare different theoretical perspectives to examine the development of cities and suburbs.
K2a Apply concepts and theoretical tools to urban social and political phenomena in specific contexts and localities.
K3a Compare different policy responses to key urban issues, in different local contexts, and assess their effectiveness and implications.

Subject Specific Skills

S1a Demonstrate knowledge and an appreciation of different types of sources of academic literature across the intersecting fields of urban sociology, urban studies, planning and politics.
S2a Understand the ways in which deindustrialisation, financialization and globalisation have intersected to shape contemporary metropolitan areas.
S3a Apply interdisciplinary perspectives drawn from the fields of urban sociology, urban studies, planning and politics to address concrete problems faced by contemporary cities and suburbs.

Transferable and Professional Skills

T1a Structure and communicate ideas effectively.
T2a Make effective judgements in contexts of conflicting evidence by analysing information from a wide range of sources.
T3a Display a developing technical proficiency in written English and an ability to communicate clearly and accurately in structured and coherent pieces of writing.

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning strategies for this course will include: 

Indicative contact hours: 36 hours, typically to include interactive group teaching, co-curriculars, individual meetings, and in-class presentations and exams. 

Course information and supplementary materials are available on the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Students will receive individualised developmental feedback on their work for this course. 

Students are required to attend and participate in all the formal and timetabled sessions for this course. Students are also expected to manage their directed learning and independent study in support of the course.



Students will be formatively assessed in class through class activities. Formative assessments are ones that do not count towards the final grade but will provide students with developmental feedback.


AE Assessment Activity Weighting (%) Online submission Duration Length
1 Assignment 40% Yes N/A 850 words
2 Assignment 60% Yes N/A 1500 words


Students will receive feedback in a variety of ways: written (including via email correspondence); oral (within office hours or on an ad hoc basis) and indirectly through class discussion. 

Feedback is provided on written assignments and made available to the student either via email, the VLE or another appropriate method.

Indicative Reading

Note: Comprehensive and current reading lists for courses are produced annually in the Course Syllabus or other documentation provided to students; the indicative reading list provided below is used as part of the approval/modification process only.


Gottdiener, M., Hohie, R. and King, C., The New Urban Sociology, 6th edition. New York: Routledge, 2019.

Gottdiener, M., Budd, L. and Lehtovuori, P., Key Concepts in Urban Studies, 2nd edition. London: Sage Publications, 2016.

Sassen, S., The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo, 2nd edition. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001.

Graeber, D. and Wengrow, D. The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. London: Penguin Books, 2021.

Indicative Topics

  • Processes of urbanisation and suburbanisation
  • Globalisation, deindustrialisation, financialization and urbanisation
  • Urban poverty, residential segregation and the global housing crisis
  • Urban and suburban development patterns and policies
  • Government and public services in urban and suburban contexts 
  • Urban social movements and urban politics
  • Cities, the environment and sustainability
  • The future of cities
Title: LSOCI4106 Current Issues in Cities and Suburbs

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/Programme Specifications and Handbooks/Mobility Courses

Version number Date approved Date published  Owner Proposed next review date Modification (As per AQF4) & category number
3.0 October 2022 January 2023 Dr Diana Bozhilova December 2026 Category 1: Corrections/clarifications to documents which do not change approved content or learning outcomes

Category 3: Changes to Course Learning Outcomes

2.0 January 2022 April 2022 Dr Diana Bozhilova December 2026 Category 3: Changes to Course Learning Outcomes

Category 2: Course Learning and Teaching Strategy

Category 1: Corrections/clarifications to documents which do not change approved content or learning outcomes

1.1 December 2021 December 2021 Dr Diana Bozhilova December 2026 Category 1: Formatting and minor corrections     
1.0 December 2021 December 2021 Dr Diana Bozhilova December 2026
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