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Academic Handbook MSc Artificial Intelligence and Technology Leadership

MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Technology Leadership Programme Specification

Programme Title and Award MSc Artificial Intelligence and Technology Leadership
Programme Level Level 7 HECoS Code 100359 (AI) 50%
100088 (Leadership) 50%
Relevant QAA Benchmark Statements Computing (Master’s) Programme Code LMSAITL-F


Awarding Body Northeastern University – London Language of Instruction English
Teaching institution Northeastern University  London Date approved July 2023
Mode of study Full Time

Part Time

Duration of Study 1 Year (FT)

2 Years (PT)

HESA Cost Code Programming for Data Applications (121 8.33%)

Fundamentals of Computation, Data, and Algorithms (122 8.33%)

Theory and Applications of Data Analytics (121 8.33%)

AI & Data Ethics (121 8.33%)

Data-Driven Transformation (121 11.11%)

Technology Leadership and Team Dynamics (121 11.11%)

Project Management and Communication (121 11.11%)

Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Project (121 33.33%)

Programme Summary

The MSc Artificial Intelligence and Technology Leadership will enable students to acquire the skills needed to lead in an AI and data-driven economy by investigating, identifying, implementing and leading technological strategic solutions. Students may wish to pursue or progress their career in technology leadership and this course gives them the skills needed to lead in a digital world. Students will study technology leadership and management, as well as IT strategy, data analysis, business process and IT project management.

By studying this programme, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the statistical and mathematical foundations of data analytics and obtain the knowledge and skills required to lead the application of digital transformation and data analytics in real-world and business contexts. This programme allows students to build knowledge and skills in both the technology and the people side of technology-triggered change.

Students will learn how to investigate business data requirements and apply data selection, data curation, data quality assurance and data investigation techniques. They will gain the skills to help businesses to most effectively organise their data, present data and investigation results along with compelling business opportunities reports to senior stakeholders.

Programme Integration

The programme comprises six 15-credit taught courses and one 30-credit taught courses, as well as a 60-credit MSc dissertation project.

Before students embark on the study of the MSc programme, they are able to engage in an introductory, non-credit bearing course (i.e., a bootcamp or taster course) on programming and mathematics fundamentals. The Introduction to Programming course is accessible to all MSc students pursuing computer science and technology-related programmes at Level 7. Students are strongly advised to avail themselves of this course, as it serves as a crucial foundation for acquiring essential programming and mathematical skills. Introduction to Programming encompasses a comprehensive understanding of software development principles, problem-solving techniques, data representations, control flow, probability, calculus, and the construction of Python programs. Some students may find it necessary to enhance their mathematical or programming proficiencies prior to embarking on their MSc programme, while others may require a refresher to align their knowledge and understanding with the teaching standards at Northeastern University – London. The course is available online through our Virtual Learning Environment prior to starting the main MSc programme.

In their first semester, three 15-credit computing courses teach students the theory and application of data analytics. Students learn the basics of programming (e.g., if-then-else statements, for loops and data collections), alongside the fundamentals of computing (e.g., logic operators, algorithm complexity and data structures, respectively). They also learn how to ingest and transform data (e.g., numerical arrays, images, or text), how to design and structure programs, and alongside how to design and structure programs. Additionally, one 15-credit course teaches students ethical considerations while handling data.

In their second semester, two 15-credit and one 30-credit management-oriented courses teach students to think carefully and communicate clearly about people and business issues arising in relation to data analytics, AI, and other emerging technologies. They will gain an understanding of leadership issues in the data-driven business environment and how to ensure an organisation can align its process, structure, technology, people, and information to gain competitive advantages.

The 60-credit individual Artificial Intelligence dissertation project is a sustained piece of independent work on an agreed topic of the student’s choice. It runs throughout the year so that students have ample time to focus on their independent learning with the right guidance from their supervisor(s).

The creation, implementation, and effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems all have an ethical dimension. As AI develops and integrates into more facets of our lives, it is crucial to make sure that its application adheres to ethical standards and considerations. These considerations will be addressed throughout the programme by using seminar discusssions, forums, literature and teacher guidance on the implications of AI implementation and adoption.  It will also be specifically addressed in the core AI ethics course. Students on this programme, will be able to understand and communicate the accountability, transparency and explainability of AI, as well as will be able to comprehend how AI systems make decisions and their impact. In addition, by the end of the programme, students will be able to understand ethical AI use and take into account potential social, economic, and environmental implications with the goal of advancing society as a whole rather than just a chosen few.

The programme is designed and delivered so as to integrate the above component parts into a whole that ensures students graduate with both a technical and theoretical understanding of digital transformation and data analytics and their applications, as well as a broad, contextual appreciation of its implications.

Full Time Programme Structure

Semester One

LDSCI7234 Programming for Data Applications (15 credits)
LCSCI7235 Fundamentals of Computation, Data, and Algorithms (15 credits)
LDSCI7236 Theory and Applications of Data Analytics (15 credits)
NCHAI749 AI & Data Ethics(15 credits)

Semester Two

LCSCI7231 Data-Driven Transformation (15 credits)
LCSCI7232 Technology Leadership and Team Dynamics (30 credits)
LCSCI7233 Project Management and Communication (15 credits)

Semester Three

LDSCI7237 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Project (60 credits)

Part Time Programme Structure

Year One

Semester One

LCSCI7235 Fundamentals of Computation, Data, and Algorithms (15 credits)
LDSCI7234 Programming for Data Applications (15 credits)

Semester Two

LCSCI7233 Project Management and Communication (15 credits)
LCSCI7231 Data-Driven Transformation (15 credits)

Semester Three

Begin LDSCI7237 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Project (60 credits)

Year Two

Semester One

LDSCI7236 Theory and Applications of Data Analytics (15 credits)
NCHAI749 AI & Data Ethics(15 credits)

Semester Two

LCSCI7232 Technology Leadership and Team Dynamics (30 credits)

Semester Three

Complete LDSCI7237 Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Project (60 credits)

Entrance Requirements

Entry requirements – our typical offer for postgraduate study is an upper second-class honours undergraduate degree (or the equivalent) in computing science or related discipline; but each applicant will be assessed on an individual basis, including relevant professional experience where applicable. If English is not an applicant’s native language, they will need to demonstrate proficiency in English in order to study at the University. For a list of equivalencies, please check here.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Where a student wishes to apply for the recognition of prior learning on the basis of certificated or experiential learning, they should follow the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy.

Aims of the Programme

  • Produce graduates who are proficient in the theories and practice of digital transformation and data analytics, utilising the insights enabled by data analytics to create value for modern organisations.
  • Enable students to develop knowledge and skills in both the technology and the people side of technology-triggered change to successfully plan and implement digital transformation in the AI driven economy.
  • Develop students’ knowledge and skills to investigate business data requirements and apply data selection, data curation, data quality assurance and data investigation techniques.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

A student will be able to: 

K1d Comprehensively understand and have advanced knowledge of data storage, data analysis, high-performance architectures, programming languages and data engineering to deliver robust and scalable solutions for business needs.
K2d Comprehensively analyse and critically evaluate the principles and theories of technology management and digital transformation and the context of different business functions within organisations and technological change scenarios.
K3d Systematically evaluate the principles and methods of data analytics and create original data-driven solutions to solve complex problems.
K4d Comprehensively assess the strategic importance, capabilities, and limitations of technology enabled business processes and how to monitor technology-related market trends, collect competitive intelligence and make recommendations to improve organisational processes.

Subject Specific Skills

A student will be able to: 

S1d Select, critically evaluate, and apply an appropriate range of advanced computational, mathematical, statistical, analytical, and problem solving skills to solve complex data problems.
S2d Exercise an inquisitive and creative approach to solutions with the curiosity to explore and rigorously analyse, pose questions and identify opportunities, with the tenacity to review established techniques applied to research and improve methods and maximise insights.
S3d Design and manage business implementation strategies of varying levels of complexity, and have the tools to lead effective teams across the project lifecycle to achieve organisational goals and effective technological change.
S4d Critically evaluate the social, ethical, regulatory and legal frameworks and questions, including equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and sustainability, that digital transformation and data analytics present by exploring the detailed context of their application, and the philosophical ideas that relate to their use.

Transferable and Professional Skills

A student will be able to: 

T1d Apply and evaluate leadership, negotiation, communication, and influencing strategies and demonstrate the ability to manage projects ensuring on-time delivery in a range of business scenarios.
T2d Consistently display an excellent level of technical proficiency in written English and command of scholarly terminology, so as to be able to deal with complex issues in a sophisticated and systematic way.
T3d Keep up to date with current thinking and ideas at the forefront of discipline of digital transformation and data analytics, maintaining a high standard of professional development and initiative.
T4d Communicate effectively with technical audiences, non-technical audiences, and stakeholders through oral presentations, demonstrations, and written reports.

All of the above learning outcomes are mapped to the relevant QAA Subject Benchmark threshold statements – see Appendix A. For the exit awards see Appendix B.

Map of Courses to Programme Learning Outcomes

Course Title Knowledge and Understanding Subject-Specific Skills Transferable and Professional Skills
K1d K2d K3d K4d S1d S2d S3d S4d T1d T2d T3d T4d
Programming for Data Applications X X X X X X X X
Fundamentals of Computation, Data, and Algorithms X X X X X X X X
Theory and Applications of Data Analytics X X X X X X X X
AI & Data Ethics X X X X X X X X X
Data-Driven Transformation X X X X X X X X X X X
Technology Leadership and Team Dynamics X X X X X X X X X X
Project Management and Communication X X X X X X X X X X
Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Project X X X X X X X X X X X X

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching Methods

  • Seminars, including some with student presentations and lab sessions
  • Small classes
  • Individual coding-based tutorials
  • Feedback on coding assignments and technical reports
  • Student presentations
  • Online discussion forums
  • Individual project supervisions (which support both written and oral communication skills)
  • (Structured) independent study and research

The University teaches in small groups and is committed to providing individual attention and guidance. Lectures and seminars include student interaction and dialogue. As indicated below, students have an opportunity to participate in the Faculty’s research seminars and audit other lectures and seminars of their choice. Assessment, as indicated above, is in a variety of modes: exam, coursework essay, coding assignment, conference-style oral presentation with PowerPoint or handout, and a software engineering project with presentation.

Learning Opportunities

The regular research seminars offer a lively and varied menu of talks and discussions involving both internal and invited speakers. Students are invited and encouraged to attend these in all three terms.
Students will also be encouraged to attend the broad programme of liberal-arts professorial lectures at the University.

Inclusive Teaching and Learning

The University is deeply committed to widening participation, both through outreach activities and through a teaching environment that is inclusive towards a variety of backgrounds and learning styles. Faculty are engaged in the public dissemination of their discipline, visiting a wide range of schools, hosting open lectures, engaging with the media, and publishing in accessible formats. Faculty strives to support a lively, open, and interactive teaching environment, in which research and teaching are mutually complementary.
The high staff-student ratio at the University is especially important to the faculty’s ability to give individualised attention to students, and thus to be inclusive towards a variety of backgrounds and learning styles. The faculty facilitates a wide range of academic and social events in which academics and students are brought together.
The University will make reasonable adjustment for students with disabilities, in accordance with the recommendations of Student Support and Development (SSD). Where necessary, following consultation with SSD, alternative forms of assessment may be offered.
The variety of modes of assessment in this programme may render it more inclusive than those which assess in more uniform ways.


The University ensures students are supported outside of class contact time by means of a virtual learning environment (VLE), through which students access learning materials and communicate with fellow students and faculty.


Assessment Method

  • Examination
  • Project
  • Presentation

Appendix C is the programme structure and assessment summary.

Assessment Regulations

The University’s Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards can be found here.

Student Support

Disabilities and/or Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLDS)

Students are strongly encouraged to inform the University of any medical conditions, disabilities, specific learning difficulties (SpLD) or neurological differences as soon as is practical. Students will be asked to submit supporting documentation from a doctor, clinical or educational psychologist detailing the nature of their disability and the impact it is likely to have on their studies in order to help us put in place appropriate support and accommodations. More information can be found in the Student Disability Policy here. This data is managed and securely stored by SSD. During Freshers’ Week, a number of talks and events are held which are designed to support and inform students with regard to mental health, disabilities, safety and learning support.

SSD meet with students as soon as possible, and preferably before the start of the academic year, to discuss their needs and draft a Learning Support Plan (LSP) which outlines the support to be provided both within the University (if appropriate) and externally. If requested by the student, the SDD will then arrange to inform relevant faculty of the student’s needs and any reasonable adjustments required.

If a student is undiagnosed but believes they may have a SpLDS (e.g. Dyslexia) the SDD will help them to access diagnostic services. If the assessment confirms a SpLDS, the SDD will work the student in preparing a LSP and will provide advice about accessing additional funding and support through the Disabled Students Allowance, where a student may be eligible.

For more information, please click here.

Employability Skills

  • Programming skills: deliver original, technically sound software solutions to computing problems using appropriate software development methods and techniques that adhere to the code of practice and industry standards of the particular problem area
  • Leadership skills: engage in a peer review process to critically assess proposed solutions, providing constructive feedback on project design, management and evaluation
  • Communication skills: communicate solutions via presentations, demonstrations or technical reports to both technical and non-technical audiences

Careers Education, Information and Guidance

Masters students will have access to the University’s Careers Advisory Service. This includes employer receptions with representatives from a wide range of sectors and our electronic Careers Centre, containing features and functionality for careers guidance, interview advice and job searching.
In addition, Careers Advisers, supplemented with support from tutors, offer advice, often one-to-one, on securing a professional future tailored to students’ skills and ambitions.

Quality Evaluation and Enhancement

Award Standards

Every programme of study is developed by the Faculties, utilising their subject specialists and approved by the University’s Academic Board.

Review and Evaluation Mechanisms

The University has robust procedures, as described in AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications and AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting, in place to assure the quality of the programme development, delivery, management, systematic monitoring and ongoing review and enhancement of all University programmes. Enhancements are made as necessary to ensure that systems remain effective and rigorous.

The University utilises constructive feedback from a variety of sources, internal and external, to inform its decision-making process to enhance the programme and student experiences. These feedback sources are listed below:

  • Annual Course Reviews, written by the Course Leader, are prepared to enable the Course Leader to reflect on the course, using a variety of data and student/faculty feedback to enhance the course and support the Programme Director in writing the Annual Programme Review
  • Annual Programme Reports, written by the Programme Director, are prepared in order to enhance individual programmes and to plan ahead
  • Annual Examiner Reports are prepared by independent External Examiners, as appointed by the University, to confirm that a programme has been assessed in accordance with the approved documentation and that the student performance meets the appropriate academic standards
  • Formal student feedback mechanisms consist of student representatives attending meetings; course satisfaction surveys; and annual programme satisfaction surveys
  • Informal student feedback is also valued by the University and this can take the form of students talking or corresponding with their faculty or professional staff.

Version History

Title: MSc Artificial Intelligence and Technology Leadership Programme Specification

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/programme specifications and handbooks/postgraduate programme specifications

Version number Date approved Date published  Owner Proposed next review date Modification (As per AQF4) & category number
1.2 January 2024 January 2024 Dr Alexandros Koliousis June 2028 Category 1: Corrections/
clarifications to documents which do not change approved content or learning outcomes
1.1 July 2023 July 2023 Dr Alexandros Koliousis June 2028 Category 1: Corrections/
clarifications to documents which do not change approved content or learning outcomes
1.0 June 2023 Dr Alexandros Koliousis June 2028
Referenced documents Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy; Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards; Student Disclosure Form; AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications; and AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting.
External Reference Point(s) QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Computing (Master’s)


The University has checked the information provided in this Programme Specification and will aim to deliver this programme in keeping with this Programme Specification. However, changes to the programme may sometimes be required arising from annual monitoring, student feedback, and the review and update of courses and programmes. Where this activity leads to significant changes to courses and programmes there will be prior consultation with students and others, wherever possible, and the University will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to students. It is also possible that the University may not be able to offer a course or programme for reasons outside of its control, for example, due to the absence of a member of staff or low student registration numbers. Where this is the case, the University will aim to inform applicants and students as soon as possible, and where appropriate, will facilitate the transfer of affected students to another suitable programme. 


The contents of this Programme Specification are the copyright of the University and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, such as electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, without the prior consent of the University.

Appendix A – Map to QAA Subject Benchmark Computing (Master’s)

  Recommendation* Learning Outcomes
5.1 The study of computing at master’s degree level is typically characterised by:
  an ability to evaluate the technical, societal and management dimensions of computer systems K2, K3, S1
  a knowledge and understanding of advanced aspects of computer systems and their use K2
  a combination of theory and practice, with practice being guided by theoretical considerations K1
  a strong emphasis on the underlying discipline and/or applications S2
  the mastery of the practical methodology of the relevant area of computing, whether for general application in software development or in specialised applications relating to the storing, processing and communication of information K1
  an understanding of professional, legal, social, cultural and ethical issues related to computing and an awareness of societal and environmental impact. K3
5.2 Master’s degree courses in computing/IT should seek to include the development of the following subject-specific skills:
  an ability to engage in a peer review process that involves the critical review of papers, software and proposals, coupled with positive advice for improvement and innovation S1, T1
  competences at a systems level appropriate to the learning outcomes of the course: the ability to assess systems (which may include software, devices, people, and so on), to recognise the individual components and to understand their interaction, to improve systems, to replace them and to create them S1, S2, S3
  familiarity with codes of ethics and codes of practice specific to the specialism of the degree course, relevant industrial standards and principles underpinning the development of high integrity systems (for safety, security, trust, privacy, and so on), while keeping in focus the benefits of, approaches to and opportunities offered by innovation K1, S2
  translational skills which involve the necessary communication between technical and non-technical audiences T2
5.3 Master’s degree courses in computing/IT should seek to include development of the following generic skills:
  those required for the creation of the lifelong learner, who can set goals and identify resources for the purpose of learning T4, S1
  an ability to critically review the literature, which includes identifying all of the key developments in a particular area of study, critically analysing them and identifying limitations and avenues for further development or explanation T1
  an ability to recognise and respond to opportunities for innovation T3, S3
  leadership skills, which tend to be characterised by acquiring a vision (based on sound technical insights) coupled with the ability to encourage others to share in that vision and to ensure that this will not be to their detriment. T3


Appendix B – Exit Awards

Postgraduate Certificate

4 x 15 credit Level 7 courses = 60 credits

Postgraduate Diploma

8 x 15 credit level 7 courses = 120 credits

Appendix C – Programme Structure and Assessment Summary

Code Course Title Credit Type Mode Assessment Weighting % & Activity Type (code overleaf)
AE1 Activity
AE2 Activity
AE3 Activity
FHEQ Level 7
LDSCI7234 Programming for Data Applications 15 C CD 50% A 50% A
LCSCI7235 Fundamentals of Computation, Data, and Algorithms 15 C CD 40% Set 60% Exam
LDSCI7236 Theory and Applications of Data Analytics 15 C CD 50% A 50% A
NCHAI749 AI and Data Ethics 15 C CD 50% Set 50% P
LCSCI7231 Data-Driven Transformations 20 C CD 50% P 50% A
LCSCI7232 Technology Leadership and Team Dynamics 20 C CD 50% A 50% A
LCSCI7233 Project Management and Communication 20 C CD 30% Oral 70% A
LDSCI7237 MSc Dissertation Project 60 C CD 20% A 60% Diss 20% Oral

COURSE TYPE:   C = Compulsory; O = Option.

COURSE MODE:   CD = Campus Delivery; BK = Block Delivery; BL = Blended Learning; DL = Distance Learning and Self-Directed Learning; EL = E-Learning; EX = Experiential; PL = Placement; WB = Work Based Learning,

ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: AE1 = Assessment Element 1; AE2 = Assessment Element 2; AE3 = Assessment Element 3; AE4 = Assessment Element 4

Written exam Exam
Take home exam TEx
Written assignment A
Report R
Dissertation Diss
Portfolio F
Project output (other than dissertation) P
Oral assessment and presentation Oral
Practical skills assessment Pract
Set exercise Set