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Academic Handbook BSc (Hons) Applied Digital and Technology Solutions (online)

BSc (Hons) Applied Digital & Technology Solutions Programme Specification

Awarding Body Northeastern University – London
Teaching Institution Northeastern University London
Apprenticeship Standard Modelled on the Digital & Technology Solutions Professional (Integrated Degree) apprenticeship standard ST0119
Relevant QAA Benchmark Statement Computing (October 2019)
HECoS Code 100367
UCAS code DT1S
QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualification Level Honours Level 6
Final Award BSc (Hons) Applied Digital & Technology Solutions


BSc (Hons) Applied Digital & Technology Solutions with ServiceNow*

Exit Awards CertHE Applied Digital & Technology Solutions (+/- with ServiceNow)

DipHE Applied Digital & Technology Solutions (+/- with ServiceNow)



Approved Start Dates October 2021
Language of Instruction English
Language of Assessment English
Mode of Study Part-time online learning; flexible and stackable
Approval effective from September 2021
Re-approval due September 2026

Programme Overview

The aim is to integrate academic learning at degree level with practical training to provide a holistic programme of education and training to meet the skills needs of employers now and in the future. 

The student will study, online, with Northeastern University London (the University) for approximately 46 days per Stage – i.e., if a student commits to the equivalent of one day per week for 42 weeks each year, the duration of the entire programme will be six years. The maximum permitted duration for the programme is eight years. Additionally, the student will commit to a further, and complementary, 92 days per Stage for private study. There are typically three entry points per academic year.[1]

Each course, typically 15 credits, is instructor-supported and assessed by a range of activities aligned to industry norms, i.e., almost all assessments relate to activities that are expected in a digital & technology solutions-related occupation. The content, and consequently the learning outcomes and methods of assessment vary between courses.

A key aspect of the self-paced programme is course ‘stack-ability’. A maximum period of time (6 weeks) is assigned for the completion of each 15-credit course, and courses/credits are ‘banked’ upon successful completion. Students follow a suggested set sequence of courses. Students will be encouraged to follow one of two pathways for programme completion: ‘fast-track’ 36 months (committing to 2-days per week of on-line study), or ‘self-paced’ 72 months (committing to 1-day per week of online study). For the fast-track pathway (36 months), learners are expected to successfully complete 120 credits each year. For the self-paced pathway (72 months), learners are expected to successfully complete 60 credits each year.  Formal progress monitoring/support occurs every six-weeks between the University Mentor/Progress-tracker and student to discuss whether the student is keeping pace with their plan of learning (established at enrolment). Student progress is monitored through the use of an online Student Management System.

The programme begins with ‘Business Fundamentals’ to introduce and familiarise students with the contemporary world of business and is followed by an introduction to the fundamental ideas of programming principles in ‘Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming I

Next, the programme explores Mathematical Structures and Methods’ that form the foundation of computer science, before introducing ‘Data Management Systems’ which explore how utilising information and leveraging IT can contribute to the diverse success of a broad range of enterprises.

The subsequent ‘Database Design & Management’ course examines data design and structures, and students learn how to query and manipulate data before applying their learning and further exploring more advanced ‘Programming’ approaches. Students then study what drives peoples ‘behaviour’ in an organisation and see how improving business processes and preparing the workforce can make the most efficient and effective use of any information systems deployed.

Throughout year 1, core knowledge is contextualised using industry-recognised cloud-based platform technology (and solution) training embedded through the courses, resulting in industry certification where applicable.

Stage 2, begins with an ‘Information Technology Project Management’ course covering all aspects of the project lifecycle including tools and techniques. Students dive deeper into ‘Database Design’ and then implement a database schema. Building on their understanding of data, they will learn ‘Visualisation Techniques’ to manipulate and present various types of business data to stakeholders. Students study how to program utilising software used in ‘Data Analytics’ and then move on to cover the history of multimedia technology and its uses.

The programme then examines frameworks and strategic approaches for the life-cycle delivery and ‘Management of Information Technology’ products and services e.g., Information Technology Service Management and introduces software solutions. At the end of stage 2, the ‘Cybersecurity’ course discusses and explores the significance, risk and impact of ensuring IT systems are secure and compliant. Like in stage 1, stage 2 core knowledge is contextualised using industry-recognised cloud- based platform technology (and solution) training embedded through the courses, resulting in industry certification where applicable.

Stage 3, is where students select a specialism (Software Engineer, IT Consultant, Business Analyst, Cyber Security Analyst or Data Analyst) and courses covered will depend on the selected specialism with all 3 pathways finishing with an extensive ‘Synoptic Project’.

*A key feature of the BSc (Hons) in Applied Digital & Technology Solutions is the embedded industry-recognised training to contextualise core teaching. The default programme is characterised by an array of opportunities (i.e., training by: ServiceNow, Bloomberg, Microsoft Azure, AWS, Microsoft Power-BI, ITIL, Salesforce) accompanying numerous courses. However, it may be that the student wishes to specialise almost entirely in ServiceNow-training, and as such may opt for a ‘ServiceNow certification heavy’ programme (i.e., with >14 ServiceNow learning courses /micro-credentials). This specialism will be reflected in the programme title e.g. BSc (Hons) in Applied Digital & Technology Solutions with ServiceNow. Irrespective of which certification pathway is chosen, the Programme Learning Outcomes remain the same. A student must specify the specialism at enrolment.

Structure of the Applied Digital & Technology Solutions Programme (360 Credits)

Stage 1 (Level 4)

Induction: ‘including an introduction to online study (0 credits)

Compulsory Courses

NCHNAL470 Business Fundamentals (15 credits)

NCHNAL471 Mathematical Structures and Methods (15 credits)

NCHNAL472 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming I (15 credits)

NCHNAL473 Data Management Systems (15 credits)

NCHNAL474 Database Design and Management I (15 credits)

NCHNAL475 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming II (15 credits)

NCHNAL476 Organisational Behaviour (15 credits)

NCHNAL477 Digital Fluency in the Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Enterprise (15 credits)

Stage 2 (Level 5)

Compulsory Courses

NCHNAL589 Information Technology Project Management (15 credits)

NCHNAL590 Database Design and Management II (15 credits)

NCHNAL592 Data Analytics (15 credits)

NCHNAL591 Data Visualisation (15 credits)

NCHNAL593 Visual Communication of Information (15 credits)

NCHNAL594 Information Technology Service Management (15 credits)

NCHNAL595 Cybersecurity (15 credits)

NCHNAL588 Networks and Platform Technologies (15 credits)

Stage 3 (Level 6)

Select ONE Specialism

IT Consultant Specialism

NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6119 Customer Lifecycle Management (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6120 Advanced Information Technology Service Management (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project (60 credits)


Business Analyst Specialism

NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project (60 credits)


Data Analyst Specialism

NCHNAL6123 Data Driven Decision Making (30 credits) and

NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6124 Implementing Data Science (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project (60 credits)


Cyber Security Specialism

NCHNAL6142 Data and Network Protection (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6144 Enterprise Security Management (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project (60 credits)


Software Engineer Specialism

NCHNAL6145 Object-Oriented Design and Development (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6146 Agile Software Development (15 credits) and

NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project (60 credits)

Entrance Requirements


The University requires applicants to be at least 18 years old on 1 September in the year of entry.

General Entrance Requirements

The University reviews application forms, grades, personal statements, references, and interview performance, before making offers of places in its programmes. A typical offer for undergraduate study is BBB, or the equivalent. Provisional admissions decisions are made by the Business Relations Manager.

Some applicants may not have traditional qualifications as listed above, and have prior learning and skills developed from the workplace, these will be considered on a case-by- case basis and will take due consideration of the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy.

Aims of the Programme

The overall aim of the programme is to:

  • Offer specialist degree level study with practical training to provide a holistic programme of education and training.
  • Offer a programme of study that meets the needs and expectations of businesses and organisations and supports the career development of Digital and Technology Solutions Professionals.
  • Provide flexible and broad access to an incrementally structured learning experience that is designed to encourage and enable a diverse range of students to work within a range of organisations and businesses.
  • To support the development of digital and technology specialist skills that will be valued and supported within work-based contexts, i.e., the development of technology enabled solutions for both internal and external customers, in a range of areas including software, business, and data infrastructure.
  • Place the specialist study of digital and technology solutions within a broad contextual framework; provide students with an understanding of the role played by Digital and Technology Solutions Professionals and how their specific and transferable knowledge and skills are applied in a range of professional contexts.
  • Develop a good understanding of the principles, theories and technologies that enable the professional practice of Digital and Technology Solutions Professionals.
  • Provide students with a rich and varied academic experience that is designed to support the integration of theory and practice.
  • Instil a strong professional work ethic that encourages independence, empathy and a strong awareness of ethical, legal and social issues that pertain to the role of Digital and Technology Solutions Professionals.
  • Encourage and support self-determined, independence, critical self-reflection and advanced communication skills.
  • Develop a high standard of written English, mathematics and presentation skills.
  • Blend the development of business, mathematical, computing and technical understanding with a raft of related transferrable skills that enable students to develop their careers and operate successfully as Digital and Technology Solutions Professionals within a range of professional contexts.
  • Provide students with the ability to implement technology solutions that enable organisations and businesses to develop new products and services and to increase productivity using digital technologies.

Programme Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding (Technical)

A student will be able to: 

K1c Carry out the various roles, functions and activities related to technology solutions within a business or organisation, with an intimate knowledge and systematic understanding of how business invests in, and exploits, technology solutions for competitive advantage. Specifically, be able to formulate a business case, and deliver a subsequent technology solutions project, for a new technology solution consistent with business needs.
K2c Command knowledge of how strategic decisions are made concerning acquiring technology solutions resources and capabilities including the ability to analyse and evaluate the different sourcing options; whilst systematically understanding the issues of quality, cost and time for projects, including contractual obligations and resource constraints.
K3c Command knowledge of contemporary techniques for design, development, testing, correcting, deploying and documenting software systems from specifications, using agreed standards and tools. Specifically, be able to identify common vulnerabilities in computer networks including unsecure coding and unprotected networks.
K4c Command knowledge of management systems in managing organisational data and information, and how teams work effectively to produce technology solutions using ideas and techniques, some of which are at the forefront of the discipline.

Subject Specific Skills

A student will be able to:

S1c Critically analyse a business domain/organisation in order to identify the role of information systems, highlight issues and identify business opportunities/requirements for improvement (including developing investment proposals), before then specifying, configuring and deploying an appropriate technology solution i.e., IT Project Management.
S2c dentify organisational information requirements and model, then manage data solutions, including industry-standard database management systems; being cognisant of the key concepts of data quality and data security.
S3c Undertake cyber security risk assessments for simple IT systems, before evaluating threats and proposing/implementing resolution advice.
S4c Plan, design and manage computer networks with an overall focus on the services and capabilities that network infrastructure solutions enable in an organisational context; whilst also identifying network security risks and overseeing their resolution.

Transferable and Professional Skills (Behaviours)

A student will be able to:

B1c Articulate (e.g., present) complex issues/solutions while demonstrating basic business knowledge and acumen.
B2c Deal with different, working styles and competing interests within and outside an organisation, to work effectively with and to motivate others i.e., effectively leading, influencing and persuading others.
B3c Give and receive feedback constructively and incorporate it into his/her own development and life-long learning.
B4c Apply analytical, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

All of the above learning outcomes are mapped to the relevant QAA Subject Benchmark threshold statement

Map of Courses to Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge and Understanding K1a K1b K1c K2a K2b K2c K3a K3b K3c K4a K4b K4c
FHEQ Level 4
NCHNAL470 Business Fundamentals X X X
NCHNAL471 Mathematical Structures and Methods X
NCHNAL472 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming I X X
NCHNAL473 Data Management Systems X X X
NCHNAL474 Database Design and Management I X X
NCHNAL475 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming II X X
NCHNAL476 Organisational Behaviour X X X
NCHNAL477 Digital Fluency in the Artificial Intelligence- Enabled Enterprise X X
FHEQ Level 5
NCHNAL589 Information Technology Project Management X X
NCHNAL590  Database Design and Management II X X
NCHNAL592 Data Analytics X X
NCHNAL591 Data Visualisation X X
NCHNAL593 Visual Communication of Information X X
NCHNAL594 Information Technology Service Management X X
NCHNAL595 Cybersecurity X X
NCHNAL588 Networks and Platform Technologies X X X
FHEQ Level 6  IT Consultant Specialism
NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks X X X
NCHNAL6119 Customer Lifecycle Management X
NCHNAL6120 Advanced Information Technology Service Management X X X
NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management X X X
NCHNAL6125  DTSP Synoptic Project X X X X
FHEQ Level 6 (Business Analyst Specialism)
NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks X X X
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering X X X X
NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python X
NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management X X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project X X X X
FHEQ Level 6 (Data Analyst Specialism)
NCHNAL6123 Data Driven Decision Making X
NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python X
NCHNAL6124 Implementing Data Science X X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project X X X X
FHEQ Level 6 (Cyber Security Specialism)
NCHNAL6142 Data and Network Protection X
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering X X X X
NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security X X
NCHNAL6144 Enterprise Security Management X X X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project X X X X
FHEQ Level 6 (Software Engineer Specialism)
NCHNAL6145 Object-Oriented Design and Development X X
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering X X X X
NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security X X
NCHNAL6146 Agile Software Development X X X X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project X X X X

Subject Specific

Subject Specific S1a S1b S1c S2a S2b S2c S3a S3b S3c S4a S4b S4c
FHEQ Level 4
NCHNAL470 Business Fundamentals X                      
NCHNAL471 Mathematical Structures and Methods       X                
NCHNAL472 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming I X     X                
NCHNAL473 Data Management Systems X     X           X    
NCHNAL474 Database Design and Management I X     X     X          
NCHNAL475 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming II X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL476 Organisational Behaviour X                      
NCHNAL477 Digital Fluency in the Artificial Intelligence- Enabled Enterprise X                      
FHEQ Level 5
NCHNAL589 Information Technology Project Management   X                    
NCHNAL590 Database Design and Management II   X     X     X        
NCHNAL592 Data Analytics         X              
NCHNAL591 Data Visualisation   X     X              
NCHNAL593 Visual Communication of Information   X           X     X  
NCHNAL594 Information Technology Service Management   X                    
NCHNAL595 Cybersecurity   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL588 Networks and Platform Technologies   X           X     X  
FHEQ Level 6  IT Consultant Specialism
NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks     X                  
NCHNAL6119 Customer Lifecycle Management     X                  
NCHNAL6120 Advanced Information Technology Service Management           X     X     X
NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management     X     X            
NCHNAL6125  DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Business Analyst Specialism)
NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks     X                  
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering                       X
NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python           X            
NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management     X     X            
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Data Analyst Specialism)
NCHNAL6123 Data Driven Decision Making           X     X     X
NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python           X            
NCHNAL6124 Implementing Data Science           X            
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Cyber Security Specialism)
NCHNAL6142 Data and Network Protection     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering     X                  
NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security           X     X     X
NCHNAL6144 Enterprise Security Management     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Software Engineer Specialism)
NCHNAL6145 Object-Oriented Design and Development           X            
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering                       X
NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security           X     X     X
NCHNAL6146 Agile Software Development     X     X            
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X

Transferable and Professional Skills (Behaviours)

Transferable and Professional Skills (Behaviours) B1a B1b B1c B2a B2b B2c B3a B3b B3c B4a B4b B4c
FHEQ Level 4
NCHNAL470 Business Fundamentals X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL471 Mathematical Structures and Methods X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL472 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming I X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL473 Data Management Systems X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL474 Database Design and Management I X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL475 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming II X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL476 Organisational Behaviour X     X     X     X    
NCHNAL477 Digital Fluency in the Artificial Intelligence- Enabled Enterprise X     X     X     X    
FHEQ Level 5
NCHNAL589 Information Technology Project Management   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL590 Database Design and Management II   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL592 Data Analytics   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL591 Data Visualisation   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL593 Visual Communication of Information   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL594 Information Technology Service Management   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL595 Cybersecurity   X     X     X     X  
NCHNAL588 Networks and Platform Technologies   X     X     X     X  
FHEQ Level 6  IT Consultant Specialism
NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6119 Customer Lifecycle Management     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6120 Advanced Information Technology Service Management     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6125  DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Business Analyst Specialism)
NCHNAL6118 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6117 Business and Change Management     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Data Analyst Specialism)
NCHNAL6123 Data Driven Decision Making     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6122 Predictive Analytics Using Python     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6124 Implementing Data Science     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Cyber Security Specialism)
NCHNAL6142 Data and Network Protection     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6144 Enterprise Security Management     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X
FHEQ Level 6 (Software Engineer Specialism)
NCHNAL6145 Object-Oriented Design and Development     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6121 Software Engineering     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6143 Software and Data Security     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6146 Agile Software Development     X     X     X     X
NCHNAL6125 DTSP Synoptic Project     X     X     X     X

Teaching and Learning Strategies


The degree is studied through tutor/instructor-led, online learning, and is delivered through an online interactive virtual learning environment (VLE).

The achievement of the Programme Learning Outcomes is supported through an extensive range of e-learning interactions and materials. Delivery methods include:

  • Lectures (synchronous via over the web technology, and pre-recorded)
  • Online seminars for small group discussion
  • Online informal discussion groups
  • Assessments
  • Links to related reading material
  • Individual learning plans (ILP)
  • Online presentations
  • Participation in online forums
  • Consolidation and revision sessions
  • Independent study and research
  • Final project

Regular in-depth formative feedback is provided to the student, with advice and guidance to support their achievement in summative assessments. The programme aims to progressively enhance applied digital and technology knowledge and skills – as well as maths, English and communication skills. Regular progress reviews between the student and their University Mentor/Progress-tracker formally monitor and evaluate the student’s progress. Virtual meetings occur every six-weeks to discuss whether the student is keeping pace with their plan of learning (established at enrolment). Student progress is monitored through the use of an online student Management System.

The online programme ensures that students have the opportunity to explore their subject in an incrementally structured, well-managed and appropriate manner. It develops the knowledge, core and subject-specific skills, and transferable skills, required by students and enhances their confidence. The combination of academic study and industry-recognised/relevant training is a key feature of the programme.

Assessment tasks increase in complexity and level of demand from year (or Stage) 1, where introductory tasks assess the demonstration of knowledge, skills and abilities and establish the foundations of learning. Whereas, in the final year (Stage) of the programme, the synthesis of advanced knowledge, understanding, critical thinking and professional skills, are assessed in line with the expectations of an undergraduate degree programme.

Students are supported to acquire and practice a wide range of transferable skills. These include problem solving, analysis, strategic thinking and interpersonal and communication skills. Students will be effective team players and fully participate in presentation work during their studies. Importantly, they are also encouraged to balance these cooperative interpersonal skills with responsibilities and self-development. These graduate qualities are supported throughout the programme from an initial rigorous non-credit one-week block of instructor-led teaching, that includes the core computing and business skills needed to become an effective team member in the workplace, as well as an introduction to the demands and challenges of studying for an online degree, e.g., basic study skills.

Induction for all new students includes a virtual welcome to the University, introduction to key personnel including the Academic Services (AS); Programme Leader; Course Leaders; and University Mentor/Progress-tracker to introduce students to the programme they are about to embark upon (as well as establishing a plan of learning and timeline for completion). There are also sessions on accessing resources and library services, IT and facilities, and an induction from the Quality Team.

The programme is designed to progress steadily over its duration and develop students’ conceptual sophistication through cumulative experience and knowledge. The final project will allow students to develop their independent professional skills in collaboration with an academic supervisor.

The University recognises and has embedded the expectations of current equality legislation, by ensuring that the programme is as accessible as possible by design.

Additional alternative arrangements for students with Inclusive Learning Plans (IncLPs)/declared disabilities will be made on an individual basis, in consultation with the relevant policies and support services.

Applicants with a disability are encouraged to declare their disability during the application process. Once declared, AS will work with the student to agree a support plan for the duration required. This plan will be reviewed at the reviews every six weeks to confirm that this support is effective.

AS facilitates all academic and student services and oversees student wellbeing; careers advice is provided for students via the University Careers Team.


Courses are assessed in a variety of ways including:


  • Tests or quizzes
  • Essays or reports
  • Short answers and problem set(s)
  • Oral presentations/debates/discussions


  • Computer-based examination
  • Written assignment
  • Dissertation
  • Practical skills assessment
  • Oral assessment
  • Presentation
  • Set exercise
  • Project

Appendix C contains the programme structure and assessment summary.

Assessment Regulations

The assessment regulations can be found on the University website.


All three years (Stages) are worth 120 credits (= 1200 hours of learning time), comprising multiple courses. The final 60 credits (= 600 hours of learning time) will comprise the synoptic research project, spanning approximately 40 weeks.

Students must successfully complete each course in order to be awarded the specified number of credits for that course. One credit corresponds to approximately ten hours of ‘learning time’ (including all online delivery, all private study and research). Thus obtaining 120 credits (i.e., completing a Stage) requires 1,200 hours of overall learning time.

Each course, and indeed the overall programme, is designed to be at a specific level. The programme comprises courses at Level 4, 5 and 6 leading to successful completion of an undergraduate degree level award. Compulsory courses are core to the programme and must be successfully taken by all students studying the programme.

Where a student fails a course(s) due to illness or other mitigating circumstances, such failure may not be compensated or condoned.

To be eligible for the award of an Honours degree, students must obtain 360 credits, where 120 of which must be at Level 5, and 120 credits at Level 6.

Students successfully completing Stage 1 of the programme who do not successfully complete Stage 2 will be eligible for the award of the Certificate (CertHE) in Applied Digital & Technology Solutions.

Students successfully completing Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the programme who do not successfully complete Stage 3 will be eligible for the award of the Diploma (DipHE) in Applied Digital & Technology Solutions.

The grading of the degree award is made up of the synoptic project assessment together with numerous course assessments. The Honours degree award and classification is based on a weighted average mark of the assessed work (summative assessments only) the student has completed. The pass mark for a course is 40%, and all component assessments must be passed. Classification of the honours degree will be calculated using the weighted average marks for the best 90 credits at Level 4, weighted at 1; best 90 credits at Level 5, weighted at 3; and all Level 6 120 credits, weighted at 5. Classifications averages are calculated to one decimal point places. For further information on weighting calculation, please see Academic Quality Framework 7.


Students are graded using Honours degree classifications for English universities and follows the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) Code of Practice for the Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in Higher Education. The national degree award outcomes are shown below.

Degree award classification Marks level (%)
First class honours (1st) 69.5% or more
Second-class honours, upper division (2i) 59.50% – 69.49%
Second-class honours, lower division (2ii) 49.50% – 59.49%
Third-class honours (3rd) 39.5% – 49.49%

Exemptions From Northeastern University London Academic Quality Framework


Special Provisions for Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body


Quality Evaluation and Enhancement

Review and Evaluation Mechanisms

The University has robust procedures, as described in AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications and AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting, in place to assure the quality of the programme’s development, delivery, and management, alongside the systematic monitoring, ongoing review and enhancement of all programmes awarded by the University. Enhancements are made as necessary to ensure that systems remain effective and rigorous.

The University utilises constructive feedback from a variety of sources, internal and external, to inform its decision-making process to enhance the programme and the student experience. These feedback sources include:

  • Annual programme reports, written by the Programme Director, are prepared in order to enhance individual programmes and to plan ahead.
  • Annual Examiner reports are prepared by independent External Examiners to confirm that a programme has been assessed in accordance with the approved documentation and that the student performance meets the appropriate academic standards.
  • Formal student feedback mechanisms consist of course and programme student satisfaction questionnaires and Student Voice Committee.
  • Informal student feedback is also valued by the University and this can take the form of students talking to their University Mentor/Progress-tracker (which incorporates the personal tutor role), Lecturers, professional staff, or elected student representative.

As part of the formal progress monitoring, virtual progression meetings occur every six-weeks between the University Mentor/Progress-tracker and student to discuss whether the student is keeping pace with their plan of learning (established at enrolment). student progress is monitored through the use of an online student management system.

Version History

Title: BSc (Hons) Applied Digital & Technology Solutions

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/programme specifications and handbooks/undergraduate programme specifications

Version number Date approved Date published Head of Faculty Proposed next review date Modification (As per AQF4) & category number
2.0 December 2022 January 2022 Dr Yu- Chun Pan September 2026 Category 3: Change to Teaching and Learning Strategy
1.1 May 2021 May 2021 Scott Wildman September 2026
1.0 September 2021 Scott Wildman September 2026
Referenced documents Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy; AQF4 Programme and Course Approval and Modifications; AQF5 Annual Monitoring and Reporting
External Reference Point(s) Computing (October 2019); Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (October 2019); Education Skills and Funding Agency (ESFA) Funding Rules; Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education Assessment Plan; QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) Code of Practice for the Assurance of Academic Quality and

Standards in Higher Education


The University has checked the information provided in this Programme Specification and will aim to deliver this programme in keeping with this Programme Specification.

However, changes to the programme may sometimes be required arising from annual monitoring, student feedback, and the review and update of courses and programmes. Where this activity leads to significant changes to courses and programmes there will be prior consultation with students and others, wherever possible, and the University will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to students. It is also possible that the University may not be able to offer a course or programme for reasons outside of its control, for example, due to the absence of a member of staff or low student registration numbers. Where this is the case, the University will aim to inform applicants and students as soon as possible, and where appropriate, will facilitate the transfer of affected students to another suitable programme.


The contents of this Programme Specification are the copyright of the University and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, such as electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, without the prior consent of the University.

Appendix A – Map to QAA Subject Benchmark

Threshold Standards Learning Outcome
Demonstrate a requisite understanding of the main body of knowledge for their course of study. K1-4


Understand and apply essential concepts, principles and practices of the subject in the context of well-defined scenarios, showing judgement in the selection and application of tools and techniques. K1-4 S1-4
Produce work involving problem identification, the analysis, design and Development of a system with accompanying documentation, recognising the important relationships between these stages and showing problem- solving and evaluation skills drawing on supporting evidence. K1-4

S1-4 B4

Produce small, well-constructed programmes to solve well-specified problems. K1-4


Demonstrate generic skills, an ability to work under guidance and as a team member. B1-4
Identify appropriate practices within a professional, legal and ethical framework and understand the need for continuing professional development. K1-4 S1-4



* This is intended to mean that all students (taken over all years) graduating with an honours degree in this discipline will have achieved this.

QAA benchmark statement can be found here.

Appendix B – Exit Awards

Certificate in Higher Education

In order for a student to be awarded a Certificate in Higher Education (Cert HE), they are required to have achieved 120 Level 4 Credits, in accordance with the NCH and Northeastern’s Academic Regulations for Taught Awards.

Knowledge and Understanding (Technical)

K1a Demonstrate knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles of the various roles, functions and activities related to technology solutions within an organisation.
K2a Demonstrate knowledge of the decision-making process of technology strategy factoring in both internal and external factors.
K3a Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate techniques for technology solutions development lifecycle.
K4a Demonstrate knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles of managing people, technology and information in an organisation.

Subject Specific Skills

S1a Apply a range of business analysis tools and techniques in an organisation.
S2a Identify the business and data requirements for technology solutions.
S3a Apply the underlying principle of data and information security in computer systems.
S4a Apply the fundamental principles and techniques of planning computer networks in an organisation.

Transferable and Professional Skills (Behaviours)

T1a Communicate analysis clearly and logically.
T2a Adjust individual styles to meet the needs of others.
T3a Receive and reflect on constructive feedback.
T4a Apply problem-solving skills to develop solutions to problems

Diploma in Higher Education

In order for a student to be awarded a Diploma in Higher Education (Dip HE), they are required to have achieved 120 Level 4 Credits and 120 Level 5 Credits, in accordance with the NCH and Northeastern’s Academic Regulations for Taught Awards.

Knowledge and Understanding (Technical)

K1b Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the various roles, functions and activities related to technology solutions within an organisation, and the strategic values of technology solutions.
K2b Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of how strategic decisions are made concerning acquiring technology solutions resources and capabilities including the ability to analyse and evaluate the different sourcing options.
K3b Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary techniques for design, development, testing, correcting, deploying and documenting software systems from specifications, using agreed standards and tools.
K4b Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the theories and applications of managing organisational data and information, and managing team members.

Subject Specific Skills

S1b Evaluate and apply a wide range of business analysis tools and techniques to identify the role of information systems in an organisation.
S2b Identify and evaluate the business and data requirements for technology solutions in line with industry standards.
S3b Critically analyse the role, functions and applications of data and information security in an organisational context.
S4b Identify and evaluate the capabilities of computer networks in relation to organisational needs.

Transferable and Professional Skills (Behaviours)

T1b Communicate arguments and analysis to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
T2b Recognise the differences amongst various internal and external stakeholders and adjust own approaches accordingly
T3b Exercise personal responsibility in professional development and life-long learning, using reflective practice.
T4b Apply critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

Appendix C – Programme Structure and Summative Assessment Summary

Code Order Course Title Credit Type Mode Assessment Weighting % & Activity Type
(code overleaf)
AE1 Activity
AE2 Activity type
FHEQ Level 4
NCHNAL470 1 Business Fundamentals 15 C DL 50% A 50% A
NCHNAL471 2 Mathematical Structures and Methods 15 C DL 40% CBEx 60% Set
NCHNAL472 3 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming I 15 C DL 50% Set 50% A
NCHNAAL473 4 Data Management Systems 15 C DL 70% A 30% CBEx
NCHNAL474 5 Database Design and Management I 15 C DL 60% Set 40% R
NCHNAL475 6 Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming II 15 C DL 50% Set 50% R
NCHNAL476 7 Organisational Behaviour 15 C DL 60% A 40% A
NCHNAL477 8 Digital Fluency in the Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Enterprise 15 C DL 70% A 30% Oral
FHEQ Level 5
NCHNAL589 9 Information Technology Project Management 15 C DL 70% A 30% CBEx
NCHNAL590 10 Database Design and Management II 15 C DL 60% A 40% Set
NCHNAL592 11 Data Analytics 15 C DL 60% Set 40% A
NCHNAL591 12 Data Visualisation 15 C DL 70% Set 30% A
NCHNAL593 13 Visual Communication of Information 15 C DL 70% Pract 30% A
NCHNAL594 14 Information Technology Service Management 15 C DL 70% R 30% CBEx
NCHNAL595 15 Cybersecurity 15 C DL 50% A 50% R
NCHNAL588 16 Networks and Platform Technologies 15 C DL 70% A 30% Oral
FHEQ Level 6
NCHNAL6118 17 or 17 Consulting Fundamentals and Frameworks 15 C for IT consultant or Business Analyst DL 70% A 30% Set
NCHNAL6119 18 Customer Lifecycle Management 15 C for IT consultant DL 50% A 50% R
NCHNAL6120 19 Advanced Information Technology Service Management 15 C for IT consultant DL 70% A 30% CBEx
NCHNAL6117 20

or 18

Business and Change Management 15 C for IT consultant or Business Analyst DL 70% R 30% A
NCHNAL6121 19 Software Engineering 15 C for Business Analyst or Cyber Security Specialist or Software Engineer DL 60% R 40% A
NCHNAL6122 20 or 17 Predictive Analytics Using Python 15 C for Business Analyst or Data Analyst DL 60% A 40% Set


NCHNAL6123 18/19 Data Driven Decision Making 30 C for Data Analyst DL 70% R 30% A
NCHNAL6124 20 Implementing Data Science 15 C for Data Analyst DL 70% A 30% Oral
NCHNAL6125 21 DTS Synoptic Project 60 C DL 20% Exam 50%




NCHNAL6145 17 Object-Oriented Design and Development 15 C for Software Engineer DL/WB 60% Set 40% A
NCHNAL6142 17 Data and Network Protection 15 C for Cyber Security DL/WB 60% Set 40% A
NCHNAL6143 19 Software and Data Security 15 C for Cyber Security Specialist or Software Engineer DL/WB 60% Set 40% A
NCHNAL6146 20 Agile Software Development 15 C for Software Engineer DL/WB 60% A 40% Set
NCHNAL6144 20 Enterprise Security Management 15 C for Cyber Security Specialist DL/WB 60% Set 40% A

COURSE TYPE:   C = Compulsory; O = Option.

COURSE MODE:   CD = Campus Delivery; BK = Block Delivery; BL = Blended Learning; DL = Distance Learning and Self-Directed Learning; EL = E-Learning; EX = Experiential; PL = Placement; WB = Work Based Learning,

ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: AE1 = Assessment Element 1; AE2 = Assessment Element 2; AE3 = Assessment Element 3; AE4 = Assessment Element 4

Written exam Exam
Take home exam CBEx
Written assignment A
Report R
Dissertation Diss
Portfolio F
Project output (other than dissertation) P
Oral assessment and presentation Oral
Practical skills assessment Pract
Set exercise Set


For further information on entry points please email

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