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Engage with the world, from the vantage point of a culturally diverse global city.


Dr Chloe Yale Pinto is Assistant Professor in English at Northeastern University London. She graduated as Valedictorian from New College of the Humanities with a BA in English (First) and was awarded the University of London Sir Charles Harris prize for achieving the highest overall degree results worldwide. Following this she took the MSt in Literature (1900-Present) at The Queen’s College, University of Oxford (Distinction). Chloe completed her AHRC funded PhD in English (Criticism and Culture) at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge and was recently awarded the first Visiting Research Fellowship in Critical Antisemitism Studies, Discrimination and Human Rights at the Woolf Institute, University of Cambridge.


PhD in English (Criticism and Culture), University of Cambridge
MSt in English (1900-Present), University of Oxford
BA in English with History, New College of the Humanities and University of London


Chloe’s PhD focused on the relationship between artwork and antisemitism in Ezra Pound’s work and thought, and she is currently revising her doctoral thesis into a monograph. Her current research investigates the interplay between textual antisemitism and literary theory, analysing how the plasticity of anti-Jewish prejudice informs and infects the meaning of words. She previously worked as the book review editor for the Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. Her academic interests include: visual culture; the history of antisemitism and the Holocaust; modernism; Jewish literature; film theory; avant-garde poetics; popular culture and psychoanalysis.


‘Canto 91′ in:  Readings in the Cantos: Volume Three, ed. John Gery and Richard Parker, (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press) [forthcoming].


At Northeastern University London Chloe currently teaches the ‘Cultures of London’ and ‘British Drama and the London Stage’ courses. During her time at Cambridge she taught multiple courses on literary theory and modernist literature. Chloe has supervised numerous undergraduate dissertations and pieces of postgraduate work to completion on a range of topics across poetry, prose and film. She has been invited to lecture on several topics relating to contemporary antisemitism and literature and will co-host several episodes of the forthcoming Radical Writing podcast for NUL. Chloe would be happy to hear from any student whose research falls within her areas of specialty, or from any student interested in Jewish life on campus at Northeastern University London.


Dr Chloe Yale Pinto