About Dr Naomi Goulder

Naomi is Dean for Academic Development & Innovation and Associate Professor in Philosophy at Northeastern University London. As a founding member of the University, she has played a significant role in the institution’s development and in the design, validation, launch, and delivery of its new undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Before joining Northeastern University London, Naomi lectured in moral and political philosophy at the University of Bristol and examined for the University of London, was a founding member of House + Holme studio creating ad campaigns for brands such as Alexander McQueen, Comme des Garçons, and Lanvin, and assisted Edward Enninful (now Editor, Vogue) at iD magazine. Naomi holds a first-class BA (Hons) degree in philosophy from the University of Cambridge, was a Henry Fellow at Harvard University, and wrote her doctoral degree (‘Authority and the Individual’) with an AHRC award at Birkbeck College, University of London.

Naomi works on the philosophy of action, moral psychology, and value theory and has published in academic and popular contexts on topics from aesthetics to political authority to morality and love. She contributed the ‘Philosophy of Action’ article, with Jennifer Hornsby, to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy and was a general editor, with AC Grayling and Andrew Pyle, of the Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy. She is currently editing David Wiggins’ ‘Solidarity and the Root of the Ethical’ and other essays (OUP, forthcoming), co-writing a book Ethics in the World (with Marianna Koli), completing a long-overdue monograph, and collaborating across institutions in the development of a novel online teaching resource.

Naomi frequently speaks on philosophical topics at universities and schools, is a regular panelist at the Institute of Art and Ideas’ How the Light Gets In philosophy and music festival, and has blogged for Prospect magazine.



PhD in Philosophy, University of London (2009)

MA in Philosophy, University of Cambridge (2002)

BA (first class) in Philosophy, University of Cambridge (1997)


Academic Honours

Teaching Award, Students’ Union, University of Bristol (2009-2010)

Doctoral Award, Arts & Humanities Research Council (2005-2008)

Henry Fellowship, Harvard University, Charles & Julia Henry Fund (1997-1998)

Scholarship, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University (1995-1997)


email: naomi.goulder@nchlondon.ac.uk

Dr Naomi Goulder's Research

Naomi is working on three books

  • Author: Philosophy of Action / Ethics
  • Editor: David Wiggins ‘Solidarity and the Root of the Ethical’ and other essays (Oxford University Press)
  • Co-author, with Marianna Koli: Ethics in the World (proposal 2018) 

and is a co-editor with A. C. Grayling and Andrew Pyle of

  • Encyclopedia of British Philosophy (Bloomsbury, 2006)


  • ‘Book Review: Speaking of Universities by Stefan Collini’ (Prospect Magazine, July 2017)
  • ‘Book Review: The Power of Meaning by Emily Esfahan Smith’ (Prospect Magazine, March 2017)
  • ‘Finding the Common Ground’ (National Theatre, ‘My Country’ programme, February 2017)
  • ‘Does justice exist independently of us, or do we construct it?’ (Prospect Magazine blog, December 2016)
  • ‘Universities need to be Accountable – But To What Standards?’ (Prospect Magazine blog, November 2016)
  • ‘What Is The Point Of Art?’ (Prospect Magazine blog, October 2016)
  • ‘Love: A Beautiful Lie?’ (Balance Magazine, September 2016)
  • ‘Do Self-Interest and Morality Necessarily Conflict?’ (Prospect Magazine blog, June 2016)
  • ‘In Place of Prejudice’ (Institute of Art and Ideas, January 2016) – later appeared in The Best IAI Articles of 2016
  • ‘Action’ Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2011, co-authored with J. Hornsby)
  • Authority & the Individual (2009 thesis, University of London)
  • Several articles in the Encyclopedia of British Philosophy (Bloomsbury: Thoemmes Continuum, 2006, co-edited with A. C. Grayling and Andrew Pyle)
  • ‘Glossary of Ethical Thought’ (2006, with F. Willemarck in Lucienne Roberts ed. Good: An Introduction to Ethics in Graphic Design, AVA Publishing)

TALKS & DEBATES (selected)

  • ‘How To Make the Right Decision’ (How The Light Gets In, festival debate with Bence Nanay and Barry Smith, 27.5.18)
  • ‘Mystery of the Good’ (How The Light Gets In, festival debate with Paul Boghossian and Michael Ruse, 27.5.18)
  • ‘A Question of Time’ (The Flipside and CommuneEAST panel discussion with Anil Seth and Leanne Elliott Young, 10.5.18)
  • ‘Cognitive Penetration and Ethical Knowledge’ (NCH, Philosophy Research Seminar, 14.11.17)
  • ‘Value, Cognition, and Practice’ (University of Hertfordshire, Philosophy Research Seminar, 19.10.17)
  • ‘Perceptual Illusions’ (University of Hertfordshire, Undergraduate Philosophy Society, 19.10.17)
  • ‘Hobbes and Self-Interest’ with panel discussion (Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Annual Symposium, 7.10.17)
  • ‘Critical Thinking’ (Art2Art, Radio 105.5, 23.7.17)
  • ‘On Perceptual Models of Emotion’ (NCH, Philosophy Research Seminar, 31.5.17)
  • ‘Emotion and Cognition’ (Real Time Club, Dinner, 22.5.17)
  • ‘Why Literature Matters’ (public event, co-organiser and host, 17.5.17)
  • ‘Moral Concepts and Motivation’ (NCH, Philosophy Research Seminar, 1.2.17)
  • ‘Virtues and Practice’ (NCH, Ottoline Club, 1.11.16)
  • ‘Love Affair’ (How The Light Gets In, festival debate with Helen Croydon and Anders Sandberg, 31.5.16)
  • ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Controversial’ (How The Light Gets In, festival debate with Brendan O’Neill, Sameer Rahim, Sam Roddick, 30.5.16)
  • ‘The Humean Theory of Motivation’ – Response to Sam Sims (NCH, Mind and Brain Conference – supported by the Analysis Trust, the Aristotelian Society, and the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, 26.3.16)
  • ‘Akrasia and Reasons Internalism’ (NCH, Philosophy Research Seminar, 11.2.16)
  • ‘Truth and Power’ (NCH, Undergraduate Philosophy Society, 25.11.15)
  • ‘Ethical Perception’ (NCH, Philosophy Research Seminar, 18.10.15)
  • ‘In Place of Prejudice’ (How The Light Gets In, festival debate with Clare Carlisle, Richard Coles, and John Harris, 26.5.15)
  • ‘Authenticity, Reality, and Being’ (How The Light Gets In, festival debate with Steve Fuller, Hillary Lawson, and Janne Teller, 25.5.15)
  • ‘Teleology in Action and Ethics’ (University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy Research Seminar, 12.5.15)
  • ‘Constitutivism’ (NCH, Philosophy Research Seminar, 25.2.15)
  • ‘Anscombe on Practical Knowledge’ (NCH, Philosophy Research Seminar, 12.11.14)
  • ‘On Acting Against One’s Better Judgment’ (University of Leeds, BPPA Annual Conference, Keynote, 11.9.14)
  • ‘Is Truth Valuable?’ (Goldsmiths, INC Philosophy Series, 21.1.14)
  • ‘Should animal research be banned?’ (University of London Debating Society, Animal Research Debate, 10.10.13)
  • ‘Akrasia’ (NCH, Ottoline Club, 28.5.13)
  • ‘On Being Moved By Reasons’ (University of Cardiff, Attitudes, Values, and Traits Workshop, 2011)

SCHOOL TALKS (selected)

  • ‘Morality and Self-Interest’ (NCH, June 2018)
  • ‘Why Study Philosophy?’ (NCH, Open Days, 2011 – ongoing)
  • ‘Existentialism’ (Worksop Schools Philosophy Conference, November 2016)
  • ‘Utilitarianism’ (Northeastern University London PPE / PPH Experience Day, January 2016)
  • ‘Logic Puzzles’ (London School of Excellence Taster Day, December 2015)
  • ‘Sartre’s Existentialism’ (Langton Liberal Arts Society, October 2015)
  • ‘Happiness and Liberty’ (NCH, Philosophy Taster Day, June 2015)
  • ‘Happiness’ (ACS Egham, June 2015)
  • ‘Ethics Without Authority’ (How The Light Gets In, festival talk for schools, May 2015)
  • ‘Being True to Oneself’ (How The Light Gets In, festival talk for schools, May 2015)
  • ‘Existentialism’ (How The Light Gets In, festival talk for schools, May 2015)
  • ‘Happiness’ (St Georges Ascot, January 2015)
  • ‘Liberty, Happiness, and Morality’ (Eltham College, November 2014)
  • ‘Theory of Knowledge’ debate (TOK Teachers day, October 2014)
  • ‘Liberty and Happiness’ (Camden School for Girls, March 2014)
  • ‘Freedom and Morality’ (Ibstock Place School, February 2014)
  • ‘Liberty and Legitimacy’ (Varndean School visit, February 2014)
  • ‘Truth’ (Sunday Times readers event, January 2014)
  • ‘Freedom, Happiness, Morality’ (South Hampstead School for Girls, October 2013)
  • ‘The Bernard Williams Lecture’ (Chigwell School, September 2013)
  • ‘Ethics versus Morality’ (Oxford High School, September 2013)
  • ‘Plato’s Symposium’ (Chateau de Quielle, June 2013)
  • ‘Ethical Knowledge’ (Theory of Knowledge Teachers’ Day, June 2013)
  • ‘The Euthyphro Dilemma’ (Radley School, April 2013)
  • ‘Freedom and Responsibility’ (Badminton School, April 2013)
  • ‘Love’ (Dr Challoners’ High School, November 2012)
  • ‘Freedom and Responsibility’ (Norfolk Summer School, November 2012)

Dr Naomi Goulder's Teaching

2012 – on-going

Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer, Northeastern University London

  • Advanced Ethics (Level 6) – Lecturer; Seminar Leader; Tutor; Examiner
  • Aesthetics (Level 6 & 7) – Lecturer; Seminar Leader; Tutor; Examiner
  • Applied Ethics (Diploma) – Lecturer; Tutor; Examiner; currently developing an associated digital teaching resource
  • Contemporary Ethics (Level 7) – Seminar Leader; Tutor; Examiner
  • Ethics: Contemporary Perspectives (Level 6) – Lecturer; Seminar Leader; Tutor
  • Introduction to Philosophy (Level 4) – Lecturer; Seminar Leader; Tutor
  • Modern Philosophy (Level 5) – Tutor
  • Philosophical Logic (Level 4) – Seminar Leader; Tutor
  • Technology and Human Values – Course Leader; Lecturer; Examiner
  • Values & Society (Level 7) – Course Leader; Seminar Leader; Examiner
  • BA Dissertations (Level 6) – Supervisor
  • MA Dissertations (Level 7) – Supervisor; Examiner

2009 – 2011

Teaching Fellow in Moral and Political Philosophy, University of Bristol

Winner, Students’ Union Teaching Award, 2010

  • Skills and Methods (Level 7) – Course Leader; Seminar Leader.
  • Autonomy (Level 6) – Lecturer; Seminar Leader; Examiner
  • Global Justice (seminar leader and tutor)
  • Introduction to Ethics (Level 4) – Seminar Leader; Examiner
  • Introduction to Political Philosophy (Level 4) – Lecturer; Seminar Leader; Examiner
  • Kierkegaard and Sartre (Level 5) – Seminar Leader; Tutor
  • Personal Identity (Level 6) – Lecturer
  • Plato and the Trial of Socrates (Level 4) – Lecturer
  • Schopenhauer and Nietzsche (Level 5) – Seminar leader; Tutor
  • BA Dissertations (Level 6) – Supervisor; Examiner
  • MA Dissertations (Level 7) – Supervisor; Examiner

2004 – 2009

Sessional Lecturer in Philosophy, Birkbeck College, University of London

  • Introduction to Philosophy (Level 4) – Seminar Leader; Examiner
  • Philosophy of Mind and Language (Level 7) – Lecturer