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About Dr Sara Raimondi

Dr Sara Raimondi joined Northeastern University London in July 2019 and she is currently an Assistant Professor in Politics & International Relations. She is currently course leader for several Level 5 courses in the Politics and IR programme, including “Old Powers New Powers: Imperialism, Colonialism and the Modern State”, “Political Ideologies” and “Societies in Transition”. She also convenes a course in Digital Politics for the MSc in Digital Politics and Sustainable Development. Sara is also acting as UG Admissions Tutor for Politics and IR at Northeastern University London.

Prior to that, she taught as Visiting Lecturer at several UK HE institutions, including the University of Westminster, University of East London, University of West London and University of Hertfordshire, where she acted as module and seminar leader of a variety of courses across politics and International Relations.

Dr Raimondi completed her PhD in December 2018 from the University of Westminster. Her doctoral thesis was a theoretical analysis of the debates around the politics of life in contemporary continental political theory.

She owns a BA in Philosophy (2007-2010) and a MSc in Economics and Political Sciences (2010-2012), both from the University of Studies of Milan, and a MA in International Relations and Democratic Politics with Distinction (2013-2014) from the University of Westminster.

Professional Affiliations

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2016)
Association for Political Theory

Political Studies Association – Political Theory Standing Group

European Consortium of Political Research – Political Theory Steering

Member of Nomos: International Centre for Law, Culture and Power,
Jagiellonian University in Kraków.


Dr Sara Raimondi's Research

Dr Raimondi’s research is situated in the area of political theory and contemporary political philosophy. Sara completed her doctoral thesis in political theory in December 2018 at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Westminster. Her doctoral project was a theoretical exploration of the relationship between biopolitical and neo-vitalist approaches around debates on the politics of life in contemporary political theory, particularly in the context of identity-formation and accommodation of different ways of being. The theses provided the basis for an upcoming monograph, currently under contract with SUNY – State of New York University Press, to be released in 2023. Parallel to her thesis, she developed research expertise in the areas of humanism in political theory and philosophy; debates in political ontology and theories of states of exception, and she has produced research outputs in both areas.



  • Edited Collection “Debating Biopolitics: New Perspectives on the Politics of Life”, co-edited with Marco Piasentier, to be released in 2022 with Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Monograph “The Episteme of Life: Biopolitics, Vitalism and Life in Between”, under contract with SUNY Press, to be released in 2023.

Peer-reviewed Articles and Chapters

  • “A Philosophy of the Impersonal for Pandemic Times”, in Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory (forthcoming, 2022).
  • “Beyond ‘the Most Serious Suspension of Rights’ of Genoa: Violence, Anomie and Force of Law”, book chapter in the edited collection “States of Exception: Law, History, Theory” (Routledge series in Law and Politics Series, 2021).
  • “An all-too-human future? Revolution, Utopia and the Many Lives of Humanity”, in Contemporary Political Theory, 9(2): 91-99 (2020).
  • “From Schmitt to Foucault: Inquiring the Relationship Between Exception and Democracy”,Democratic Theory, 2016. 3(1): 52-70.


Dr Sara Raimondi's Teaching

At Northeastern University London, Dr Raimondi teaches the following courses:

  • Old Powers New Powers: Imperialism, Colonialism and the Modern State (Level 5)
  • Political Ideologies (Level 5)
  • Societies in Transition (Level 5)
  • Dissertation Supervision (Level 6)
  • Global Politics in the Digital Age (Level 7)

Teaching Appointments

Visiting Lecturer in Politics and International Relations (Module Leader), University of Hertfordshire (2018-2019)

Visiting Lecturer in Research Methods (Module Leader), University of West London (2019)

Visiting Lecturer in Political Philosophy (Module Leader), University of East London (2017-2018)

Visiting Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster (2015-2018)

Other Roles and Appointments

  • Undergraduate Admission Tutor for the Faculty of Politics and International Relations at Northeastern University London (since 2019).
  • External Examiner in Politics at School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Anglia Ruskin University (2020-2024).