About Dr Ibukun Afolabi

Ibukun Afolabi is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Northeastern University London. Prior to her joining Northeastern University London in 2022, she held a Senior Lecturer position in Covenant University where she was involved in Computer Science related teaching and research for over 15 years. She works with businesses, using data science to solve problems leading to improved profit. She focuses on using both research and industrial problem solving experience to link business analytics to return on investments.


Ibukun received her PhD (Computer Science, 2012) from Covenant University and MSc (Computer Science, 2005) from the University if Ibadan.
She received her undergraduate degree (Engineering Physics, 2001) from Obafemi Awolowo University.

Email: ibukuntolulope.afolabi@nulondon.ac.uk

Dr Ibukun Afolabi's Research

Ibukun’s research interests is focused on applying text analytics, network analytics and data analytics to solving business related problems. She works with retail business, particularly in the ecommerce domain. She recently published her book titled “Data Science and Analytics for SMEs” (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-8670-8). The book teaches the tricks and techniques of business analytics consulting for small business.

Selected publications

Afolabi, I.T., Makinde, O.S., Oladipupo, O.O. (2019) Semantic Web mining for Content-Based Online Shopping Recommender Systems in International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies Volume 15, Issue 4, Pages 41-56

Afolabi I.T., Ezenwoke A., Ayo C.K. (2017). Competitive Analysis of Social Media Data in the Banking Industry in International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. Issue 11Volume 3, pp. 183–201

Fatudimu I.T., Uwadia C.O. (Prof.)* and Ayo C.K (PhD)” A Knowledge Mining approach for effective Customer Relationship Management” International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, 3(2), pp76-86, April-June 2013, ISSN 2155-6393,eISSN 2155-6407

A complete list of publications is available here

Dr Ibukun Afolabi's Teaching

Course taught before appointment in Northeastern University London

Introduction to Computer Science, Database Management Systems, C# Programming, Python Programming, Human Computer Interaction, Software Architecture & Design, Advanced Expert System, Data Mining & Warehousing, Java Programming, Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Data Mining & Warehousing


Courses taught at Northeastern University London (Academic year 2022–2023)

Database Management System, level 7

Data Driven Analytics , level 7


Scopus Profile link – Afolabi, Ibukun Tolulope – Author details – Scopus Preview

Linkedin profile – linkedin.com/in/afolabi-ibukun-051777a6

Github profile – github.com/ibkAfolabi

Researchgate – https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Afolabi-Ibukun