About Dr Susan Frances Jones

Sue attended Edinburgh College of Art and Edinburgh University before obtaining a PhD in art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art. She has curatorial experience from The National Gallery, London (1994-96) and The Art Institute of Chicago (1998-2001), where she co-authored a catalogue of the museum’s holdings of Netherlandish, British, Spanish, French and German paintings before 1600. She has taught widely in the U.S and the U.K, and has lived in Brussels several times, where she was Art Historian and Project Manager of the ‘VERONA’ project, which involved technical documentation and study of all the paintings by Jan van Eyck and his circle in European and US museums. In 2019, the project won a European Heritage Award/ Europa Nostra Award for Research. Sue’s experience in Belgium also connected her to the ongoing project of the restoration and study of the Ghent Altarpiece, to which she contributed an article on the authenticity of the so-called quatrain. Her current research centres on the altarpiece’s inscriptional programme and, more widely, the visual, aesthetic and emblematic connotations of texts. Her other major project addresses networks of people, places and things in the 15th-century Burgundian Netherlands. As part of this, she is part of an international research group on the life and legacy of Anselm Adornes.


The Verona website: Closer to Van Eyck (kikirpa.be) (Further Works by Jan van Eyck)

The online reconstruction of the quatrain on the frame of the Ghent Altarpiece: http://closertovaneyck.kikirpa.be/ghentaltarpiece/#home/sub=kwatrijn

A video of the Verona team in action at the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum, Madrid:


Link to academia.edu page:

(9) Susan Frances Jones | Northeastern University London – Academia.edu