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Engage with the world, from the vantage point of a culturally diverse global city.


Dr. Anca Crowe is an Assistant Professor in Innovation Studies at Northeastern University London. Anca holds a PhD in Chinese Studies (Education focus) from King’s College London, a PGCE from UCL, and a BA and MPhil in Politics (minor in Global History) from the University of Vienna, Austria.

Anca lived in China for eight years, where she learnt Mandarin and worked as an educator and curriculum designer for various education centres in Shanghai and Hangzhou. In the UK, she worked for KCL and UCL, teaching on a wide range of Global Politics, Development and Business courses. Her research interests engage with education and society, especially innovative pedagogies, as well as migration and development, with a South-East Asian focus. For over a decade, she has been an education consultant on the Chinese education sector.