Starting a new degree involves learning a lot more than the content of your course. It requires learning to research and write like an academic, to structure your time in a way that allows you to devote yourself to the program, and to select the right modules for your self-development and future plans.

Whatever the issue you’re facing, the academic advisory team is here to support students at all stages of their academic journey.

Academic advisors are available via email and via appointments arranged via Target Connect. Our purpose is to help you select the courses that are right for you, and to advise on a range of topics including, but not limited to:

  • Organisation and time management;
  • Study skills, including notetaking, revision, and research techniques;
  • Interpreting University policy (including extenuating circumstances requests and resits);
  • Programme transfers and withdrawals;
  • Adapting to academic life in London;
  • Other sources of support

Advisors also coordinate with faculty to identify students with attendance or performance issues. If you’re contacted by the academic advisory team, we’ll help you tailor a plan to meet the requirements of your course and get your academic journey back on track.

Finally, the advisors provide a series of workshops throughout the year on such topics as study skills, motivation, and public speaking. More information can be found on our canvas page, or by watching for advertisements throughout campus.

You can contact us on our email address: