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Learning Support Plans


Northeastern University London is committed to providing  reasonable adjustments and support to students living with a disability or Specific Learning Differences. Student Support and Development (SSD) provide reasonable adjustments through a Learning Support Plan (referred to as a LSP). The Student Wellbeing Coordinators (SWCs) can assist you develop a LSP to suit your needs in a confidential way.

What is an LSP?

A Learning Support Plan is a confidential document with all agreed reasonable adjustments. A reasonable adjustment is a change that the University makes to prevent your disability from disadvantaging you in your studies. A reasonable adjustment cannot change the academic standards of the programme.

Who is eligible

Students living with the following may be eligible for reasonable adjustments in a Learning Support Plan:

  • Students living with disabilities: As defined in the Equality Act 2010, a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Disability in this context can include a wide range of issues and conditions, this may include but is not limited to the following:
    • Students with specific learning differences (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia
    • Students who are neurodiverse such as students with ADHD or Autism
    • Students with sensory disabilities
    • Students with mobility disabilities
    • Students with invisible conditions
    • Students with mental health conditions
  • Students with short-term injuries or conditions: For example students who have sustained an injury, undergone surgery, or are experiencing a short-term health condition, short-term reasonable adjustments may be appropriate to remove barriers that may impact a student’s participation in their studies and assessment.

The above list is not exhaustive and you should contact Student Support to discuss anything impacting your studies to see if a LSP or other support could be implemented.

Learning Support Plan Process  

 We offer reasonable adjustments to students completing a taught course or programme of study.  To arrange reasonable adjustments, you must provide relevant supporting documentation (such as medical notes or reports from a relevant medical professional or practitioner such as a General Practitioner, educational psychologist, or psychiatrist). 

Students need to complete the Disability Disclosure form and Learning Support Plan Pathway through Target Connect. Through the pathway you will meet with a Coordinator from Student Support who will discuss with you your reasonable adjustments to create your LSP. 

 OR provide evidence and complete a Disability Disclosure Form sending the form and evidence to You will then need to meet with a Coordinator from Student Support to discuss what reasonable adjustments you may need and to create your LSP. 

Your LSP will then be shared with our assessments team and faculty. The exact nature of your disability will not be shared. 

Global and London Scholars can also disclose their disability and provide evidence through the Disability Resource Centre (DRC) in Boston and a member of SSD will be in touch to create their Learning Support Plan for their studies in London.

Important notes for the following students:

  • Northeastern Global Experience Students
    • Global Scholars:

If you are joining NU London for the second semester of your Global Scholar programme and you received reasonable adjustments at your prior Global Scholar site, SSD will contact you at the beginning of term. Our SWCs will send you your adjustments for the structure of teaching and learning at NU London and you will be asked to confirm them in order for your adjustments to be put into place. .

  • London Scholars:

If you are joining NU London for your first year of the London Scholars programme, you should request reasonable adjustments at NU London for your first year. When you join Northeastern’s Boston campus for your second year, you will be updated by the Disability Resource Center with an updated accommodation plan.

  • Apprenticeship Learners
    • If you are an apprentice learner, you should declare a need for reasonable adjustments at least six weeks before an assessment to use reasonable adjustments.
    • Please note that it is essential to provide medical evidence / documentation if you require reasonable adjustments with external assessors. You will need to contact a SWC if you have any further questions.

Types of adjustments we offer

Summative versus formative assessment:

A summative assessment is how you are assessed in reaching the learning outcomes of your programme. A formative assessment is an informal assessment set by your tutors. Reasonable adjustments can be applied to both formative and summative assessments.

Types of adjustments we offer 

The reasonable adjustments in your Learning Support Plan will reflect your individual needs and the requirements of your programme of study. The following are examples of the kinds of reasonable adjustments we can arrange:

  • Classroom Adjustments:
    • permission to audio-record lectures
    • adjustments to formative assessment, such as extensions to agreed with faculty no more than 7 days in advance of the deadline
    • recommendations for accessible formats on classroom equipment, such as larger point font handouts
    • speak directly with your tutors to ensure they know that you have specific needs (ex short breaks during class, a preferred seating arrangement)
    • Labs: students should discuss alternative arrangements for lab classes (such as adaptive lab equipment) with their faculty members
  • Summative Assessment and Examination Adjustments:
    • extensions for coursework, for example a one week extension can be provided; please note that coursework adjustments are separate from Extenuating Circumstances applications
    • extended time for examinations, standard time allowance is  25% extra time
    • rest breaks of 10 mins/hour
    • assessment materials in accessible formats such as large point fonts
    • use of computer or other adaptive equipment
    • use of foam earplugs (provided by the university as part of an LSP)
  • Co-curricular Adjustments: speak with your tutor in advance of any trips if you require any alternative arrangements to co-curricular trips

LSP examination deadlines 

In order for reasonable adjustments to be guaranteed for exams, your LSP must be confirmed and completed through Target Connect, 6 weeks in advance of the examination period. We encourage students to begin the process of arranging reasonable adjustments before starting an academic programme.

Should your requirements change, please contact a SWC as soon as possible to ensure reasonable adjustments can be made available in a timely manner.

If your adjustments are not able to be put in place ahead of exams please contact a SWC to discuss if Extenuating Circumstances would be appropriate.

In-class adjustments can be put in place at any time throughout the year, however you are encouraged to contact a SWC as early as possible.


What is a PEEP?

A PEEP is a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. A PEEP is necessary for any individual who may need assistance to evacuate or reach a safety point in the event of an emergency.

Who Needs a PEEP?

You may need a PEEP if you have a mobility, sensory, hearing, or neurodivergent condition or other circumstances such as a short-term injury that would prevent you from evacuating the building without assistance.

How to arrange a PEEP?

If you feel that this applies to you, please notify a SWC who will coordinate a meeting with facilities to create a PEEP for you.

Peep for Labs 

If you need a PEEP for a lab at London Met, please contact your faculty member to arrange this.


Information disclosed can be made confidential but can limit how much academic support arrangements are placed for you. In some circumstances , where we might not be able to maintain confidentiality (E.g if you or someone is at risk). For further information on how the university maintains and stores your information , please see our  Student Confidentiality statement.

Tips for feeling more comfortable at Devon House 

Please note the following accessibility features of the Devon House campus:

  • Level entrance to the building
  • 4 lifts available for all areas of the building, however there are heavy manually operated doors to gain access to campus from the lifts
  • All core areas of campus have accessible toilets
  • Accessible Hot and Cold water drinking tap in Campus Hub
  • Hearing Loop system

Please note that many classrooms have glass windows to the main hallways and there is often music played in the Campus Hub and cafe areas. We recommend students to consider wearing tinted glasses or earplugs/ear defenders around campus to manage sensory stimulation of noise and light. You can also use the dedicated Quiet study spaces on the ground and second floors.


Please contact or make an appointment through Target Connect

Your LSP will not be recorded in your transcript.

Adjustments from your LSP will be shared with relevant faculty members and the Student Assessments team – meaning that only the reasonable adjustments (e.g. coursework adjustment) will be shared but the nature of your disability, chronic condition, mental health condition, or specific learning difference will not.

If you need reasonable adjustments for a lab class, please contact your faculty member directly to discuss special arrangements for adaptive lab equipment or other reasonable adjustments for a lab.

If you need a PEEP for a lab at London Met, please contact your faculty member to arrange this.

We encourage students to discuss their classroom adjustments (such as audio-recording, adjustments to presentations, materials in alternative assignments, and adjustments for co-curricular activities, with faculty members. If you need support discussing your adjustments with your faculty members please contact Student Support.

A formative assessment is an informal assessment set by your tutors. Reasonable adjustments can be applied to both formative and summative assessments.

If you have adjustments for summative assessments (such as extra time, rest breaks, or coursework adjustments) and require these adjustments for your formative assessments, you must notify your faculty member 7 days in advance of the deadline, presentation, or in-class activity.

A summative assessment is how you are assessed in reaching the learning outcomes of your programme.

If you have adjustments for in-person examinations, your exam will be scheduled with the extra-time and rest breaks for you. You should check your CELCAT timetable to find the examination room scheduled with the correct time allowance for your exam. Please contact a Student Support or if you have questions.If you have a coursework adjustment, you must request use of your coursework adjustment 2 business days in advance of the deadline by emailing and stating the course, assessment title, and normal due date. If you do not request the extension in time the original deadline still applies and late penalties will be applied.