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The Northeastern University London School Certificate in Philosophy FAQs


Do I need to register my students?

Registration is not required in order to begin teaching. We request that you register your school and an indication of likely numbers of students who will be submitting projects by 1st April 2024 to assist with preparations for moderation.

How do I enter individual students?

If you have registered we will send out a spreadsheet for registered schools to make individual student entries and record their marks. This will be sent after 1st April 2024 and should be completed and sent back by 1st June 2024.

What is the charge for the course?

The charge per student will be £20. There is a lower fee of £7.50 for students on our list of Aspiring State Schools and Colleges, you must be on our list to quality.

When are entries made?

You will need to register your school by 1st April in the year of certification. Work will need to be available for moderation by 1st June 2024.

When is the deadline for students to be entered for this course?

The deadline for registering your school is 1st April 2024.

Where can I read a previous examiner’s report?

You can read it here

How do I submit projects for moderation?

If you have registered your school during the 2023/24 academic year you will have received further instructions on how to submit your students’ projects. The link to submit is here

What are the guidelines on the use of AI?

AI usage should be treated using the same approach that applies to use by students of other research sources in projects. Source use should be referenced and the student should not submit work from another source as if it was their own. Students and teachers are expected to sign the form which states that the project is the student’s own work. A conversation between the teacher and the student may be appropriate as a way of checking, should questions arise about the extent to which the work submitted is in fact the student’s own, either because of assistance from the third party or use of an AI writing tool. If a project does contain material which is not the student’s own, and it is not clearly cited or identified as being from other sources, the project should not be submitted as it stands though the school may choose to allow the student to re-work the project so that both teacher and student can confirm it is the student’s own work.

I’m interested in running the certificate in future academic years, how do I do this?

After careful consideration, NU London will be pausing delivery of the certificate for the 2024/25 academic year for an internal review. We remain committed to supporting the current cohort of schools and students enrolled in the certificate in the 2023/24 academic year but we will not currently be taking registrations for future years. We will provide any updates as soon as we are able to.