The Essay Competition is offered by Northeastern University London, based at Devon House 58 St Katharine’s Way, London, E1W 1LP
The Competition is open to students who are currently in their penultimate year of secondary education (the equivalent of Y12 in England or Grade 11 in India).
Entries should answer one of the specified questions.
Entrants must register here to participate in the competition. We cannot accept submissions if the student has not first registered.
Essays must be of approximately 1,500 words typed and in double line spacing, with the student’s full name at the bottom or top of each page, and be submitted in Word document or PDF format. We will allow +/- 10% range of 1,500. Titles, references and footnotes are not included in the word count.
Essays should be submitted via the online form provided in the registration confirmation email.
When registering for the competition and submitting your essay/report please use the same name throughout and title your file: [Student First Name].[Student Last Name].[Essay subject] e.g ‘Alice.Smith.History’
When submitting your essay, you must state the name and email address that you used when registering for the competition, using a different name or email may result in disqualification.
We will only accept essays in the following formats .doc/.docx and .PDF
The essay must be the sole creation and original work of the entrant. The essay/report must not have been submitted to this or any other essay competition in previous years.
Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
Essays/Reports generated with the use of AI or chatbot systems such as ChatGPT or alike will result in automatic disqualification.
An essay may be a reworked piece of the entrant’s coursework or an extract of their dissertation, provided that it was originally the sole creation of the entrant.
Shortlisted entries will be approved to warrant that the entrant is eligible for the competition. This will be undertaken by the judges once they have a short list of the best essays.
No person may submit more than one essay for each annual competition.
The award winners grant the University the right to publish or reproduce at any time all or part of the award-winning entries.
The prizes on offer are stated here. Entrants cannot win more than one prize in any one year. The award of all or any of the prizes lies solely within the discretion of the judges. The judges’ decision will be final.
The deadline for the receipt of entries is 2pm GMT Monday 6th January 2025. Please note that late entries cannot be accepted under any circumstances.
All entries will be acknowledged by email. Entrants who unsubscribe from the University’s emails will not receive acknowledgement of their entry nor will they receive email communications about their performance in the competition. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to provide feedback on unsuccessful entries.
Winners are entitled to refer to the achievement on their CV and university application personal statement.
It is anticipated that the prize-winners will be announced in April 2025.
The decision of the Senior Director of London Campus Marketing on interpretation of these Rules will be final.