Global experiences Q&A


What to expect from the UK higher education system? The Scholars academic programmes are fully integrated to the Northeastern Boston curriculum. Courses in London are accredited in the UK, and they follow UK higher education regulations. This means that students might experience academic specificities which might differ from what they are familiar with or expecting from a US education system.

How to adjust to the UK higher education system?

It is normal to feel a bit lost when studying in a system that is different from what you are familiar with or what you might expect.

  • Make sure to familiarise yourself with the documents shared with you before you arrive in London and do your own research.
  • Once you are in London, make sure you know who your key points of contact are to ask them questions: academic advisors & Associate Director for Global Experience Programmes
  • Make sure you know your support system: residence life coordinators & wellbeing coordinators
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your professors. Office hours are a great way to clarify academic questions.

Tips for academic success in London

  • read all emails and documentation sent to you
  • share your concerns and questions with the London teams (academic advisors, Associate Director, discipline professors) early on so that solutions can be found
  • Make the most of formative opportunities: make sure to complete homework, preparations, formative exercises and to ask for feedback, it will help you gauge your progress in between summative assessments
  • Use London as your classroom: you will be in one of the most vibrant cities in the world; make the most of it by drawing connections between your courses and the city
  • develop your network: in London, you will share classes with students from different programmes, this is a great opportunity to engage with students from different backgrounds
  • Use this time in a different academic system to find your own studying style