XN Impact Challenge case study: How businesses can help drive a regenerative economy, set by Volans

What was the project?

An experiential network (XN) project was set by external partner Volans on how businesses can help drive a regenerative economy.

What was involved?

Students worked in teams from different disciplines to address the challenge set by Volans on the regenerative economy. With regular assistance from university staff and industry professionals, they developed a creative and evidence-informed solution to the challenge. Students presented their solutions in an Ideas for Impact event at the end of the semester. 

How did students learn?

Students honed their transferable skills, especially those that are in high demand by employers, such as teamwork, creative thinking, problem-solving, and communication. There were regular opportunities for reflection to help students analyse the experience and consider its value for their own personal and professional development.

Key benefits for students included:

  • engaged in real-world learning that could be showcased to prospective employers 
  • developed industry insight and expert knowledge 
  • networked and discovered potential employment opportunities 
  • enhanced personal and professional development 
  • had a meaningful experience with real-world impact 
  • engaged in a deeper level of learning, applying academic knowledge to a complex global challenge in an interdisciplinary context 

Student perspective

Mackenzie Green

“Working with an external partner was an invaluable way to gain experience with hands-on learning. Seeing what the partner actually does, and being able to replicate their work was an invaluable experience, and provided insight into the company’s day-to-day workings. Meeting with and talking to industry professionals was also a great way to start building connections within the field.”

Mackenzie Green, BSc (Hons) Politics & International Relations student

Meriam Chebil

“As someone who had the pleasure of taking the course and working on the project during my first year, I can definitely say that the course helps students evolve into the future professionals that we all aspire to be.The course has helped me work and meet with other amazing students and current industry professionals to create a project to help better business practices for the environment. Beyond this, the hands-on experience that I received during the course has helped direct me into the career I hope to go into.”

Meriam Chebil, BSc (Hons) Business student

External partner perspective

“It was a real pleasure being asked to present and set a project to a group of first-year students at Northeastern University London. The students were committed, positive, and passionate about the topic of regeneration. They responded well to being challenged to think critically and creatively and be bold in their responses. And knowing they were using the learnings outside of the classroom made it even more worthwhile.”

Mark Roper, Head of Marketing and Operations, Volans