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Degree Apprenticeship Programmes

A degree apprenticeship is a partnership between the University and an employer. Apprentices are employed by the employer, who matches them with experienced staff who will help them to learn relevant skills. Simultaneously, the University’s tailored educational programmes equip apprentices with appropriate theoretical and practical knowledge.

Why Employ an Apprentice?

An apprenticeship is an approach to learning in the workplace. You can ‘take on an apprentice’ as a new hire, but you can also provide apprenticeship training for existing staff.

The apprenticeship programme requires a commitment from both the employer and the employee. The employer will need to support the employee through their training, provide on the job training, coaching and mentoring and will need to allow the employee at least 6 hours per week of their working time to learn off the job.

The employee will need to commit to the learning, to use their time off-the-job efficiently and productively to attend learning events, complete assignments and prepare for projects.

This commitment is rewarded with:

  • Skilled, knowledgeable staff
  • Increased staff retention
  • Increased productivity
  • Lower training costs
  • A talent pipeline
  • A more diverse workforce